I don't think you know how strong I am, Mr. Lei's banknote ability!

Come on, add money--

How about the richest man on a planet! ?


I am an Otto family and cannot use this method! ?

Sorry, we are the earth accounts of Gen Zhengmiaohong!

Lei Jiaqian layman Xu Ru said.

at the same time......


The husband and wife of Seven and Alfonou, together with Sai Shaoqi in Ott's glasses, were stunned:

"We're going too!?"


The cub of light took it for granted:

"Sai Shao, if you plan to be a glasses all the time, I have no objection."

Yes, it's time to resolve the situation with Sai Aotian——

Ah Guang, save me! ! !


【I go! 】

The Otto youth reacted at the speed of light, and then became a little suspicious:

【Then it’s fine for me to go alone, Dad and Mom...】

"How does this work?"

Under the dumbfounded gaze of Qi Ye and his wife, the Cub of Light asked in surprise (???):

"Sai Shao, you want to walk around your mother's stomach again, how can you do it without him!?"

The moment the voice settled, the audience was silent.

Seven & Alforno:  …

Qiye and his wife's eyes went dark.


?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Little question mark, do you have many children...

Cub of Light swears to God, he really didn't mean to torment Sai Shao this time.

This is indeed the best way Lei Xu can think of at the moment——

It is written in "Life in the Quantum State of Light·Mary"!

【that. 】

After a long time, Sai Luo struggled to say:

【Can you change it...】

The Cubs of Light pretended not to hear it, and Lei Xu had already arrived in front of Alfred at some point——

"This lady."

Lei Xu pressed the obviously flustered Sai Shao's fucking shoulder, met those eyes full of eyes that were obviously a little dizzy, cleared his throat quite formally:

"You don't want Sai Luo to be a pair of glasses all the time..."

Alfonou:  …



92 Birth of Cy Cub Lo... 5K [-] in [-]

Actually 'what do you mean? ' The question itself is interesting.

Of course, this meaning is not the meaning of meaning, it is a kind of meaning that only the two L77 princesses can understand, and it can only be understood and unspeakable.

Well, let's talk about people.

Different from the dialogue in general cognition, the information exchange method of reading words is close to the complete expression of the original meaning, and there is almost no possibility of one party misunderstood the other party's reading words.

This form is in the two L77 princesses:

The relationship between Reza Earth and Story0·Rema has been further deepened——

It's all the same person, who doesn't know who! ?

Ever since, Reza Earth easily changed from that simple sentence, "Obviously he is the son of all of us!" 'I noticed something strange, not specifically referring to the 'earth godmothers' she knew in the past...

Immediately afterwards, the following scene appeared:

Reza Earth (?_??): Crooked Bibabu?

L77 Princess (???): Crooked Baby!

Ressa Earth (? Lv Dian Lv): Rua~! ! !

L77 Princess (?◣dish◢): Aww~! ! !

After a seemingly chicken-and-duck conversation, but the two sides fully understood without omissions, the two L77 princesses who met across an incredible distance both chose to cease fighting.

Zai Zai battle 1.0, declared a tie.

To be correct, Reza Earth has a slight upper hand——

In any case, she is the birth mother of the Cubs of Light, which is an undeniable fact.

Despite admitting this fact, Princess L77 still relied on the sophistry counterattack of 'I am you, you are me, so your cub is my cub' to regain a little bit of the situation.

It seems that he was provoked to blood rage by the strange and shameless 'self'.

Reza Earth did not hesitate to move out the strongest mother group in history——

Earth mothers who are so numerous, said:

My cubs are my cubs, and we are invulnerable no matter whether we are biological mothers or human earth mothers.

At most, you are a poor godmother from the countryside like other little bitches on earth, don't TNND shame your face!

In this regard, Princess L77 raised her hand to lightly brush the hair that did not exist in the transformation state, and moved out:

Strictly speaking, as a former member of L77, L77 is your mother, so in principle, I am your mother now!

Quick, call mom!

Reza Earth fell silent.

Oh yes, did you miss something that should be explained?

That's right!

Facing the other "self" in the distant universe, Princess L77 completely let go of her defenses and revealed the biggest secret that has been kept until now:

L77 star = L77 princess!

Of course, it doesn't mean that Story0·L77 Princess = this L77 star outside.

What she means is that the L77 star outside is also the same as the Earth Resa, and it is the same body as them!

At this point, Reza Earth finally understands who the so-called "everyone" refers to, and new questions arise from this:

What the hell is going on?

Regarding this question, Princess L77 waved her hand weakly, and Earth Ressa recognized the meaning of this gesture:

Don't ask my old lady, if you are tired, destroy it!

After repeated questioning, Princess L77 finally revealed the fact that she didn't know much.

The main reason is that L77 Star Princess is currently very weak, and it was another 'self' who summoned her to this desperate star more than 200 years ago.

Since then, she has only received a little bit of information and shared some of the abilities of the L77 star and princess by relying on the "same self" factor.

Ressa Earth has roughly summarized these abilities from the human perspective, including but not limited to:

Global perspective, terrain reshaping, pole shifting, magnetic field adjustment, plate structure control, energy mobilization (weakness), energy distribution (geothermal & nuclear), gravity manipulation, celestial manipulation (not available), atmospheric parameter adjustment (atmospheric drain not available) , Ocean current manipulation (the ocean index is lost, all related capabilities are unavailable)......

Wait, wait, etc. The above-mentioned tomes, which are not as thick as a few Xinhua dictionaries, have endless abilities to summarize, and so on.

And because she had never been a planet before this.

You can't say that you don't know anything, you can only say that you don't know anything.

Therefore, during these 200 years, Princess L77 hardly dared to make any adjustments to the status quo——

I've been waiting for my 'self' who is the L77 star to wake up again!

By the way, the lofty prestige of the L77 princess on this planet is also all derived from the L77 star princess!

There are 77 billion+ civilizations on the L20 planet, and the reason why different civilizations above 6K can coexist harmoniously on this planet is entirely due to the feats of the L77 star Princess.

Although it is not clear how 'I' did it, the L77 princess is sure:

It was "I" who created the unique underground landform and self-sustaining ecological circle on the L77 star with my own strength, and brought hope to the 20 billion cosmic beings who have been gathered one after another... .


Only the "human beings" of the same race/non-same race with the same posture as her can maintain such a huge (1.2 million) population size on this planet, and it has not attracted dissatisfaction from other races.

Human beings who are not of the same race seem to come from a planet called 'Earth', and the specific situation may only be known to the L77 star Princess——

They are almost the first civilizations to come to this planet, and they have already fully integrated into it in the intermarriage with the L77 people...

The insignificant part can be passed over in one sentence, and there is no need to delve into it.

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