Maybe... I am very famous in the Austrian works of Reza Earth! ?

Maybe, but as Reza experienced.

With his participation, all the "history & future" that should have happened but failed to happen in the future have already undergone a decisive deflection.

So, Sai Luo is not interested in the so-called "own future"——

He wants to develop the future of Sai Luo by himself!

The current Sai Luo doesn't know how much he will regret not asking Lei to come to his full set of "plots" in the not-too-distant future.

He, Sai Luo, has suffered many sins in his life to meet that guy——

That hateful one, let him get back his human body in this form permanently! ! !

However, none of this has happened yet.

Therefore, it does not prevent the cub Sai Luo from waving the small ice ax 'Kala Kala~', trying to cut off the salty hands that kept walking up and down his body——

If you like the cub Rua so much, you Reza and Camilla will give birth to one yourself!

Some owls aren't even old enough to have cubs...

"By the way, Sai Shao, with your current recovery rate, you can go to L77 for recovery training after a while."

Not knowing at all what impolite things the face-hugger in his hand was thinking about, Lei Xu cheerfully put Sai face-hugger Luo sitting on his arm on the ground:

"Fighting Leonisan will help activate the instinct in your subconscious."

Crouching down and staring at Sai Shao, who had calmed down a lot, the Cub of Light rubbed his chin, and the thoughts in his head unconsciously went astray——

Such a cute cub, if he gets kicked by Leo Fei, he will cry for a long time......

"Resa, what are you thinking?"

Sai Luo trembled all over, looked suspiciously at the legendary Ultra warrior who was close at hand, and felt the maliciousness in the dark:

"what's next!?"

"Then it's not something you can worry about!"

Sai Shao's words were obviously referring to the affairs of the Dark Universe and the Interstellar Alliance, and the problem of Gorgnium was not a small one, so the Cubs of Light flatly refused.

A Guang and A Meng really can't hold back Mr. Lei, and those few mule and horse kneeling clans who want money and don't want their lives swear:

For the future of the universe, the civilization behind it, and the parent star, Gan must donate money and so on.

Now, Hikari is temporarily preparing a subconscious memory reading device, and Lei Xu temporarily stays in the Kingdom of Light for this purpose.

"Resa, do you think you want to leave me?"

Upon hearing this, Sai Luo became anxious immediately:

"No, I must..."

"Ah, Sero-chan, you are here."

The soft and moist female voice that interrupted the conversation was like a thunder that flashed past his ears, and Sai Face Hugger Luo felt as if he had been struck by lightning in an instant.

The touch of slender hands came from the belly and armpits, and Sai Luosheng found that the vision in front of him had doubled to the most familiar height.

"Sero-chan, what do you have to do?"

The exhaling and gentle female voice in the ear made the limp body stiff all over, Sai Luo stiffly tilted his head, and the corner of his eyes met the bright yellow eyes full of smiles in the upper corner——

"Ma, Maria...sister."

Ignoring the salty hands that were raging all over his body from the heart, Sai Good Baby Luo changed his words from the heart:

"No, nothing."

The Sero face-hugger looked for help to Mr. Lei who was pretending to be looking at the scenery.

The Cub of Light shrugged, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

Just kidding, grab the game from Sister Mary?

What even Sai Shao's mother Alfred could not do, how could he be able to do something! ?

In view of the fact that up to now, Story0 · Kingdom of Light has no cubs born normally in the form of Ultra.

Sai Shao unintentionally became the unique only Miao Miao——

The most precious cub sample in Sister Mary's eyes!

Using the reason that "Siro's growth is related to the future of the Ultra family" to sink Alfred Nu, Sister Mary successfully obtained half of the custody of the cub Sailo.

As for Mr. Sai and his father Seventh Master...

He couldn't even protect himself, but asked Sai Luo to sacrifice to protect both of them.

After being healed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light for a while, Master Qi was sent back to L77.

no doubt--

Waiting for Superman No. [-] is a big lion who has been rumored to be raging blood and a super-doubled Outjeep...

"That's right, Young Master Sai."

Looking into Sister Mary, who was slowly taking off while holding the loveless Siro Cub, the sudden sound of the Cub of Light called back Liang'ao's attention:

"If you can't go to L77 for the time being, you can go to Ultra Academy to help Mebius."


Mary froze for a moment, her eyes suddenly alert:

"Little Resa, do you want Sai Luo-chan to train with those guys!?"

"Do not."

The Cub of Light shook his head:

"It's best to simulate actual combat, which is more suitable for his recovery."

Fighting is the best way to wake up the body, which is the most suitable method for a reckless man.

Ommarie:  …


He lowered his head and looked at the chubby Ott cub sitting in his arms, which was not as long as his own upper arm, and then at Resa who didn't seem to be joking.

The highest officer of the Silver Crusade fell silent.

Such a small Ultra cub fighting against such a big Ultra warrior?

Just by imagining that scene, she felt that it was a crime.


The mother of Ultra tightly protected the cub Sai Luo in her arms, subconsciously shook her head:

"I'm different..."

"Ms. Mary!"

Lei Xu quickly interrupted:

"Sai Shao is not as bad as you think——

Even now, there should be few Ultra fighters in the Kingdom of Light who can beat him!"

Sai Luo's recovery rate is astonishing, and the Cub of Light consciously said it very conservatively——

Lei Xu believes that apart from Bighorn Bull, no one in Story0·Land of Light can absolutely win Sai Shao.

According to the preliminary judgment, Sai Cub Luo's actual strength is about the same as that of Xiaomeng who just debuted, and it's only been a day or two.

Rao is that Aguang emphasized that the initial recovery rate will be amazing, which is somewhat too much.

Could it be that the debut BUFF that has not passed the protection period is taking effect somewhere, and the bug that Sai Shao weakened during the protection period has been fixed! ?

Ommarie:  …


The highest officer of the Silver Crusade looked around at the cub in his hand, apparently unable to understand such a thing:

"Really, really?"


The Cub of Light emphasized a sentence, and immediately looked at it as if he thought of something, and Sai Shao, whose eyes were shining brightly, pointed out something:

"Sai Luo, why don't you go to Otto Academy with Sister Mary now?

How about going to give those guys a little motivation! ? "

Cy Cub Lo:  …


Sai Luo immediately thought of "Light of the Earth" and the event recorded in the memorabilia of the Ultra Academy, the first space guard combat exchange conference when the legendary Ultra warrior Reza first came to the Kingdom of Light.

Ehehehe, it's a bit unkind, but...

In the past, Reza swept the reserve army of the Space Guard, and now I have Sailo overturning Story0 · Kingdom of Light Otto Academy... very reasonable!

Sister Mary with a worried face carried Sai Shao and flew away. Lei Xu just glanced left and right furtively, and sneaked into the Technology Development Bureau behind him...


Quiet, eerily quiet.

When power from the stars is in the graveyard of the universe—

In this sea of ​​embers, the pyramid and the indescribable things that are leaping out of it are blooming and shattering, and the surging, dark ocean formed by endless insects instantly turns from extreme motion to extreme tranquility. .

It was as if time stood still in this scene, and the waves of the 'ocean' were frozen in the horizon.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

The final weapons of the six celestial bodies are still guarding around L77, and they continue to emit overwhelming firepower to sweep across the insect swarm.

Under the cover of the Ampera fleet, the space drone group tried their best to clear the air, and accompanied them to clean up the insect family that suddenly stopped moving at high speed.

In a short period of time, the Bashermon also projected a terrifying firepower that could wipe out any star system——

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