Lei Xu doesn't think he is more special than the legendary giant——

That 'His Majesty the Emperor' without any sarcasm made the Cubs of Light smell danger!

"Could it be that guy Naia trying to deceive you?"

Hikari put forward a new guess, but did not see the words flashing on the photon interface:

【It’s not good, Taro and Galares were overturned by the little car...】

"Ah Guang, be more confident."

Lei Xu shook his head:

"He just wanted to lie to me, but it has nothing to do with the leader of the Outer Gods behind the Gorgnium Ore."

Hikari was silent.

"Huh~, don't talk about this."

The Cub of Light has always been good at self-education, and the lack of information is endless, and it is useless to think about it:

"I want to go out and have a look."


Hikari has learned about the existence of the Bashermon and the Cruel Silver from the narrative, and knows what the cub wants to do:

"be careful."

"do not worry."

Lei Xu didn't worry about his own safety. If something happened, Naia would jump out and kneel down and beg him, someone Lei, not to die:

"Speaking of which, I'm more worried about Sai Shao..."

"No no no no no, it's not good!"

The sudden female voice yelled and interrupted the Cub of Light. Looking back, she saw Rutia holding the doorpost out of breath,

"Sero-chan, Sero-chan..."


"Lutia, don't worry, speak slowly."

This is in the Kingdom of Light, and the Cubs of Light don't think Sai Shao can do much here:

"What's wrong with Sai Shao?"

"Sero-chan and Lily-chan defeated all Ultra fighters."

Instead of panicking, Rutia's face was a little indescribably excited:

"Now the two of them are about to decide who is the first commander of the Kingdom of Light!!!"

Hikari: ...?

Lei Xu: ...



PS: I've been in a bit of a slump recently, and I've been stuck so badly. I've been sitting all afternoon today and it's still more than an hour late.

The recent feedback has been received. It may be that my writing is a bit vague, which makes everyone unable to understand the plot. There will be improvements in the future...

96 Father Austria, are you awake!? 5K [-] in [-]

Hikari is now thinking about a very serious question:

Does anyone in the Ultra family turn into a bear when they get smaller?

Or...Little Reza is too contagious! ?

Otherwise, how to explain that such a good boy like Sai Luo would make such a big deal?

That's right, what Rutia said is basically true!

There is one thing to say, the two cubs, sister and brother, are lawless together!

In the past two days--

Sai Luo, who had returned to the cub posture, and his fellow senior sister, Lily Akaifu, challenged one after another:

In the Battle Academy of Otto Academy, a group of Otto cubs with an average age of less than 200 were brutally bombed in a fish pond.

The newly established space guard team, the big and round 'adult' Ultra fighters and many rookies who had just entered the reserve were beaten by two small cubs of light with their cute little fists, making them suspicious of Aosheng.

By the way, there is now a rudimentary monster raised by the monster department of the Academy of Sciences, and a ⊙cub⊙ that has just been imitated by the Department of Mechanics based on the data provided by the Cub of Light.

Even the researcher on the side got more than one JIO!

Such a bad behavior naturally attracted a lot of dissatisfaction. Taylor & Galares rushed back after hearing the news, eager to teach the two cubs a lesson:

Do you know the gold content of Dual Altec Antennas and Voice of the Stars? ?

By the way, Galares is a silver warrior with the same characteristics as big and small horned bulls.

The Ultra antenna that has not awakened true power, in human terms, the two horns have the energy storage effect that is multiples of that of ordinary Ultra warriors.


I'm ready, he's in a hurry.jpg

——This is the perspective of Taro and Galares!

In fact, this pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chicks didn't know one thing at all:

One of Sai Shao and Lili has strange strength and combat experience that do not match their appearance, and the other has a cheat that does not make sense, let alone physics!

Perhaps it was because Sai Shao's target was too small after he became a cub, and the little horn bull was almost decapitated by the small ice ax that flew towards him.

Galares confronted Lily with confidence.

According to his observation, the body of the trumpet cub of light is not as strong as it appears in actual combat.

Lily has been fighting with superb evasion skills and light so far, so she must be evading her own weakness.

In fact, he guessed right and guessed wrong.

As an underdeveloped Ultra cub, Lily is indeed physically different from adult Al, not even the cub Sailo.

Don't forget, when the Cubs of Light trained Lily intensively during the Mobile Arcane Universe.

The specific project is...

Fight ability!

Lei Xu's logic is as follows:

Learn to fight and get beaten first!

Therefore, Lily's proficient evasion skills come from being beaten day and night——

This is the core reason why the small cub of light is more inclined to light technology now!

Galares, who didn't understand this at all, successfully broke through to Lily according to the preset tactics. A set of combined punches thought he could beat Lily to the point of screaming——

Women only affect the speed of his punches! .jpg


Then Galares was shocked to find that Lily seemed to have similar ideas with him, but there were a few million little deviations:

Fighting will only affect the speed at which she recruits babies.jpg

Galares's set of combined punches didn't even make the little Cub of Light frown——

The cute little girl endured all the injuries abruptly, and then got up like a normal person, patted the dust that didn't exist on her body, made a POSS, and tilted her head:

That's it! ?

One thing to say, the effect of ridicule is outstanding.

Taking advantage of Galares' blood rage rushing up, Lily recruited Zanika...

The following scene is very cruel for a while, it is not suitable for children——

Tyro & Galares, hit the streets!

In short, it only took less than two days for Sai Shao Lili and the two seniors to become the number one 'bully' in the Kingdom of Light.

A summary of the two emoticons:

Little fist hammers your chest (Altec cub version).jpg

Dogs passing by will have to take two or so big pussies.jpg

Before Lutia came to report the letter, he went down to the Ultra Academy and went up to the Space Guard. These two almost completed the achievement of full dominance.

Of course, all of the above is nothing, at least not too big a storm.

After all, being beaten up by two cubs, even the cute and cute-looking Otto cubs, is nothing glorious.

The guards and the Ultra fighters of the Battle Academy blocked the news tacitly.

Nothing else, shame on you!

So as of now, the situation is still under control——

The commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light and his wife don't know the inside story at all!

But after that, the two cubs became even more fierce.

If the Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light hadn't happened to pass by the two cubs who had killed a carbine, the Silver Crusader cadet who helped heal his wounds would have been beaten up along with the entire Silver Crusader Academy.

After getting a general understanding of the next incident, the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light, Ultraman Kane, said that he didn't care about the reason for this incident——

He just wants to get the place back!

It is true that the evil forces of Ultra have hammered it.

Ever since, a fierce battle was inevitable.

In order for the two cubs to fight, Bighorn Bull even promised that if he loses the battle, he will directly abdicate and give way:

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