"Antimatter is heading towards the earth, and the estimated arrival time is... 96 hours, and it will reach the earth's orbit in 4 days!"

Even the reports of the two correspondents were trembling.

Based on the information they have, this almost indicates that the earth and the human civilization on the earth have entered the countdown to the end.

Shi Shi could not help but fall into silence when he heard the words——

This does not match the 168-hour message he received from Lei Xuna.

Three days and 72 hours of preparation time were lost.

——The plot took another serious deflection!

"What about the quantity?"

I Meng didn't show too much concern. After all, all preparations have been made to the extreme in advance. Even if I take out the finished heavy particle conversion device half an hour later, it will not be a problem.

What he remembered was the possibility that Lei Xu just raised——

Pulling away the two peach blossom catastrophes, I Meng's expression was extremely focused when operating:

"By recalibrating and tracing back to the source of the expanding gamma rays, it should be possible to determine whether antimatter is singular or plural."

After a while, looking at the result in front of me, my dream hand froze in mid-air.

On the big screen, scarlet dots marked three virtual line trajectories.

The anti-matter monster Anchimata, confirm the number of captures - three-body!

41 Light is the link~


Rao had made many mental preparations and imagined many possible situations, but Lei Xu was still overwhelmed by this news.

"There are three Anzimatas heading towards Earth, are you sure?"

Fujimiya looked gloomy:

"It shouldn't be wrong."

No matter how much I feel that I am still a child in my heart, Fujimiya does not think that the former will make such a low-level mistake.

"How to do?"

It was Lei Xu who calmed down the fastest at this moment.

"Or should we leave now?"

Lei Xu made a suggestion:

"Three, two people should be able to deal with it."


Fujimiya categorically rejected:

"You also know the mass of Ultraman, even the current me is not enough to provide the energy required for four heavy particle transformations."

"It means that the original plan is not feasible."

Lei Xu calmly pointed out:

"Even if you are fighting in space, you don't need to worry too much about the fragments breaking through the antimatter barrier, but whether it's you or me, 1 vs 3 is too reluctant."

"No—I'm sure I can."

Fujimiya raised his head, as if unwilling to let Lei Xu see his eyes.

"What can you take?"

Lei Xu can see through the guilty conscience and determination of the man in front of him at a glance, plus a series of performances after Fujimiya's awakening in the later stage of Gaia's plot.

Why does Ultraman have two?

Because one of them falls, there will be another.

——The above are the famous lines and heartfelt words of Fujimiya in the original play.

In fact, Fujimiya, who regained his strength in the later period, has indeed been doing this all the time——

Battle Cloth, Grim Reaper, and even Zog, the Angel of Destroyer.

Two first-time kills, trying to find out the enemy's means and depth with his own power.

Facing Zog, he took the initiative to step forward to block the damage for Gaia until the life meter went out abruptly in the air.

Now, facing the pressure of the destruction of the earth, Fujimiya is no different from him later in the plot.

"Some things have to be done."

Fujimiya no longer avoided Lei Xu's compelling gaze, and watched him seriously.

"Light is the link."

Fujimiya's tone was very soothing, with a rare smile on his face.

"I like this sentence very much, and the man named Hime Yajun you mentioned."

"Even if I die, the light of the earth and Aguru will definitely choose other heirs."

"You're scared."

With a cold face, Lei Xu sharply pointed out Fujimiya's guilty conscience:

"You even lose heart, thinking that it is impossible to solve this time's enemy without sacrifice."

"But don't forget, theoretically speaking, I should be the one that the destroyer wants to annihilate!"

Fujimiya: ...

Lei Xu's voice didn't stop there:

"Where is it now, the plot has only advanced to chapter 14, and you need to bet your life. Could it be possible to fill in me and my dream in the next 35 chapters?"

"You even said that the light of Aguru will choose others...Are you confident to entrust this responsibility to others? Ask your own heart, and then answer my question!"

The deafening question made Fujimiya look away again to avoid Lei Xu's gaze.

Silence lasted for a while.

"I have a way."

Lei Xu's voice made Fujimiya involuntarily refocus his eyes.

"I have a solution." Lei Xu repeated again.

A look of inquiry appeared in Fujimiya's eyes at the right time.


To Fujimiya's disappointment, Lei Xu didn't explain to him, instead he took out his cell phone from his pocket——

L77 Survivor: [Chewing gum, the night training is canceled tonight, but we will gather as usual. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Ah——?receive! 】

【Senior, are you sure you have a new plan to deal with Anchimata? 】

L77 Survivor: 【...You can say it like this. 】

[By the way, when is the heavy particle converter expected to be completed? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [It will be OK at noon tomorrow at the latest, but it will take until evening to complete the installation of the three sets of Fighters. 】

L77 Survivor: [Understood...Remember to arrive early! 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Received! 】

"The battlefield, let's put it on the earth."

Lei Xu turned off the phone, turned around, and turned his back to Fujimiya, a faint voice came:

"Tonight, when I wake up from the dream, let's go somewhere..."


In the evening, on an island in the Pacific——

Magenta rays of light descended from the sky in the background of twilight, infinitely condensed into a uniformed figure, I Meng raised his hand, and trotted to Lei Xu.

"Senior Lei, Fujimiya!"

"Yo, chewing gum."

Lei Xu raised his hand as a greeting, but as for Fujimiya... he didn't even respond at all.

Since Lei Xu knew Fujimiya, he has never seen him so closed.

...well, it's not hard to understand.

"Senior...Fujimiya, what's wrong?"

I dreamed of the autistic Fujimiya, who was a little confused.

Unlike Fujimiya, who knows most of the situation and has a deeper understanding of the status quo, my dream is more positive and high-spirited.

Of course, this is also related to Lei Xutenggong and the two always deliberately keeping some things from him.

——It’s not that I think my dream is unreliable, but that he is too simple and easy to see through.

This is true in the face of the stone chamber, and it is still the same in the face of the shattered body.

Ao and Womeng, who were born in the Kingdom of Light, have similar qualities, but he doesn't have such a strong backing as the Kingdom of Light to back him up... not yet.

Also, in battle, he is always soft-hearted and too gentle.

Tenderness, compassion, integrity, simplicity.

It is undeniable that these are not shortcomings.

So far, I have never dreamed of such determination as 'I must never lose' or 'My battle is a battle that must be won'.

Because he's not alone—

The existence of Fujimiya and Lei Xu gave this simple big boy too much confidence, causing him to slack off.

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