The unceremonious voice of the gentleman devil echoed in his ears again:

"You bastard won't die!?"

Beria:  …

Cruel Silver didn't have the slightest incentive to take care of Meferas, Beria raised his hand to touch his heart, tilted his head——

he looks like......

tempted! ?


94 Eh, eh? Who called me!? 5K [-]-in-[-]

"Ah Guang A Meng, how is it?"

Back at the Science and Technology Development Bureau, the Cubs of Light glanced at the signs of consciousness of several "mules" who wanted money and life on the life monitoring interface, and they couldn't wait:

"Have you finished reading the memory?"

On the Gorgnium planet, there is an absolutely untouchable existence behind the strange ore that cannot be destroyed unless it is manually operated——

Lei Xu still remembers the terrifying touch of 'try it and die', which is a great horror that he has never experienced in the face of Gheros!

Of course, due to the nature of the big alarm clock hidden in the Cub of Light at that time, it may have exclusive resistance to face Gherros directly.

Therefore, the existence behind these ores may not necessarily be stronger than Gehros, but it is definitely at the same level or even higher.

Unable to practice it by himself, Lei Xu tried to read the subconscious memories of the mules and horses to peek into the hidden secrets behind it.

"Okay, use your words for entity docking."

Hikari raised his finger and pointed to the blue photon catalyst floating in front of him, looking a little worried:

"That should allow you to plug into their subconscious mind.

But Little Reza, I still don’t think this is too…”

Without waiting for the last word 'OK' to exit, the Cub of Light impatiently raised his hand and pressed it on the surface of the floating catalyst——

After finally convincing Ah Guang and Meng, Lei Xu was afraid that he would be stopped again in the end.

The floating blue light and shadow quickly turned into a pale green light of 'Safe Link', and Hikari subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the somewhat distorted three-dimensional light and shadow that quickly gathered in mid-air.

Through the translation of light quantum information of Little Reza, some pictures in the subconscious mind can be reproduced.

The projection screen is a bit tearing, but it doesn't affect anything.

Hikari was quickly drawn to the dark tunnels in the image and the mining picks falling at regular intervals...

There is a thick darkness in all directions, and the whole world seems extremely quiet. The breathing from this body is all the sounds that can be heard in the ears.

Unlike the noise of conscious memory, subconscious memory has no direct perception.

It is a memory that has been regarded as 'garbage' by the body and many senses and has been actively ignored and forgotten, so it appears a bit chaotic and hazy.

Fortunately, Aguang Ameng's technical ability is not covered, it means that the completion of conscious memory makes the front of the vision gradually clearer.

The Cub of Light soon found himself in a deep tunnel full of rocks, struggling to pick up a mining pick from the ground with uncontrollable hands.

This is the rhythm of the opening straight to the theme, Lei Xu raised his spirits subconsciously.

Unsurprisingly, this body raised the pickaxe in its hand and swung it down——

Ding lang~!

Accompanied by the crisp sound that seemed to hit the surface of the soul, the picture in the field of vision was torn apart for a moment.

The Cub of Light froze for a moment, but did not react.

In that torn picture just now... what is it?

Before Lei Xu could think further, this body raised the pickaxe in his hand again.

Ding lang~...Ding lang~...Ding lang~...

The knocking sounds that sounded regularly seemed to have magic power, making the Cubs of Light's vision gradually abstract.

Lei Xu saw some abstract and trivial things appearing in those torn pictures, grotesque and disordered things that definitely did not conform to normal logic.

Just when the Cub of Light wanted to take a closer look at the indescribable pictures submerged in the darkness, something stung his consciousness——

A terrifying sense of gaze gripped Lei Xu's heart tightly!

Under the sense of "calm" gaze that came from no source, the cub of light felt a little unsustainable even in thinking.

Yes, calmly and unmistakably—

It was an indeterminate mass of existence, a destructive force floating in the deepest chaos without a definite figure, and its existence possessed a kind of detachment that was not fake.

No one knows its essence, but its outward manifestation is undoubtedly dull and blind.

Lei Xu didn't know where the information in his mind came from, but the Cub of Light could clearly sense that the scary guy hadn't found him.

He, or it actually didn't care about anything at all—

Even that terrifying staring sensation is nothing more than...

Wait a minute, the Cubs of Light are terrified——

Since this guy doesn't care about anything, where does this sense of staring come from! ?

The moment he realized this, Lei Xu was horrified to find that the shapeless existence of the blind and ignorant thing swelled——

It finally showed characteristics that could be described in words, the jelly-like flickering body lifted up like a double-valve shell.

In the next second, the membrane shell opens.

A huge and terrifying existence slowly squirmed and stretched out countless pairs of soft and shapeless limbs, probing towards a giant arch that appeared in front of it at no time.

Wait, the other side of that arch is...

The Cub of Light instinctively raised his hand, he was stunned and almost didn't turn his mind.


Celestial Jayden?

The Ampera Empire Fleet?

Bashermont! ?

Where the hell are they now, that surging darkness seems a bit like...

Every time he identified an item, Lei Xu got stuck for a moment.

The Cubs of Light almost screamed until they fully understood the fact that the Bashermon might not be far away from the Story 0 universe.

Originally, this should have been impossible——

Who let Lei Xu borrow the subconsciousness of an ordinary person to spy on all of this? Theoretically speaking, it is incredible to see this scene.

But the Cub of Light really found that he could raise his hand, and almost popped out of his throat something he couldn't...

Well, it's kind of understandable now, the very familiar grand melody.

[Oh so~! 】

At this moment, the familiar frivolous voice came leisurely, interrupting the voice of the astral body that was brewing in his throat:

[Come here, Lei~Sa~chan~. 】

Lei Xu: ...


Resa sauce! ?

[Nia, you GZZ! 】

The Cub of Light instantly recognized the source of the chanting that entered his mind, and immediately lost his doubts about what he was going through:

[What on earth do you want to do! ? 】

That's right, it's definitely the ultimate joyful person that Di Ju said, the master behind the scenes that the Cub of Light once had a glimpse of with him in the Mobile Austrian universe——

Messenger Naia, this guy is absolutely right!

Facing Lei Xu's questioning, Naia didn't have any more responses.

There was a sudden and strange change in the surrounding environment, and a chaotic and hazy light and shadow enveloped him with a slightly imperceptible aura.

At this moment, the terrifying feeling of staring in my heart disappeared as if it had never existed.

Through the slightly hazy interlaced band of light and shadow, Lei Xu clearly saw the silver giant on the other side of the door picking up the familiar odd-shaped gun with billions of dots in his hand, and pulling the trigger——

Boom~! ! !

In fact, there are no sound effects, but it does not prevent the Cubs of Light from making up their minds.

Nice job!

Lei Xu praised Cruel Silver in his heart.

In the next second, the instant deflagration, the red lotus fire composed of magnificent nuclear flames and starlight continued to burn from the other side of the giant arch.

It wasn't until the giant arch leading to the sea of ​​embers near the Story0 universe turned into a pile of disintegrating fly ash that the terrifying existence reluctantly retracted the burning illusory limbs.

Lei Xu noticed that in this unexplained conflict, that creepy and indescribable being that was constantly expanding and contracting and wriggling suffered a certain degree of trauma.

It angrily and completely unfolded the double-petal shell, completely exposing the countless pairs of flexible legs and several jointed cylindrical skeletons.

Its polyp-like tentacles were still clinging to the starlight flames, and a murderous mouthless face emerged from the darkness within the shell and hissed into the sky, shaking in all directions.

But in the next moment, the voice stopped abruptly——

[Shouting, shouting, calling Nima! 】

Pa~, a crisp slap:

【Shut up! ! ! 】

Lei Xu: ...

The Cub of Light stared blankly at the existence that appeared near the indescribable thing, wearing a black toga, stretched out his hand and gave the monster a slap.

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