Anchimata, shrouded in a light red distorted light film, rushed straight to an asteroid not far away.

It was a Trojan asteroid.

Jupiter is so massive that it has captured thousands of these asteroids over the past few billion years, making them travel in a long, irregular arc.

Whether it was Lei Xu or Fujimiya, they just watched silently and did not make any movements——

The distance between Anchimata and the asteroid was too close, so close that the two of them had no time to take any remedial measures.

At the moment when matter and antimatter came into contact, it was as if a star exploded violently in front of his eyes, releasing a terrifying high-energy flash that even Lei Xu found extremely dazzling, and even wanted to cover it with his hand.


Lei Xu in Ultraman form felt scorching high-energy light radiation and charged particle wind sweeping endlessly, and the rioting rays and magnetic field even had a considerable impact on the atmosphere of Jupiter, which is a million kilometers away.

On the side of Jupiter facing the explosion, the thick clouds were churned into swirls by that terrible energy.

On a larger scale, the colorful multi-layered cloud bands were blended into distorted, disgusting colors that cannot be described in words.

Just looking at it made Lei Xu feel that the SAN value had soared.

[Go back, go directly to the air base to find the stone room. 】

Aguru nodded slightly.

The blue and red two-color light fell into the atmosphere, and at the altitude where the air base was located, it ushered in the dawn earlier than anyone on the surface.

The two went directly to the captain's room. The stone room had already been washed and was getting dressed.

The light fades—

Shi Shi straightened his tie, frowned and looked at the two...the pajamas they were wearing.

—— Instantly realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Antimatter Universe, Anchimata." Lei Xu succinctly threw out key words.

I have talked about the relevant plot with Shishi before, so it is great that I don’t need to repeat what antimatter and Anchimata are—Lei Xu is sincerely grateful for his foresight.

In the next second, loud alarms resounded throughout the air base.

Apparently, the air base has monitored the huge energy reaction caused by the annihilation of Anzimata and the Trojan asteroid.

The next Anchimata will come straight to the earth, and the interval between them will not exceed 2 hours at most.

"Design and fabrication of heavy particle conversion system completed, but camouflage required."

Fujimiya's voice was as cold as ever.

Shi Shi silently nodded——

Even if they could attack immediately, for the sake of 'reasonability', they couldn't do so.

The existence of the ghost computer makes everyone feel at a loss, but there is nothing they can do about it for the time being.

"Arrived on Earth in 168 hours"

Lei Xu added:

"But the plot has taken a major deflection, and I don't think it's a good thing to let Anzimata enter the Earth's atmosphere."

Shishi looked over solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

"What are you going to do?"

40 Countdown to the Doomsday!

It is impossible for the stone room to leave the alarm all the time. It will take 7 full days for Anqi Mata to come to Earth. Lei Xu and Fujimiya chose to return temporarily.

After washing and dressing neatly, Lei Xu sat at the dining table silently looking at the message of my dream on the phone, and the CPU of his brain began to run at high speed.

——I have to find a way to prevaricate.

After the last incident, Lei Xu promised Chewing Gum.

If there is any situation, even if it is inconvenient for me to move, I will at least inform him.

...I can't say I completely forgot it, I can only say I didn't remember it at all.

L77 Survivor: [Ahem, I also have the feeling, Fujimiya Ameng thinks this is the earth warning us...]

After a while, I saw a reply——

Guardian of the Earth: [What?is this real? 】

[Speaking of which, XIG has just observed a huge explosion in the direction of Jupiter, and we are investigating the cause here. 】

L77 Survivor: […that's antimatter, Anchimata. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Well, I think so too! 】

L77 survivor: [Fujimiya and I saw it with our own eyes. 】

——It is impossible to tell a lie, the most you can do is get away with it.

Isn't it easy to catch the cricket, a simple light of the earth?

Guardian of the Earth: […? ? ? 】

L77 Survivor: 【Remember the speculation we made about Anchimata? 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...Remember, destroying the Earth and restarting the universe are contrary to the fundamental purpose of destroying the summoning body. 】

[168 hours is actually the time deliberately reserved for human beings to react, otherwise the wormhole would open directly outside the earth, and after Anchimata arrived, we would not even have the time to create an anti-heavy particle system, so it is presumed that the destruction will attract the body Tactical purpose...]

【...Wait a minute, senior!You just said that you saw it with your own eyes, you and Fujimiya went near Jupiter? 】

Tsk——, Lei Xu frowned, did chewing gum become smarter?

L77 Survivor: [Combined with the current situation, what do you think is the tactical purpose of the disillusionment of my dream? 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...Senior, please don't change the subject. 】

[Next time, next time you have to bring me with you, at least tell me! ! ! 】

L77 Survivor: 【Next time! 】

The Light of the Ocean: [Now that the test has been completed, it's time to eliminate the unstable factors, @L77survivor, my dream and I are still useful for destroying the summoned body, don't be careless, the enemy is likely to come for you! 】

L77 Survivor: […]

— Instant vigilance!

Lei Xu thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it really made sense.

Earth Survivor: [Senior Lei, leave it to us to solve this time, you must not transform! 】

L77 Survivor: [...Good! 】

Having said that... Lei Xu's mood suddenly became a little unpleasant.

Including the ghost computer, the shattered recruiter would not feel that there are only three Ultraman.

Counting the sudden appearance of Tiga, the enemy definitely believes that there are at least four Ultramans on the earth now.

Even Gama and Fujimiya have been strengthened to V2, and even obtained invincible SV.

However, for a monster like Anchimata, pure combat power can't play a big role.

Heavy particle transformation, antimatter Ultraman needs the support of another.

That is to say, the battle against Anchimata requires two Lights of Earth to fight together.

During this period, the only non-standard mobile support force left on the earth is Lei Xu.

——In the eyes of the disillusioned body, there are two.

And that's not all the worst.

Gama and Fujimiya's SV form, at least until the appearance of the monster Zolium, can't be used.

——That will only intensify the stimulation to the body of destruction.


Lei Xu suddenly thought of a possibility, took out his mobile phone, and pointed like flying——

L77 Survivor: [Is it possible that there will be two or more Anqimata attacking this time? 】

The Light of the Ocean: [...Unlikely, the shattered body is the existence of the positive universe. Restarting the universe is tantamount to self-destruction. Two Anchimata came to the earth, and loss of control is a high probability event. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Agree! 】

L77 Survivor: [Logically it makes sense, but if the body is dying when the shattering is caused, it will have a miraculous effect if it shows the madness that does not hesitate to perish together? 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...What is the second situation? 】

Ah this-

Lei Xu slapped himself on the forehead.

It seems, as if, maybe he hasn't had time to popularize the speculation that the 'shattering summoner is cornered' to Chewing Gum.

Ocean Light: [You want to talk about nuclear deterrence? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Use Anchimata to turn the earth into a nuclear button that destroys the universe? 】

As expected of my dream, a key word catches up with the train of thought in an instant.

Lei Xu gradually became resistant to the outrageous level of Austrian scientists——not entangled.

L77 Survivor: 【 】

Light of the Ocean: [Even if there is such a possibility, it is only temporary and cannot last for a long time. 】

L77 Survivor: [?How to say? 】

The Light of the Ocean: [The core purpose of the antimatter creatures in the different dimension represented by Anchimata is to trigger a singularity explosion, restart the universe and choose again, and form an antimatter universe. Once the earth is completely dematerialized, even if it is destroyed, it cannot be forced contain. 】

L77 Survivor: [Phew——, then I'm relieved... What about my dream? 】


Air base command office——

"Detection of gamma ray expansion, evidence of the existence of antimatter."

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