As an ordinary loyal civilization, and then lose everyone in the follower civilization whose number scale will inevitably grow stronger?

This wise man can do nothing!

Baloo sensed an opportunity—

A chance to keep their Baltans alive forever!

As the size of the Kingdom of New Light actually continues to grow, things similar to those under the Ampera Empire will only intensify, and will not be limited to the Ampera Empire.

Don't think about it, this is an inevitable development!

Because of this, Baltan has the opportunity to become an 'indispensable' part of the Kingdom of the New Light——

The Kingdom of the New Light needs Overseers!

A watcher who is detached enough to dare to offend all other civilizations!

Yes, the Ultra Clan is the best choice, Baloo admitted.

But who told Didi that there is no Kingdom of Light in the Universe! ?

With the expansion of the Kingdom of New Light in the future, the manpower of the Otto clan will only become more and more stretched.

Yes, Baloo's hopes were not high——

It is enough to ensure the safety of the Baltan family within the scope of Didi Universe!

The rest will be left to time.

After all, even he... the Giant of Light, Balu, cannot shelter Baltan forever...

At the same time, there is a prerequisite -

Only the lone minister who is hated by all civilizations can become the supervisor of the Kingdom of New Light except for the Ott family!

Of course, in the beginning, no one in Baltan in Didi Universe thought in this direction.

What is your allegiance to?

Is it not good to cooperate on an equal footing?

Do not lower your head! ?

As the lucky ones who got involved, the Baltan girl Sharon and Balut, who played a decisive role in the Death God incident, really allowed the whole Baltan family to enjoy top-notch preferential treatment in the entire universe for a period of time.

Even for a while... After learning about what happened in the Mobile Universe——

The Baltans of the Didai universe felt superior to others and sneered at the group of fellows from different universes who shamelessly called Reza "Your Majesty" and held courtiers later!

But when the news came that Baltans of the Mobile Austrian Universe had successfully escaped the impact of this sudden incident, the Baltans of the Didi Universe changed their minds extremely quickly:

There seems to be nothing wrong with being loyal!

As for the status of equality and mutual assistance between the two parties...

Who let these guys from Story0!

Baloo really wanted to swallow these so-called fellows who had never masked their faces but did not know whether they were dead or alive.

Oh yes, Baltan from Story0 is from the Cicadas.

Cicadas, you bastards are really damned! ! !

At present, this news has not been made public. We only need to go to the Story0 universe to see His Majesty Reza again——

Ballou plans to make this scene appear on "Light of the Earth", in the most orthodox way to announce the diverse...  

【His Majesty?You mean Reza? 】

After a long time of silence and digestion, Princess L77 looked at Baru, who silently bowed and bowed, and asked in confirmation:

【My... son! ? 】

L77. Ao Te Huanghua eldest daughter · Wang Nu wastes a lot of energy and is a little embarrassed to add the last two words.


Hearing the sound, Baru's drooping eyes suddenly tightened——

The lady in front of her who has almost the same posture as the Cub of Light is actually the mother of that Majesty!

【Yes. 】

Balu calmly let out a voice, and the voice was sincere:

[His Majesty Reza is the emperor of the universe who rules the universe, is powerful beyond the universe, and sees the diversity of the tiger. 】

Princess L77: ...


The moment she heard the chanting, Princess L77 Haoxuan didn't stop thinking.

No, my son is such a cowhide?

It's not the capital of the great emperor, it's the great emperor! ?

【You, you mean to say...】

L77 Wang Nu's voice is inexplicably difficult:

[My son is the emperor of the universe? 】

【Do not! 】

Balu suddenly straightened his body and raised his head, proudly raised his pair of tongs, his bright yellow eyes were bright:

【His Majesty Reza is the only emperor recognized by all civilizations in the, more than a dozen universes and countless civilizations! 】

Princess L77: ...


【Your Highness, please take a closer look—】

Baru raised his pincers and circled his fingers, making the princess of L77 unable to follow her eyes:

【This Bashoumon is His Majesty Reza's ship, and everyone in it is His Majesty's subjects! 】

It's not over yet—

[All the stars you can see here survive because of His Majesty, and the multiple universes you have never seen are saved because of Your Majesty!

In the other universe far away from here, countless civilized people will sing His Majesty's taboo name every day——]

Deliberately skip things like:

'Lesa, don't come, don't come, don't come, don't come! ! ! '

"The heavens and the earth are spirited, God Digano's wishful order, His Majesty Reza leaves quickly, and King Regedo'o appears quickly..."

Waiting for these unimportant sung content, Baru was impassioned:

【That is your son, His Majesty the Emperor of the Universe Reza...】

Until Baltan star Baru bowed to her again, sincerely said goodbye, and said that he would go to fight for the great and holy Majesty Reza.

L77 Wang Nu continued to move towards the blue planet in a daze with seventy points of doubt that surfaced in her heart.

Soon, her doubts completely disappeared——

On the next road, the surrounding starry sky suddenly became lively.

There are constant people... The cosmic beings flying through the sky stopped moving and bowed after seeing her figure.

To be precise, everyone I met on the road was paying her respects with a certain set of etiquette...including but not limited to bowing, saluting, bosom touching and hat-taking.

When passing by the starship, Princess L77 also deliberately slowed down her flight speed and used Ultra Vision to see the people inside.

It turned out that people in every starship would make a similar courtesy when they saw her.

Quite a few people even wondered where she was headed——

The blue planet reverently makes the same gesture...  

At this time, Princess L77 suddenly panicked——

To be able to give birth to such a cub... I am worthy of it!

With Baloo's statement and many evidences shown since then, even the familiar feeling constantly brought by the blue planet not far away has become insignificant.

Immediately, she couldn't help but think of the content of the conditions and promises made to her by that terrible guy before, and her heart skipped a beat.

No wonder that guy wanted to put forward conditions to her around the corner. It turned out that the root cause was here.

The more powerful and promising that unmasked 'son' is, the more disturbed the princess of L77 is—

Was her promise too hasty?

I also want to know that the more powerful the 'son' is, the more difficult the request made by that terrible guy may be. The L77 princess decided not to embarrass him because of her own reasons.

Just like that, with a little bit of fluttering, and a little bit of unresolved knot in her heart, she came to the outside of the atmosphere of the blue planet——

In the next moment, the azure blue in front of the field of vision disappeared without a trace, and a slightly scorching breath rushed over.

Princess L77 suddenly noticed that there was a sea of ​​shining silver liquid metal stretching endlessly in front of her.

At the same time, the silver-white metal ocean suddenly rolled up——

It radiates a concept that only she can understand, including the entire Bashermont and even the two lights of the earth. It is super fierce:

【Zai Zai is my Zai Zai! 】

To some extent, this is a custom that no one knows——

As the biological mother of the Cubs of Light, Ressa Earth always declares its sovereignty to the new 'mothers':

Although you are also 'mothers', Zai Zai is my son, and I am my real mother.

——That's what Reza Earth said!

——Before this, no earth had refuted her!

——Human Lei Ma couldn't communicate with her!

However, Reza Earth never thought that it would be the first rebuttal from the human...ball student——


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