Lei Xu: ...

( ̄. ̄)

If this is said by a reckless man, the password is correct and it is yes.

[It's okay, let's find another way. 】

The Cub of Light, who was offline for a while every day, quickly let out a voice to comfort his little friend:

[Set a space-time seal outside the atmosphere of this planet to isolate the inside and outside, and leave your induction, can it be done? 】

If you can't pack and take away your personal protection, then the next best thing.

With Unikin's ability, once the killers of the Star Alliance intend to break in, the Cubs of Light can rush to the scene immediately.

[This is fine~! 】

Mengxin House Beast left happily without saying a word, and Lei Xu never took his eyes off the ore in his hand for even a moment.

Or rather, without ever leaving Gorgnium itself—

Judging from the energy density of Gorgnium ore, let’s assume that the setting description of “destroy and create the universe” in “Story0” is true and true.

Then, the second strange point can no longer be ignored——

Why do the killers of the Star Alliance insist on capturing mules and horses all over the universe, instead of using autonomous mining machines to mine ore?

Even if it directly decomposes the Gorgnium star as a whole! ?

From an efficiency point of view, the Interstellar Alliance has a better way than using manual labor.

But they still choose this inefficient method, there must be some reason behind it, and the Cubs of Light are very interested in it.

At the same time, gorgonium energy can cause the destruction of the universe and re-create it.

This 'setting' can't help but remind Lei Xu of the information he just got from Kiganto's mother:

[The universe was once destroyed and regenerated! 】

Look, it's hard not to make people think...

He found a mine at random, and the Cub of Light plunged into it, followed by Master Qi grabbing his son.

After crossing a rather deep passage, you come to a messy mine with mining tools scattered all over the place.

Lei Xu turned his eyes and was analyzing ing's 'Lessa Custom Edition' self-discipline scanning analysis program.

The result is the same as before -

Nothing special except that 'high energy alert' and 'energy level undetectable' are displayed because the ore is clustered together.

Strange, the cub of light thought for a while, and then took out an autonomous drone that he didn't know when he put it in from Uni's Dabie wild.

It's not a professional mining machine, but it's okay to make a temporary guest appearance.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xu watched helplessly as the drone wielding a high-frequency cosmic alloy oscillating knife slashed to the surface of a piece of ore——

Do not deposit in!


The Cubs of Light were stunned.

What the fuck is going on! ?

Lei Xu glanced suspiciously at the primitive iron pickaxes scattered on the ground not far away, and then checked the high-frequency oscillating knife theoretically capable of cutting even the Pedanium alloy of the Jingu Bridge, and was speechless for a while.

If so, try it yourself.

The Cub of Light bent down and picked up a pickaxe.

Just as Lei Xu was trying to swing down the pickaxe in his hand——

The inexplicable sense of terror that hadn't appeared in a long time, but now suddenly appeared in his heart, stopped him from moving.

The feeling in my heart is warning him frantically:

If you have the ability, try it, and you will die if you try it!

Well, if you think about it carefully, it would be safer to consult those experienced mules and horses kneeling first.

Under the strange gaze of Father Qi and his son, Lei Congxin Xu slowly put down the manuscript in his hand in an extremely stiff posture——

Pulling him to fly twice and not flying anymore, he left the mine with one deep foot and one shallow foot...

The next moment when he actually stepped out of the mine, the Cub of Light leaped into the sky with relief, and his voice was extremely concentrated to find the little partner who seemed to have just finished work:

【Yuni, are you alright? 】

[No problem lol~! 】Unikin replied in seconds.

【What's wrong? 】

Qi Ye, who transformed into his son again, followed closely behind:

[Is there any danger? 】

[Then take us all away! 】

Cubs of Light didn't explain what it meant:

[Take everyone on this planet together and return to Hongyue of L77. 】

[...Hi lol! 】

Even though he was assigned a job by the Man of Light, Mengxin House Beast didn't complain.

When Lei Xu also transformed into shaking his cloak to help, Mengxin House Beast immediately became happier...

The precise capture and phase transfer of hundreds of billions of people is a small project, which can just exercise the ability of space operation.

Of course, it would have been Ray's nightmare project without Eunikin on hand.

After one ten-thousandth of the statistics were completed, and about ten million people were transferred, Gorgnim Star had been cleared up, cleared up in a double sense——

Unikin has done the rest!

【Call~! 】

Although I didn't do anything, I still worked hard on myself. The Cub of Light subconsciously raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead... The transformation state was not wiped off, so I put it lightly:

[Go back first. 】

In the next moment, the sky and the earth in front of the field of vision spun...

L77 Hongyue——

In the brilliant silver, the figures of the three Ultra giants and the huge number of mules, horses and kneelers who obviously haven't figured out the situation have gradually changed from virtual to real.

Facing the old uncle Ars who happened to be on the Hongyue, and rushed over immediately upon hearing the news, the Cub of Light chanted:

【Is such that......】

On the surface, after all, it is the Lion Heart Emperor who is in charge, and Lei Xu has not forgotten the fact that the play has to perform a full set.

Ars, who received the words, was stunned in place, and turned around and coughed towards the red golden ancient bridge standing not far from him:

"People here, the task of managing placement is entrusted to you."

"Yes, His Majesty the Lionheart King Ars."

While the captain of Jin Guqiao bowed slightly, the humility of the driver of the Pedan star overwhelmed the growing noise of the scene:

"Your will!"

After all, hundreds of billions of people arrived one after another, and the dozen or so golden ancient bridges accompanying them were not enough.

The captain of the Pedan Stars quickly called for support, and a fleet moored in synchronous orbit slowly lowered its altitude...

[Hello, I am... Wang Qi of His Majesty the Lionheart Ars. 】

Leaving no time to worry about these trivial matters, Lei Xu randomly selected a few 'muses' from the crowd who obviously didn't know the situation, and at the same time did not forget to act:

【I have something to ask you...】

After some questions and answers from Otto's recitation, the Cub of Light stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

The situation was pretty much what he thought——

Although it is unbelievable, judging from the mining tools scattered all over the place, the ore on Gorgnium can indeed be mined manually!

This is a known situation, Lei Xu mainly asked about the unknown part and repeatedly confirmed the physical condition of these guys.

Humans can do it, but machines can't.

The most obvious difference between man and machine is 'life', followed by...

Spirit, will, soul and other seemingly illusory things!

The Cubs of Light confirm in turn.

There is no big problem with the vitality of the body, it is difficult to check the soul, but the spirit and will...

Lei Xu quickly confirmed his guess——

These 'muses' who were captured by the Interstellar Alliance to mine the mines were generally in poor mental condition, weak-willed, and many of them showed signs of madness.

A few more waves of people were changed for the same test and monitoring, and the Cubs of Light picked up two and prepared to leave——

Go to the Kingdom of Light and let Ah Guang check it out!

It's best to read the memory or something in a safe way.

Ott's words can only judge subjective lies and deceit. Simply put, if these guys have experienced something and forgotten it, their confession will be objectively wrong.

Therefore, subconscious memory reading is the best way to confirm.

As for the question that it is absolutely impossible for Ah Guang to agree to such a thing...

Lei Xu deliberately picked a few more realistic guys——

For the vast majority of ordinary 'muses and horses' in ordinary civilization, money can solve 99.99% of the problems!


Can't solve it! ?

Tsk, who do you look down on?

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