"We've all seen senior mother, haven't we?"

This is true, everyone present nodded slightly.

Lei Xu's mother in Ao's form is almost exactly the same as his son, and they have only just realized this.


Cruelty Silver stroked his chin, letting out an emotion of unknown meaning.

"Whoever she is, it's clear that she knows a lot more about the past than we do."

Ocean Light pays more attention to key points:

"Did she say that the old purpose was looking for something?"


Beria nodded:

"Don't get close to any universe, what did you think of?"

"Could it be that......"

The two lights of the earth in the communication projection showed shocking expressions:


"That's right, it can't be wrong!"

Fujimiya nodded coldly:

"Those bugs have discovered L77 long ago, but they have not been destroyed.

Our arrival activates their defense mechanism, indicating that these guys want to use L77 as a medium..."

Ocean Light's analysis came to an abrupt end, but everyone present understood what he meant—

Story0 universe!

That being the case, there is now a problem of directness in front of them:

【Should they continue to aim at the Story0 universe! ? 】

When realizing this, the scene was silent for a moment, silently looking at the cruel silver——

The Cubs of Light are not here, Beria is the nominal Supreme Head of State!

"By the way, Beriasan."

Before the silence spread, the Light of the Earth tilted his head and thought for a while:

"What's the name of that L77 female Olympic senior? I want to use this keyword to look it up on L77."


Beria replied in seconds:

"I remember it very clearly!"


Before everyone could search their memory for the existence of this name, the next moment, a dragon-like rainbow light fell on the side of Cruel Silver, shining a graceful female posture——

"Eh eh?"

'Prince L77'... In every sense, the real princess of L77 slapped Beria on the shoulder, startling him:

"Who called me!?"


PS: I'm sorry, Kavin was stuck in a lot of pain, and I looked at the oven that came out at 5.50.

No way, salty fish, I need to adjust my schedule, the next update will be adjusted to 8 o'clock tomorrow night...today I will have a good sleep... kowtow!

95 Zero or Lily, the Great Commander of the Kingdom of Light!? 6K Three in One

One thing to say, Beria was a little dazed by this slap, but what made him more dazed was still behind——

Cruel Yin found that she didn't seem to know herself!

"Ah hello~."

The capable woman with a high ponytail who stepped out of the red rainbow glow waved her hand to greet everyone beside her very familiarly. When she raised her eyes and caught a glimpse of the gentleman demon beside her, her eyes immediately brightened:

"Hey, it's been a long time since Mephilas...and you."

She came to the side of the Priestess of Light in a few steps, grabbed the latter's hand with a bit of bewilderment in her pity and calmness, and walked up and down with her hands unceremoniously...

Those who don't know think they are posting, although it seems that there is no difference between posting and posting.

This scene directly stunned everyone present, and Captain Victory, who was also present at the meeting but had not spoken, was a little confused——

Do you want to go up and stop it... Forget it.

Faced with the almost 'obscene' behavior of the woman who should be the L77 princess, the Priestess of Light showed weak signs of resistance at first.

But when the bare skin of the two touched, You Lian immediately became silent.

The Priestess of Light turned to stare at the heroic cheek of the woman in front of her with a slightly dazed look, letting her 'salty pig's hand' wander around her body.

"Hey, I'm relieved it's okay."

After a while, the 'L77 Princess' who finished the action at hand finally patted the shoulder of the Miko of Light with satisfaction:

"That guy is worried about you. He said that it's the first time you've been away from home for so long in 3000 million years, and he's nagging me about it every day."

leave home?

3000 years! ?

These words made everyone present except You Lian confused.

The Gentleman Demon looked puzzled.

Mephilas searched through his memory and was sure that he had not had any form of contact with His Highness Reza's mother.

Hard to say...

After departing from the Bashermon, does it count to visit Earth 3 from time to time?

Beria also stared at the 'Prince L77' with some strange eyes.

He heard her say just now, 'Who called her? 'of!

"who are you?"

Cruel Yin looked at the woman's gloomy eyes, and he thought of a not-so-OK possibility:



'L77 Princess' nodded without thinking:

"Although it's been a long time since I haven't used it, I do... Hey, how do you know my name?"

This was tantamount to confirmation, and Beria fell silent for a while.

"Hey, son!"

Seeing that the cruel silver did not speak, the woman tilted her head and glanced, as if she was not ready to get the answer, she looked at the two lights of the earth in the floating projection beside her, her eyes shining:

"Where is it, where is it, come back quickly and let us take a good look."

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …



Now it's not just the Cruel Silver and the Gentleman Demon, but even the remote-connected Ocean & Light of the Earth are a little confused.

Leaving aside the little friend Fujimiya, I dream of asking myself that my parents are both alive.This "mother" came out of nowhere, and the simple boy was a bit overwhelmed:

"What the hell are you..."

On the contrary, Ocean Light at the side blurted out slightly in a daze, seamlessly answering the questions from his friends:

"It's Earth Ressa!"


I couldn't turn the corner in my dream for a while, the gentleman and the devil suddenly realized, and the cruel silver silently looked up at the sky.

"Ressa Earth?"

Also a beat slower was Jujianhui. After asking, Captain Victory realized the true identity of the 'L77 Princess' in front of him:

"You are Lei Xu's...mother!?"

The sentence pattern of the question conveys the affirmation without any omissions——

Able to cover, among other things:

The head of the Earth Guard 3000 million years ago, the elder of the Priestess of Light, You Lian.

Calling the Light of the Two Earths his son, and at the same time presenting himself as the 'L77 Princess', there is absolutely no doubt about the identity of the woman in front of her.

Traveling from the Kingdom of Light to the Mobile Austrian Universe, and by chance and coincidence, she finally became the will of Leisa Earth, the real mother of Lei Xu's team members——

Kingdom of Light L77 Princess!

As for the guy who said she was worried about the Priestess of Light, it was definitely Didi Earth!

"Ah, yes, it's me."

She nodded briskly, and at the same time she simply responded, a sly smile of a successful prank appeared in the corner of her eyes.

Then, the 'L77 Princess' bowed her head slightly to express her gratitude to the audience:

"My Lei Lei Sauce has always added mushrooms to you."

Lei, Lei Lei Sauce?

There is no doubt about who this overly intimate address refers to, and the expressions on the faces of everyone present are strange——

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