Hearing the sound, the light of the earth thought deeply.


Cruel Silver thought of what the L77 female Otto emphasized 'Don't get close to any universe! ', eyes condensed:

"Then we go to the Story0 universe now?"

What can't be approached, the purpose of their visit this time is to support the stinky brat.

It's enough to make people's headaches after yawing for so long now, there is no need to continue to delay outside.

Now the center of Ressa Earth has no communication barriers with them, and the Bashermon is pointing at it——

It's time to go straight to Huanglong!

"Sorry, it can't be done."

The apologetic female voice interrupted Beria's thoughts, and the Cruel Silver looked back in surprise.

"I would have gone if I could."

Reza Earth·L77 Queen's complexion is not very good:

"I couldn't sense my Lei Lei sauce, and I couldn't find that universe... Instead, I found them."


The two Lights of Earth let out a sound of surprise.

"She might know!"

These words definitely refer to the 'self' who has become the will of the L77 star——

A scarlet rainbow floated on the surface of the woman's body, Lesa Earth couldn't wait to look up, and the voice fell:

"I'll go."

In the next moment, the red rainbow pierced the sky——

she left.


Looking at the red star dots across the sky, the gentleman devil laughed dryly:

"Your Highness Heatherfield is really resolute..."


Not noticing the falling red rainbow behind him, the Light of the Earth yelled fiercely in the communication video, which immediately attracted everyone's attention——


"Sada Hegra has the ability to dream, right?"

My dream is obviously not asking a question. He selected and listed a few known information on his own, and recalled and thought at the same time:

"That guy Naia is desperately looking for Senior Lei Xu, so we speculate that something may have changed in the chaotic universe."

Fujimiya waited quietly for the next sentence, but couldn't hear the follow-up for a long time, so he couldn't help but raise his head:


The Light of the Earth looked at him meaningfully.

"Tch~, you two brats are here again!"

There was an evil fire in his heart for no reason, and the brutal silver slapped the table angrily, almost roaring:

"Be clear, don't play charades like that annoying old man!"

"What charade is not charade, what happened to my son?"

The clear and beautiful voice came from the communication projection, and Beria raised his eyes to meet a pair of resentful pupils, and Princess Resa Earth L77 held the lights of the two Earths one by one—

Ever since she traveled on the Bashermon, she has long had no good impression of the brutal silver who always opens her mouth to "tsk~tsk~" and keeps calling her son the stinky brat:

"I can understand, some stupid idiots can't understand!?"

Beria:  …


The stinky brat is as annoying as he is!


I feel connoted.jpg

"Son, you continue."

She tilted her head and winked at the light of the earth that hit her shoulder again with a pained face, and said with a big smile:

"I'm here, no one can bully you!"

Confirmed, she didn't understand.

Ocean Light thought about it subtly, and then suddenly realized the hidden meaning behind the two conditions listed by the little friend before, and immediately changed his face regardless of other things:

"I dreamed, you mean..."

Speaking of the same fault here, Fujimiya paused for several seconds before speaking with difficulty as if he was about to squeeze his last breath from his lungs:

"Outside! God! Of! Head!?"


Different from other times, this time everyone was horrified and then puzzled by this very important pronoun——

What does this have to do with the head of the gods! ?


The Light of the Earth has a low voice:

"The head of the Outer God also has this power."

"What does that have to do with these?" Beria questioned.

It was not published in detail in "Light of the Earth", but all the information related to it obtained by the Cubs of Light was undefended to everyone here.

Cruel Silver remembers the whole story clearly:

Ghroth can awaken the head of the outer gods, so Legend & Chaos joined forces to annihilate the former, making its related essence permanently sprinkled on the mobile arc universe.

In the whole incident, the power of the so-called "dream" by the leader of the outer gods was not displayed at all, and there was only a description from a third-party perspective:

The universe is His overnight dream, and His awakening is to declare...

He has never woken up, and no one knows what the consequences will be if the head of the Outer God wakes up.

But even so, no one dared to bet on what would happen to everything that existed after the owner of the dream woke up.

At this time, everyone present has realized what the Light of the Earth wants to express——

"Could it be that—"

Captain Victory's voice was difficult:

"Out, out in these ruined universes..."

"Related to the head of the Outer Gods."

The slightly ethereal voice took over the words of the great-granddaughter who was... 3000 million years old——

After confessing to Tiga, the Priestess of Light showed a humanized gesture for the second time, gritting her teeth and saying a word:

"Including the Story0 universe we are looking for, it may not be a real thing..."

After saying a word, the audience was shocked!


"The head of the Outer God?"

Hearing the news, the chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light slipped and almost fell to the ground. Hikari was stunned and shut down the message "It's not good, the Otto Academy was overturned by a small pup car":

"Little Resa, are you sure!?"


The Cub of Light shook his head frankly:

"But apart from this, I can't think of why those ores can lead me to that place from this guy's subconscious memory."

Glancing at the thin figure who was still sleeping, Lei Xu couldn't help flashing the strangely calm and chaotic darkness before his eyes.

The subconscious mind of this 'Mule and Horse Kneeling Race' is just a medium, and the evidence is that Hikari outside saw only the former mining.

Mining is not without cost. From the subconscious activity curve, every swing of the pick should take something away from the miners.

"Is it too arbitrary?"

Hikari tried to dispel Lei Xu's 'delusion':

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because Ghroth's power responds."

Lei Xu is terribly calm at the moment, and the sudden crisis made him instinctively adjust to the peak state of being fully active in a very short time:

"Nia didn't make me cry out."

If it is not necessary, that guy Naia will never take the initiative.

But he uncharacteristically released his power to shield the existence of the Cub of Light, and at the same time prevented the guy who fought against the Cruel Silver from further actions.

At the same time, although it is very weak, the Cub of Light can indeed feel a forcefully suppressed impatience from Naia through Otto's words——

He is in a hurry!

At that time, Lei Xu bluntly said that he wanted to leave, which was considered a half-test:

I know you're in a hurry, but take it easy...

If Naia directly asked him to make things difficult for him to have some fun, and later save himself for the sake of not causing the legendary giants & chaos war, the Cub of Light might not think much about it.

After all, he is the ultimate fun person in the mouth of Di Ju, and it is estimated that Di Jia has been messed with by this guy.

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