Does your eldest son know that he has such a name? ?

"Leilei sauce, puff~, hahahaha..."

Cruel Silver let out a wanton laugh, ignoring the desire to laugh but not daring, for fear that His Majesty would turn around and settle accounts with him, making him a distorted gentleman devil.

This seemed to turn on a switch, which soon attracted smiles from all the people present.

A short and cute address filled the happy atmosphere inside and outside the arena, and even Ocean Light, who had always shown others with a cold and paralyzed face, curled up a little at the corners of his mouth.

I don't know what kind of expression Senior Lei Xu will have if he knows that he has an extra nickname.

"But Auntie, what are you..."

"Call mom!"

She interrupted briskly.

I dream:  …

"You are the mother of Senior Lei Xu."

The Light of the Earth is a bit tangled:

"I should......"

"Not in the way."

'Princess L77' interrupted again, and looked at the two lights of the earth in the communication video quite seriously:

"I am the earth now, and you two are my sons... godsons!

Quick, call mom! "

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …


After being stunned for a few seconds, it was the light of the ocean that was more straightforward——


Under the somewhat shocked gaze of his little friend, Fujimiya called lightly, and continued the question that the former could not utter:

"You are borrowing your own body now?"

In fact, what she said is absolutely correct, the 'Prince L77' who is now the Earth of Ressa is indeed the common mother of all people on Earth, even You Lian is no exception—

Haven't seen the Priestess of Light who can't even resist! ?

Strictly speaking, only Beria and Mephilas here don't need to call their mothers.


Seeing that her godson was calling out cheerfully, the 'L77 Princess' nodded in satisfaction, carefree:

"Usually you don't understand what we say, so angry!

After she came, I was imprisoned for a long time before she voluntarily lent me her body temporarily. "

Volunteer! ?

In the space of consciousness, the consciousness and energy levels were double crushed, and the story0·L77 princess who had just recovered a little was shocked by 'her own' stink and shamelessness.

Uh, isn't the word 'begging' a bit weird?

The Light of the Earth, who was barely proficient in Chinese, froze for a moment, and didn't have the time to get entangled——

"Mom, your name is Heatherfield."

I dreamed of something quickly, and reflexively looked at the brutal silver with a tangled face:

"Who is that Heatherfield that Mr. Beria saw in his dream?"


Now it's Resa Earth's turn to be stunned, she looks suspiciously at Beria:

"You met 'me'?"

"No, no."

The ethereal voice sounded, and the light priestess spoke concisely:

"Transformation posture."


I was also about to say this in my dream, my eyes were confused:

"But why?"

The innocent big boy didn't think that cruel Yin would misidentify her, but he also didn't think there was any need for the L77 female Austrian who simply left a name and didn't bluntly tell her identity to lie.

"Hey, please explain clearly!"

'Prince L77' was confused, but it didn't prevent her from raising her hand to pat half of Tabelia's shoulder again:

"you know?"

Caught off guard by cruel silver:  …


Why is this woman so strong?

And it doesn't feel like the one she appeared in his dream at all...

Considering that the woman in front of him is the mother of a stinky brat, Beria somewhat reluctantly repeated the scene in his dream.

Then, everyone present felt that 'Prince L77' nodded thoughtfully, apparently knowing something.

"If nothing else, that should be me."

Without waiting for anyone to ask, she bluntly affirmed and raised her finger:

"But it should be her!"


Fortunately, no one here is an ordinary person.

Following the direction of the finger of 'L77 Princess', everyone activated their superhuman eyesight to reach the star dome inside the Bashermon through the dome, and captured a gray-black star that was swimming——

It is the L77 star that was captured just now!

"Hey, mom, you mean..."

The first sound came out, and the second sound immediately became logical. My dream reacted quickly:

"There is a third you? Is it the will of this L77 star?"


She snapped her fingers with a 'crack~':

"That guy told me. The specific reason is not clear. I'll ask when I go back."

The brutal silver slapped on his forehead——

What the fuck is this! ?

"The transformation posture is different."

Ocean Light pointed out doubts again:


Theoretically, the homotopes of different universes have tendencies.

There may be differences in small details, transformable forms... The Ultra fighters in the Story0 universe are very representative.

"do not know."

Reza Earth L77 Princess shrugged:

"I'll ask later, if she can communicate."

"Can't communicate?" Beria was keenly aware of the problem.


She briefly summed up the situation.

Retell what the other self told her, including but not limited to:

【Mother of Life, L77 Star Princess】

【The Traveler from the Story0 Universe · Princess L77】

[Unknown insect family and its superior existence, old days: Sada Hegra]

There are some things that Princess L77 is not clear about.

But as a participant, after waking up, there is nothing to gossip about (peeping) Ressa Earth, who is fully aware of "Light of the Earth" and a lot of information about the real name evil god——

From the database of the Imperial logistics ships that come and go to Earth Ressa from time to time!

"Sada Hegra?"

Even knowing the name is considered key information, everyone's attention immediately diverted, and Fujimiya frowned over there:

"The universes outside were destroyed by this guy?"

"Yes and no."

Princess Reza Earth L77 nodded first and then shook her head, her eyes fell on Cruel Silver:

"Thanks to the information you brought, I now know something—

The destruction of the universe has something to do with that guy, but the main reason should not be Sada Hegra. "


"It's supposed to be tracking someone down here."

Her brows were condensed, half analyzing and half thinking, sometimes a flash of surprise flashed across her face:

"It's in a hurry!"

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