The light of multiple stars came to the scene through the space gate after focusing, and ignited the 'sea' in front of them......

Even so, the bugs didn't move at all.

Whether it is turned into fly ash under the flames of the sun, or melted under the stream of particles such as the beam, these bugs just watched and waited quietly.

It was as if, like a bystander indifferent to the world, watching his companions and even his own death indifferently!

This scene didn't feel very good when I said it, but everyone who was actually watching this scene at the scene couldn't help being horrified.

Even those fearless killers in the Ampera fleet felt that these bugs were even cuter when they surged wildly just now than they are now.

At the same time, no matter from which angle you look at it, this dark 'Ocean' still hasn't faded in the slightest——

Even after the fierce battle until now, the scale of the swarm is still beyond description in terms of numbers!

There was a faintly disgusting, but drowsy, nauseating breath in all directions.

"No, it can't go on like this."

Even a normal person can sense that something is wrong with this scene. The cruel silver outside L77 looked down at the star gun scattered in a pile of parts in his hand, and he didn't even have time to regret:

"Mephilas, this battle is for you GZZ to fight!"

"It's coming soon!"

The Gentleman Demon stared intently at the progress bar that was filling in the 99.45% difficult crawl, and when it was full and displayed a series of complicated and incomprehensible numerical parameters.

"All right!"

Mephilas slapped the virtual confirmation button floating in front of him, and shouted in the tactical channel:


and many more!

It wasn't until he roared that the gentleman demon realized one thing:

Gaia & Aguru, the two Lights of the Earth are on L77 outside!

Even with these angle and gravitational trajectory parameters, who should pass them on to No. 3, who is the control center of the Bashermon... Earth Ressa knows it! ?

Not only Meferas, but the Cruel Silver who was outside the Bashermon was also aware of this problem almost at the same time.

Just as Beria was about to call the two human ghosts to come back in the channel, something happened that made everyone's brains shut down.

Without anyone's control, the Bashermont suddenly started to move slowly...

In the process of traveling, this small space starship about the size of the moon opened a space gap that had already reached the conventional limit size very abruptly, extending its sharp edge reflecting the inner starry sky almost infinitely——

In the end, it looks like a huge mouth that has no friends, and it seems to slowly engulf the planet that is more than a hundred times the size of the visual range below it.

Or rather, that's what it's doing!

This move may seem slow, but it is actually incredibly fast——

As soon as Cruel Silver realized it, the Bashermont had already swallowed more than half of the L77 beneath him.

On the Bashermon, Mephilas looked at the unshared parameter data that had been issued on the system.

Looking at the monitoring projection on the side, the female version of His Majesty the Emperor standing outside Resa's earth with her hands clasped as if controlling something, silently shut up.

'Who the hell? ' The answer to this question is self-evident—

It says it all in Light of the Earth!

The brutal silver who was outside without knowing the inside story was shocked:

"Mephilas, you..."

"To shut up!"

It is impossible for His Majesty's mother to make fun of the mother planet, the gentleman devil interrupted before Beria finished speaking:

"His Majesty's mother is operating!"

Damn brat?

Cruelty Silver paused for a moment, and was about to turn a corner in his mind, but was distracted by the hazy and twisted gauze-like things that filled the periphery of his vision at some point.

Everything as far as the eye can see seems to be covered with a translucent curtain, the biting cold starlight distorts abnormally and escapes in all directions, the galaxies in the field of vision are like...

Wait a minute, Beria paused, and a thought popped up in his mind:

Where are the stars in hyperspace! ?

At the moment when he realized this, the icy and cold stars that were completely silent suddenly changed their posture——

A piece of indescribable existence spreading out in the field of vision, constantly expanding and shrinking in a semi-illusory posture, viciously stretching out shapeless limbs and huge tentacles!

Cruel Silver's heart trembles——

It's that guy!

Beria recognized this existence, it was the guy he sniped with the stellar gun just now!

It was not repulsed, not only that, it was treating him in a way that ordinary people couldn't understand——

The self who just caused huge damage to it launched an attack!

Even if he was aware of this, Cruel Silver was shocked to realize that he seemed to be unable to do anything, in fact he didn't even have any sense of his current state.

The only thing that can be felt is the frightening and terrifying energy fluctuations that are approaching at an unimaginable speed...

At this speed, Beria will not be surprised if he arrives in the next second.

To the surprise of Cruelty Silver, in the next second, that terrifying sense of oppression had arrived and almost touched his eyes!

Beria could even feel the malicious energy wandering around his body.

【Decision!No!allow!May! 】

At this moment, a beautiful, distant, but sonorous female voice came to my ears abnormally.

In the next moment, a graceful red figure with the same semi-illusory posture came into view——

She raised her hand and released a scorching breath, burning away the biting malice on the surface of Cruel Silver's body.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible but scorching wall of sighs was erected across the sky, preventing the violent and biting coldness from advancing an inch.

[Don't think about it! 】

It wasn't until this time that the curvaceous red figure turned his head slightly, revealing a corner of his bright eyes:

[If you don't think about it, it won't be able to touch you. 】


Hiss~, this girl from the L77 series is a bit good-looking, and she is the type he likes... Cruel Yin first tilted his thoughts, and then expressed his doubts with his eyes——

What does it mean! ?

【This is your dream. 】

As if seeing the doubts in Beria's heart, the strange L77 girl's eyes turned to look at the hideous figure who was crazily curling and trying to break through, and explained straightforwardly:

【Wake up! 】

The sound of this sentence was deafening, and Cruel Yin instantly realized and was shocked out of the semi-illusory artistic conception——

It is indeed a dream!

At the moment of realizing this level, everything in the field of vision disappears in an instant, only a boundless mirror surface and...

The L77 female Austrian who was facing him!

【Who are you? 】

Belia stared at the strange pattern on her belly——

Well, not any of the fonts he was familiar with!

【It does not matter. 】

Not paying attention to Cruel Silver's overly presumptuous gaze, the strange L77 female Austrian looked at him seriously:

[You saw it like me, and you will be very dangerous next time! 】

【Danger? 】

Beria replied:

【You mean this guy will stare at me! ? 】

[You seem to know a lot... yes! 】

L77 female Ao was surprised at first, then nodded calmly:

[Remember, the fewer people realize its existence, the farther that guy is from you——

Its purpose is neither us nor simply to destroy the universe, it seems to be looking for something! 】

Cruelty Silver was puzzled when he heard that.

[Remember, don't get close to any universe. 】

As she warned, her figure and voice became a little illusory:

【You should have persisted longer than me...】

[Wait, who are you? 】

Realizing that the other party might run away, Beria had no time to ask other questions:

【where are you now! ? 】

【excuse me. 】

The almost transparent L77 girl lowered her head slightly, and bowed her body gracefully:

【Heathfield, let's count it as L77...】

Beria couldn't hear the rest—

In the next instant, a chapped gap appeared on the boundless mirror in front of him——

This rift expanded at an astonishing speed, spread across the end of the horizon in the blink of an eye, and finally shattered...

"Hey, Beria!"

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