[No, I absolutely disagree! 】

【disagree? 】

Unexpectedly, Hikari rushed back before the Cub of Light angrily pushed Sai Shao back:

【Then why did you go early?

Use that skill casually, Sai Luo, do you really think you are Little Reza! ? 】

Lei Xu: ...

The Cub of Light always felt that Ah Guang's words had a double meaning.

But it doesn't matter--

"What are you waiting for!"

Mr. Lei was more anxious than anyone else, and hurriedly waved to Qi Ye and his wife who finally got the result of the execution:

"Come in, let's create GKD on the spot!"

Hearing this sentence just after entering the door, Qi Ye and his wife almost fell into a fight.

"Hey hey hey..."

Looking at the Otto glasses that were still there, the Cub of Light was serious:

"Ah Guang, let's get started!"

"Start what?"

Hikari gave the inexplicably excited cub a strange look.

"What else could it be?"

Lei Xu rubbed his hands, with a dignified tone:

"Help Seventh Master and him create human beings!"

"It's already being built."

The chief scientist of Kingdom of Light is an understatement.

Lei Xu: ...

Sai family of three: ...


"Eh what?"

Hikari moved away dumbfounded, so that Siao, including the Otto glasses that had moved again, could see the photonic device in front of him and the red and blue liquid light energy that was deposited in it:

"To supplement the missing quantum of light accepted and recognized by Sai Luo's subconscious mind—

Cultivated with the mixed light of Seven and Alfron... I collected their light from the beginning, and it's almost finished. "

The Cub of Light immediately remembered the two times that Ah Guang made out of nothing in front of Qi Ye and his wife when he first heard about it.

No, there is such a god! ?

"I do not believe!"

Lei Xu sucked his teeth instinctively, as if he saw the music he had finally found... the history of the black history he had grasped left him:

"Prove it to me!"

Hikari:  …


To satisfy the cub's curiosity, the Chief Scientist of the Kingdom of Light raised his hand without hesitation, and Sai Luo's glasses quickly fell into the open photonic device in front of him.

The light is cheering.

The light is jumping for joy.

light in...

Well none of the above.

The Cub of Light stared wide-eyed at the red & blue cocoon of light that was entangled and flowing in the field of vision, and the light in his eyes gradually became strange after a while.

In the next instant, the red & blue light cocoons collapsed into thousands of light spots.


From the dazzling halo came a thin, milky voice:

"Master, I'm resurrected... Hey, why is my voice..."

While being confused, Sai Luo felt a big hand pinch the back of his neck, and his vision was raised.

"Come on, Young Master Sai."

The Cub of Light, who was trying to hold back his laughter, released a light mirror, reflecting the appearance of the plump True Ultra Cub:

"look here!"

Looking at the familiar-looking cub in the mirror, Ao Teqing tilted his head, and the cub in the mirror also tilted his head.


The Ultra cub took a deep breath of photons——

【Hey eh eh eh eh! ! ? 】

The Cub of Light has quick eyes and quick hands, and there is a click~!

It has been decided, this world famous painting is called:

The Birth of Sai Cub Lo...


93 History has Ressa, now there is Cero! 6K three-in-one

"Damn it, Reza, you bastard..."

"Hey, Young Master Sai, I say you are enough!"

The cub of light snatched up the next one and sneaked in, and the face-hugging worm of the siro card stuck on for the seventh time in 7 minutes, looked at the cub of Otto, who was waving his little arms and legs with his teeth and claws in his hands, and doubled his eyes again. One couldn't hold back:

"Puhaha~, it has nothing to do with me like you, puff~!"

Perhaps Sai Luo's cub form is too cute at the moment, and it's rare for someone Lei not to say something about "I'll eat you forever"——

According to Superman Aguang, it may be that the light of the Qiye couple in Story0 is different from the two in the Kingdom of Light universe, resulting in only a very small part of the light energy deployed by the mixed culture being available.

The Cub of Light thought of the ring he had integrated into Sai Shao's body...

Due to the lack of energy, when recovering, Sai Luo's body instinctively activated the posture recorded in his subconscious to adapt to the current total amount of light energy.

That is to say, the current Sai Shao can basically be said to be rejuvenated...young!

"Who said it's okay...warn you not to touch my stomach!"

As soon as Jio pushes away Lei's proficient hand, Sai's childish voice has no deterrent effect:

"Obviously you can use life solidification technology, Reza, you definitely did it on purpose... Don't rub my stomach!

Why are you all like this! ? "

Pa~, the little meat bun holding a mini light wheel met the big red hand.

Sting ~, sparks fly.

Hiss~, it hurts to be beaten by a mere Sai Luo cub!

Lei Xu felt a little bit——

Even Sai Shao, who is in the form of a cub, is comparable to an active member of the security team in terms of strength, and it seems that he is indeed recovering well.

"No, Young Master Sai, you have to be reasonable!"

Withdrawing the strong Rua soft and small belly so that it was rubbed by the light wheel for a long time and finally felt a little painful, the cub of light was not happy when he heard this:

"If you really want to be resurrected, can you recover so quickly?

Or do you really want to live 4000 years again! ? "


Sai Zai Luo stopped talking.

Completely abandoning the body and relying on the resurrection of the soul can indeed restore the adult posture, but giving up the photons that make up the body is also equivalent to giving up at least 3000 years of natural growth and the body that has been tempered for thousands of years.

If this is revived with the life-solidification technology, Sai Shao can use the small light wheel to grind the hand of someone like Lei?

Go dream!

"Speaking of which, you won't last long."

Seeing that the face-hugger of the Sai Luo card is silent, and someone from Lei is walking around without a trace, the little PP who feels good in the hand, there is a saying that in this state, Sai Shao's whole body is so soft that he can't be poked by needles:

"Didn't Aguang say that, according to your body's subconsciousness and recovery rate——

Maybe all of a sudden, or a few years to more than ten years, it will be back to the same as before..."

At present, the core problem of Sai Shao's body is the lack of light quanta that satisfy the structure and strength of the body.

Make up for the lack and activate the instinct.

Completing the above two necessary conditions can theoretically restore the peak state in an instant——

That's what Superman Hikari said!

"It's not a big problem."

The untraceable Rua looked at Rua's soft belly, and the Cub of Light looked at the Cub of Zero who was glaring at him with a miniature light wheel:

"It's a bit of a problem for others to hang up once, but it's a big deal for you, Young Master Sai."

Sai Shao's eyes were slightly confused——

Until now, Sero has no idea where Reza's confidence in himself comes from.

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