Just because it brings hope to all the civilizations who encounter this planet in despair, L77 Star Princess is worshiped by these 20 billion people as the 'mother of life'.

As a result, after the L77 princess traveled here, many headaches were caused...

For example, in the past 100 years, civilizations have always accused each other of destroying everything created by the "Mother of Life" with painstaking efforts, and bringing disaster to everyone, and launched holy wars on the grounds of this.

Princess L77 made a targeted investigation (opened perspective and eavesdropped), and found out that the truth behind this is actually...

It's because she doesn't know how to allocate energy and maintain ecology!

As a result, many civilizations and countless cosmic beings have realized that the only thing they rely on for survival——

The fact that star L77 is irreversibly weakening!

Therefore, except for the L77 princess who is the head of the 'humanity', the high-level people of all civilizations have reached a tacit agreement behind her back:

Maintain the current population without increasing or decreasing, so as to reduce the burden on the 'Mother of Life' as much as possible!

Regarding this, Princess L77 had a wry smile——

She can't do anything at all!

When she came to this planet 200 years ago, she was barely an adult, in her twenties.

Even with a strong comprehension ability, it took her a long time to complete the basic knowledge and world outlook when she came from the feudal society of the Middle Ages.

Even so, the L77 princess doesn't know how to control the ecology and continue to expand the living space underground, and the whole thing is awkward.

It's no wonder that the high-level officials of those civilizations are worried about the situation of the L77 star, and there are really all kinds of signs that are not optimistic.

Due to 'self', the condition of star L77 is weak to the naked eye.

Princess L77 doesn't know what reason to use to prevent those civilizations from launching the so-called jihad.

Therefore, she can only pretend that she doesn't know anything.

By default, those civilizations supervise each other to maintain the population size, only because they can't bear it and pretend to be hindsight to stop it.

So far, the 'Mother of Life' has reached a tacit agreement with the races under her protection without communication:

You can fight, but once she shows up, she must stop fighting!

Knowing something about it, Lesa Earth asked the most critical question to Princess L77:

【L77 Star · What happened to the princess? 】

Princess L77 has no experience as a planet, but Resa Earth has it!

To be correct, since the formation of the multi-earth network of the Radigue universe cluster, the earths are almost always online, exchanging enthusiastically with each other as the spherical experience.

In addition to daily verbal sparring, fighting for the ownership of the big cub (here specifically refers to the cub of light).

The ones on the earth that communicate most have their own abilities, the flowers and plants grown on them, and other cubs such as humans who show off and complain about them.

For example, the earth proudly expressed that we raised a super powerful big snail.

Immediately there is the earth not to be outdone, I have raised a big dragon here, with nine heads!

Then there is the earth joining to show off the line:

We also have a super-sized gorilla here, who was recently beaten up by my big dragon (one head).

Another example is that all the earths have a common language——

Human beings are dying in strange places again...

Cough cough, this is not very important.

The place on the surface is insignificant at all, the destruction of the surface, the absence of the atmosphere, and the evaporation of the ocean will not cause substantial damage or impact on the planet itself.

Even if it is human beings who are dying every day, what they do is only the environment in which they live.

In fact, Resa Earth has learned that there are many "mothers of the earth" who don't care whether there are humans and other creatures on their bodies.

If it weren't for the repeated emphasis of several earths headed by Redigai:

'Da Zai Zai is a human being, and he cares very much about the humans and other creatures on your body and whether the surface outside of you is beautiful! '

If this is not the case, I am afraid that many earths will not allow the surface to maintain the status quo after awakening——

Gently turning over, I am afraid that it will cause an ecological mass extinction on an unlimited scale...

Cough, far away, these are actually not important.

The important thing is that Ressa Earth is very clear that as a planet, L77 Star Princess cannot undergo major changes for no reason!

How much energy can a measly 20 billion people use?

Geothermal heat is nothing but the heat dissipated from the core of the earth. The core of the star buried deep in the core of the earth and rotating and fusing all the time is the root.

The energy it takes to keep two billion people alive is a drop in the bucket for the planet itself.

Even if there is no supplement from the sun, it is not a big problem to sustain itself for hundreds of millions of years.

Under such circumstances, what kind of situation did the L77 Star Princess encounter to be so weak that she needed to summon another 'self' to maintain stability.

【I think it should be that—】

Princess L77 thought for a while and let out a voice:

[There may be something behind those bugs outside, it may be that thing...]

[You mean this? 】

What slid into my mind along with the chanting was the figure of Khorne slowly invading reality from the giant door on a fully unfolded gray pyramid...

【Eh? 】

The L77 princess only had time to utter a puzzled whisper.

When he saw that indescribably terrifying figure, something seemed to be touched in his mind.

Some kind of... memory! ?


Looking at the Earth version of "myself" in front of her, feeling the shared thoughts and the almost uncontrollable spillover and shared memories, the princess of L77 showed surprise——

It is for this reason!

Absolutely, absolutely not...

She tried her best to maintain a fragile line of defense, absolutely not allowing this information to be shared!

Rao thinking about it like this, but looking at that terrifying existence seemed to open the door of memory.

The spirit is being impacted, and the L77 princess uncontrollably uttered a murmur that was almost unbearable.

At the moment when she realized that she could not control herself and was about to lose her defense——

In the image shared by Reza Earth in his mind, a radiant fissure rapidly expanded in front of the pyramid, and magnificent red lotuses burst out between the golden fireballs flickering with arc fire and mysterious starlight.

She seemed to be able to hear the wailing of the terrifying existence, which was terribly injured.

Immediately afterwards, Princess L77's mind became clear——

That guy backed away!

[You may not understand——]

Before she could catch her breath, she looked at 'herself'...Lessa Earth was categorical:

[Because she (L77 Star Princess Princess) knows too much! 】

【......Understand! 】

Reza Earth was silent for a while, succinctly:

[Actually, if someone knows me, I can also see them in turn! 】

Princess L77 slowly put out a question mark.

【Hey~, you don't know...】

Some horrific sense of oppression accompanied the chanting, and the L77 princess seemed to feel an indescribable stalwart existence standing in front of her again in a trance.

Immediately afterwards, that stalwart existence——

A rather yin and yang intuitive touch came from the other side of Resa's earth:

[It's Da Zai Zai for me, do you have it?you have not! 】

Princess L77: ...


【are you crazy! ! ! 】

Today's wins and losses:

Triumph of Ressa Earth...


Yes, walking through Alfred's belly is the best way that the Cub of Light can think of to suit Sai Shao's current situation.

Currently, the biggest problem with Young Master Sai is that he is not dead——

If the soul is removed, there is only a little light quantum of the body that does not dissipate, and it is considered alive!

But in the same way, Sai Luo in this state still cannot be said to be completely alive——

In that ultra-giant Xtreme Altpa star, Sai Luo permanently lost the light quantum that constituted his body that has been tempered for thousands of years!


Story0 Kingdom of Light, Science and Technology Development Bureau——

"How about Aguang Ameng?"

The Cub of Light looked at the superman Ah Guang who fiddled with the strange photon equipment in front of him for a long time, and couldn't help but smirk:

"Does Young Master Sai have to..."

Lei Xu peeked from a distance at Qi Ye and his wife who were waiting outside the door for execution.

[Resa! ! ! 】

In Hikari's hand, Sai Shao, who had recovered into Sailuo glasses, tried to turn over, and his voice was a bit sad:

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