【Why? 】

In the next second, Princess L77 blurted out without thinking:

【What is your son, my son? He is obviously the son of all of us! 】

Ressa Earth:  …


In the next moment, a sharp question from "myself" in front of me flashed into my mind:

[Clarify, what do you mean! ? ? 】


91 Lei Jiaqian Jushi Xu: Add Money!!! 5K [-] in [-]

The Cub of Light doesn't know if anyone cheated him.

But Lei Xu is very clear that all aspects of the situation below have suddenly become super complicated and tricky.

The reason why Qiye and his son called him and Lei was very simple:

The logistics base of the Interstellar Alliance has been destroyed, but this planet——

On the Gorgnium planet, the interstellar alliance captured from various planets in the dark universe and even the superverse universe. How to deal with the mules and horses with a scale of hundreds of billions is a troublesome matter!

If these guys are all interstellar civilizations, it would be fine to remember the position and coordinates of their home planet.

Before Lei Xu arrived, Father Qi and his son got to know each other a little bit.

The composition of the mule-horse-kneeling tribe is extremely complicated, and it is conservative to say that it is uneven, and it is nothing but easy to know.

From primitive races with a little intelligence to feudal mules and horses around the middle ages, from dead fat houses in modern times to flexible employment people in the interstellar era, this Gorgnim star can be regarded as a one-pot meal.

One of the above counts as one, no matter what your identity or origin, when you arrive on this planet, you are the mules and horses who are responsible for mining!

The killers of the Star Alliance are really not picky and ruthless, and by the way, they will never waver in their policy of sustainable consumption.

After thinking about it clearly, it is a huge project to send these guys one by one back to their home planet in a short period of time.

This is a typical thankless matter, and Lei Xu couldn't think of a solution for a while.

However, the Cub of Light has no fantasy for the time being——

He came to the scene and said hello, and brought Alfronu to the mules and horse kneelers present for a brief treatment of their injuries. Lei Xu held a piece of ordinary ore and stared at it.


"Oh yeah~!"


The timeless and beautiful Miss Ott of the Blue Clan emits shimmering and healing light in a wide area, and the cries for help and painful groans echoing in my ears quickly subside a lot, replaced by the ecstasy and magical comfort of the mules and horses. hum.

Strangely, these guys are not in good spirits, but they speak with a lot of energy.

This is not like a miner doing manual labor, but more like a bad kidney.

Lei Xu turned his eyes to the mules and horses present, and didn't pay much attention.

"How about it?"

Glancing at Alfred Nu who was busy, Superman No. [-] approached Siro with a very familiar expression, with an inexplicable expression:

"What's wrong with these ores?"

"The problem is big."

The cubs of light unfolded the running photon database Aguang customized Reza exclusive automatic analysis program:

"Look, energy density."

Said to let you see, but in fact, the seventh master of Story0 couldn't understand it, Lei Xu called Sai Shao.

【Ah so much...】

The Otto youth let out a chanting voice:

[What's wrong with this data! ? 】

Lei Xu: ...

Light pressure increased.jpg

"Sai Shao, it's my fault for expecting you."

Before Saiotian came back to his senses, the Cub of Light, who had completed his reflection, threw a strange ore the size of a mouse in his hand, and went straight to the topic:

"Let me be straightforward, this small piece is enough to blow up the entire Kingdom of Light to the sky."

Cyro & Seven:  …


As soon as these words came out, not only Qi Ye and his son, but also Alfred Nu in the distance cast a look of astonishment of "shocking 100 years".

【how is this possible? 】

Even though he said so, Ke Seluo didn't feel that the legendary Ultra warrior Reza was lying.

After all, with nuclear energy controlling this energy-centric ability, the Cubs of Light can claim to be top experts in related fields just by intuition.

Sero immediately remembered the "Story0" shared by Ressa earlier.

In the original plot, the Zarabu star claimed to be a starship monster Aianlox built with Gorgonium energy, and claimed that once it was destroyed, it would destroy the universe...

It turned out to be really impossible! ?

But this kind of thing, a little bit of energy extracted from a planet can destroy the universe in turn...

Sai Luo just thought it was ridiculous.

【"What exactly is going on!?"】

This time, Qi Ye and his son's inquiries and chanting arrived in unison.

"Unfortunately, I don't know either."

The Cub of Light shook his head:

"But this planet must not be left to the Interstellar Alliance."

Even Sai Shao can think of it immediately, and Lei Xu will naturally not miss the relevant description in "Story0".

In fact, the full description should look like this:

[If the Gorgnium energy explodes in one breath (Ayian Lox), it will be powerful enough to destroy the universe, and produce a force stronger than the Big Bang to create the universe! 】

That is to say, the finished Aianlox can destroy the universe.

If this gang of lawless killers hold it in their hands, it will not be a world-shattering! ?

Qi Ye and his son's expressions froze, and they nodded solemnly.

【Then what should I do? 】

Seven hesitated:

[This is a planet! 】

[It's just a planet. 】

The old man was really ignorant, so he commented in his heart with disgust, Sai Luo quickly thought of Lei Xu together:

【Ressa, Unikinta...】

In Zero... no, it should be said that in the eyes of almost everyone in the Kingdom of Light, the time-space mythological monsters are first-class super thighs.

Good-looking, good-natured, cute-looking, capable, cute-looking, top-notch in security, good-looking...

Where can I find such a friend!

It doesn't matter whether the Thunder Palace is in the Kingdom of Light or not, the main thing is that Unikin has to hang in the Kingdom of Light.

Nothing else, there is no need for the Cosmic Security Agency, the Kingdom of Light is designated as impossible to be thieves!

Unikin, YYDS!


The Cub of Light pulled out a crystal like a magic trick, and flaunted it as if showing off:

"I just yelled."

As if to confirm this statement——

In the next second, the silvery time-space radiance that came from nowhere pierced the void, and the sacred space-time mythical phantom fish leaped out of thin air.

【Yuni! 】

Lei Xu raised his hand to say hello, and all the work to be done has been shared with the time travel mind of Mengxin Eudemons through Otto's words.


Unikin uttered a loud and clear cry in tacit understanding, and the holy silver wings disappeared out of thin air with a flap, and when they reappeared, they were already standing outside the atmosphere of Gorgnim.

It's nothing more than an earth-like planet. With Uni's current space capabilities, it's not difficult to make a temporary sealed container and carry it with you.

——The Cub of Light thought so at first!

——If there is no accident, there will be an accident!

Under the horrified and awe-inspiring gaze of the group of kneeling mules and horses on the ground, the shining silver light covered the whole world.

This is the usual process, Lei Xu didn't care.

But on to the next step——

The space is compressed as a whole, but there is no progress when transforming the half-phase.

[Woo~, the people of light are sorry. 】

Not long after, Yunijin read across his mind with a crying voice:

【Yuni, Yoni can't do anything lol~...】

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