90 Not the capital of the emperor, but the emperor!? 5K [-] in [-]

After confirming that what Mother Kiganto said was true, the Cubs of Light, who suddenly received such heavy news, lost the mood to severely damage the logistics of the Star Alliance.

He casually handed the Cyrose in his hand to the Seventh Master who came after hearing the news, and handed over the task of going to the Gognim star to liberate the mules and kneeling tribes to Superman Seven and set up a portable space beacon to signal him to call for help at any time. Xu Yuan sat cross-legged and lost in thought.

After meditating on the spot for a long time, the cub of light still found nothing until the message of 'everything is settled, but you'd better take a look' came from Qiye and Sai Shao.

No way, too little information.

When the universe was destroyed in the last era, Kiganto's mother was just an ignorant child.

From her perspective, it is naturally difficult to see the root cause behind the destruction of the universe.

It now appears that it may be necessary to change the previous plan of 'not interfering with the dark universe'.

Since Giganto's Mother survived the destruction of the universe in the last era, Lei Xu has no reason not to wonder whether other civilizations are like this.

The civilizations of the dark universe are quite suspicious, and the superficial universe where the Kingdom of Light is located is not without that possibility.

In short, the Story0 universe suddenly became somewhat mysterious in the eyes of the Cubs of Light.

Thinking in a bad direction, destruction and reconstruction are all things done by a terrible evil god based on some unknown purpose——

Lei Xu, who has experienced the two treacherous existences of Reaper and Gherlos, is not surprised by this!

Presumably in a good direction, that is, the legendary giants may have made a move.

The first person to be suspected is Miss De. After all, she is known as the Creator God of the Great Universe.

But the Cubs of Light prefer the former—

The Story0 universe is suspected to be in the chaotic universe, combined with the countless destroyed universes outside, it is hard not to let him think in a bad direction...

With a somewhat heavy heart, Lei Xu stood up and stepped forward, arriving at a... not to mention a barren planet where not even a blade of grass grows, it can also be called a savage planet.


The slight panic that suddenly rose in my heart and quickly faded away... and the feeling that someone was whispering behind my back made the Cub of Light suddenly stop, and Lei Xu looked at the ground under his feet inexplicably——

Is it an illusion! ?

I always feel like someone is going to cheat us...


The progress of the increasingly chaotic and dangerous battle situation in the outside world is unknown to the L77 princess who is on the way.

She opened her arms towards the blue planet as if possessed, her mind was extremely confused.

Why is that planet blue?

How could she be, and why would she be blue! ?

What is going on with all this she has experienced now...

Princess L77 thought a lot, but basically couldn't keep thinking for long——

The blue planet seems to be close at hand, but it is actually located almost in the center of this strange starry sky.

In this strange starry sky, she dared not walk around at will.

Especially when not far away, I feel the intertwined, entwined and pulled, but to a certain extent, the delicately balanced gravitational force is constantly turned into a pulling force on the body, and the L77 princess instinctively slows down the speed of travel. .

It wasn't until this time that she began to look around and realized that the starry sky she was in was a bit too lively——

Looking around, those big and small planets are actually extremely close to her, and there is no loneliness that should be expected in the normal universe starry sky.

Before traveling to the wandering L77, she also transformed into a breakthrough atmosphere and soared across the universe, looking at the mysterious and deep starry sky with fascination.

The blood of curiosity boiled with it.

If it weren't for the unrecovered family members who resisted this sudden power and regarded it as a disaster.

I'm afraid she has already stepped into the starry sky recklessly following the curiosity in her heart, and set out to explore the far side of the universe, instead of...

Since more than 200 years ago, I have taken on such responsibilities and burdens, and I have been cautious and careful to maintain the seemingly tough, but in fact, dangerous and difficult situations that may be overturned at any time...

Taking advantage of the distance on the journey, let's take my mind off the useless memories that are almost self-pitying, and the princess of L77 began to consider a new situation:

The two boys just now seemed to say that the other had a child named 'Lei Xu', right?

Judging from the conversation with the two boys and the conditions proposed by the mysterious and terrifying guy before, her child seems to be very promising.

Hey, good boy, you didn't lose face to your mother and me.

To be able to give birth to such a promising son... Hey, it's really me!

Wait, wait, why did you think of this?

Princess L77 felt weird for a moment, she stopped in time and pulled back her thoughts again.

But soon, the idea of ​​running around in my mind turned in another direction——

Speaking of having children, doesn't it mean that the other 'self' in the parallel universe has found a man he likes?

Is it the love that she encountered a burglary like she thought! ?

Princess L77 is very curious right now——

Or is it true that he insisted on the standard at the beginning and met a guy who could completely crush and conquer her in terms of force and intelligence?

Thinking of this possibility, she was actually a little envious of the 'self' who had a child, and she was still a little bit unconvinced:

Theoretically, they are all the same person, why can you meet us but not us?


Hi, so angry!

The distance in the starry sky gradually shortened while dealing with the gravitational force of the chaotic and mutated planet, and half of it passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Princess L77 thought that the remaining half of the journey would be spent in her mind, the sudden voice of chanting in her ear made her stop——

[Salute to you, Your Highness. 】

【Eh? 】

The princess of L77 stood in emptiness, staring at the cosmic man who looked like some kind of insect no matter how she looked at it, but unexpectedly held up a pair of giant tongs and bowed gracefully to her.

Her eyes quickly scanned the left and near, but she didn't find a third person, so she couldn't help but hesitate:

【Who are you......】

He called himself His Highness, but Princess L77 did not remember that she knew this type of cosmic being.

[It is too impolite for me not to report my name immediately. 】

The cosmic man's unexpected posture was humble, and he never stood up:

[My humble Balu, a humble name is not worth mentioning, His Highness can call you as you like. 】


Several question marks were visible to the naked eye on Princess L77's expressionless metal face.

This title and attitude completely treat her as a noble existence, but...

[Wait a minute! 】

She expressed her doubts:

【Why do you call me Your Highness? 】

[Your Highness is Your Highness. 】

The cosmic man named Balu still maintained a bowing posture:

[Although it is out of date and inappropriate, I and the whole Baltan family must still pay you the highest respect——

Thank you for cultivating such an outstanding majesty, we, Baltan, are willing to serve His Majesty forever...]

Hearing the sound, the princess of L77 fell into silence——

I, my son has the qualifications of a great emperor! ?

In fact, what she doesn't know is that her thinking is still too conservative.

At the same time, this is not a unilateral decision that Baru just made!

Before his trip, it was a joint resolution adopted by Baltan's high-level officials with a small-scale pilot, but it was amazingly passed with an overwhelming number of votes.

Unlike most of the cosmic countryside's disgraceful 'kin', the Didi universe's Baltans are noble and wealthy.

The son of a daughter cannot sit still——

If you don't want to cause devastating consequences to the innocent Baltan family because of the death of the so-called "families" who don't know which universe came out of.

Then, Baltan must find a way to be alone!

After careful consideration, the Baltans successfully reached an agreement, agreeing that there is one and only one way to do this—

Our family will be loyal to you (referring to the universe emperor Reza)!

There is nothing wrong with it, almost all civilizations in the Didi universe are eager to do this, especially after the "Evil God Hunting" was revealed in "Light of the Earth".

In this way, too many civilizations want to be loyal and have no way to do so!

The Kingdom of New Light does not accept any form of alliances and naliang.

Earth... Humans insist on being alone, and the TPC is very firm in its attitude of not getting involved in the universe and forming gangs.

The Ampera Empire will take over, but firstly, Didai has no universe, and secondly...

I heard that most of the civilizations in the mobile Austrian universe who tried to visit the docks have shed a layer of skin, and the gang of killers in the Ampera Empire are stronger than each other.

The King of Hades is easy to see, but the little ghost is hard to deal with.

I don't know if His Majesty Reza is aware of this situation.


Hehe, it's okay if necessary.

Some things are either not to be done, or to be done!

In Baloo's view, the Cubs of Light, as the emperor of the universe, actually do not lack subordinates and loyalists.

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