He... no, it should be him.

The majestic figure wearing a golden double crown powerfully pinched the monster that brought him a great sense of oppression, as if pinching a small chicken with a relaxed and freehand look.

Accompanied by this movement, the tumbling and surging darkness trembled up, engulfing the indescribable animal like boiling.

【Feel sorry. 】

Until this time, the guy who was undoubtedly Naia suddenly appeared in the vision of the Cub of Light and threw a wink:

[Didn't scare you, Reza-chan? 】

The Cub of Light shuddered instinctively, looking at him warily.

[Don't be so ignorant~. 】

He shrugged a little aggrieved:

【Anyway, we are also acquaintances. 】


The one who wants to cook us and eat it, right?

If it weren't for this posture, you can't use the light energy to riot, and you should be greeted by the Ultra Bomb. Do you even have this self-awareness? ?

Obviously Naia has no self-awareness——

[Want me to take you back? 】

He bowed his body in a gentlemanly manner, solemnly:

[Still talking about me, my house is quite big. 】

Hiss~, Naia's attitude is not normal!

Lei Xu is keenly aware that this guy seems to be asking for someone from Lei Xu! ?

[It's better to be direct. 】

Thoughts flashed in my mind, the Cub of Light remained unmoved on the surface:

[Why do you want to say it directly! 】

【where. 】

He looked over with a smile:

[Based on my relationship with Tiga, it's easy to do. 】

The cubs of light almost lost their lives.

Your relationship with Diju?

I can't wait to crush the other party to ashes! ?

[Then you send me back. 】

Lei Xu is too lazy to understand what Naia is doing, he just wants to prostitute for nothing:

[There are no additional conditions, right? 】

The Cub of Light made up his mind, no matter what request this guy made, he would only have one attitude——


Even if I, Lei, were to die, if Naia blew himself up while hugging him, it would be impossible for him to agree to any request!

Absolutely impossible! ! !

【of course not. 】

Naia responded lightly:

[As long as you need it, it is my honor, Your Majesty the Emperor. 】

Your Majesty the Emperor! ?

Before the Cub of Light could react, the next moment, Hikari's concerned sight was already in front of his vision——

Back, are you back?

Lei Xu touched his cheek dreamily, and immediately realized something was wrong.

In such a good environment just now, Naia didn’t even make a request, and there is and can only prove one thing——

His plans are great!


Hyperspace, the Bashermont—

I was moved, but only a little bit.

Anyway, he is also an old bachelor who has been single for 16 years by virtue of his strength, and the woman Yu Beihe Jiayan! ?

The little heartbeat in his heart was thrown aside, and the cruel Yin who came back to his senses found himself standing inside the Bashermon——

The L77, which lost its atmosphere, followed a strange trajectory as if ignoring its inertia, flying away slowly and quickly.

The inner wall of the subspace starship reflected a slightly elongated and distorted light and shadow, and it was obvious that the Bashermon was moving at full speed to leave the terrifying sea of ​​insects.

The flash of silver light holding the electric light crashed into the shadow under the petrified Noah's Wings, and Belia glanced at the unpretentious artifact of light thoughtfully.

So, at least half of the dream just now was inside the Bashermon! ?

Soon after, Earth Control Center No. [-]——

"L77 is still moving.

The internal gravitational trajectory of Bashermont was normal, and no disturbance occurred. "

The Gentleman Demon succinctly mentioned a sentence, looking at the rare and quiet cruel silver:

"Beria, you said there is something important?"

"Well, it's like this."

Sweeping his gaze across several high-level officials of the Kingdom of New Light, including the gentleman demon and the light priestess, Beria's gaze was fixed on the two Lights of the Earth who were attending the meeting remotely and were still researching:

"The guy chasing after us has the ability to dream..."

It took a while for Cruel Silver to carefully recall and explain in detail what he had seen and heard in the last dream.

After emphasizing the strange L77 female Olympic that appeared in the dream and the many information she brought, Beria looked at the communication projection and knocked on the table:

"What are you two doing?"

There was such a lively fight outside, but the light of the two earths was still nowhere to be seen. Cruel Silver could only assume that they had made some important discovery.

"To know is to attract, and those who look at the old will be looked at by the old... If what she said is true, it makes sense."

The light of the ocean that is online is answering irrelevant questions:

"The history of this planet is very interesting, as if it was deliberately covered up by someone... Now it seems that it may be because of this reason."

The rare confusion in Beria's fierce eyes——

Cruel Silver didn't have time to check the analysis report shared by the light of the two earths in the tactical system!

"Fujimiya, summarize our information and start from the beginning."

My dream reminded me and shared a mind map in the tactical system, summarizing the past and current situation of this L77 simply and clearly.

The core point is the evil god with the unknown real name who has the dream ability, the old days.

Tentatively identified as the old days——

Although there were sneak attacks and tricks, it was eventually repelled by the explosion of the star gun.

Stronger than Cthulhu, but weaker than any Outer God known to everyone...except for the Outer God cub Zhouda——

That is the shame of the foreign gods who were successfully trained by Mr. Ao Wang!

Everyone present quickly understood the logic:

Knowing the relevant information of the past will passively attract it, not to mention witnessing it with my own eyes, the speculation is also directional to a certain extent——

Those worm families thus traced back behind L77!

Everyone on L77 has witnessed the destruction of the universe, and they have gone through all kinds of difficulties to start, wandering aimlessly and desperately.

If they knew that there were monsters who could not resist no matter what, they would be in danger of death at any time, one could imagine how desperate they would be.

Therefore, the "history" on the planet L77 was deliberately concealed, and few of the 20 billion survivors knew anything about the insect family.

Then, related incidents and materials were erased as well.

There is a high probability that the "intentionally concealed history" mentioned by the two lights of the earth is related to this.

This is a known characteristic of this kind of existence in the old days, not to mention that everyone here knows it, and almost everyone knows it.

It is worth mentioning that the mother of the light cub, the matters related to the L77 princess and...

The one in the cruel silver mouth, the mysterious L77 female Austria that appeared in his dream of being chased and killed by the evil gods of the past!

Princess L77 undoubtedly knows some information about these bugs, there is no doubt about it.

But when the two Lights of Earth mentioned that she came from the Story0 universe with a high probability, everyone couldn't help being shocked again.

The former is temporarily postponed——

Princess L77 is supposed to be meeting herself on Earth [-]...Lessa Earth.

If there is anything you can ask in person later, everyone is mainly interested in the latter.

"L77 series? Female Olympic!?"

The gentleman devil raised his head sensitively:

"Could it be that His Majesty Reza has other relatives alive?"

"...Yes, maybe."

Beria scratched his cheek a little guilty, he was considering whether to repair the relationship with the stinky brat.

"It should not be the L77 people from the same period."

The Light of the Earth, which is online, is based on a rational analysis of the current situation:

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