The slack here does not refer to strength and exercise, but to heart and will.

So much so that in Lei Xu's eyes, the growth rate of My Dream is actually not as fast as his own in the plot of the period.

At least at that time, the more mature Fujimiya had a different path with him and even entered a real confrontation.

and then--

Walking alone, confrontation, collision of beliefs, fighting without support.

All these are forcing my dream to mature rapidly as an Ultra fighter.

"Don't mind him."

Lei Xu glanced at Fujimiya who was still in autism, and slightly raised his tone:

"The battle plan is to return the battlefield to Earth."

The autistic Fujimiya quietly pricked up his ears.

Just as I was about to speak, Lei Xu blocked me with a look.

"The reason is - Fujimiya's energy is not enough to transform me and you into anti-matter Ultraman at the same time. If the battlefield is not placed on the earth, there will inevitably be a 1V3 pattern. In case the anti-matter barrier is broken down, we still need fighters. cover."


I dreamed with doubts on my face, "Is it possible to avoid 1V3 on the earth, and there will be no problem of insufficient energy?"

"Of course!"

Lei Xu nodded confidently, with a lot of meaning:

"The earth has never been limited to human beings, and human beings are by no means the only intelligent civilization on the earth..."

42 Hello, Rinal~

The earth is by no means exclusive to human beings.

This sentence is not an exhortation in the world of Gaia, but an undisputed fact——

In the depths of the ocean, which is still beyond the reach of human beings, in the dark trench with a depth of tens of thousands of meters.

There is a race that also lives on the earth and has developed a high degree of civilization-Rinal.

Source - Gaia OV [Gaia Reappearance]

They look like large tadpoles, their bodies are translucent and radiate turquoise light, and they are suspected to have evolved from undersea glowing creatures.

Its race and civilization have existed for far longer than human history. Before human beings, they had fought against the root destructive entity, and it has continued to this day.

Several reports on Gaia also focus on analyzing the relevant parts.

Many experts even believe that the human beings on Gaia Earth may have been interfered and taught by Rinal in the early stages of development.

Rinals built countless cities of their own in the depths of the trench, quietly guarding the seal.

Inside the seal is the remnant party that arrived on the earth not knowing how long ago, but has not been completely wiped out——

Root Destroyer Poseidon, Gakuzom.

In the entire history of the Austrian system, there are not many monsters named as gods.

Purely from the perspective of combat performance, Gakuzom is not worthy of the word 'god' at all——

Before strengthening, Aguru in the V2 state can hammer this guy.

This is really not an exaggeration, Aguru is only short of the final blow from beheading.

However, half of Fujimiya's skills were interrupted, as if the screenwriter forcibly extended Gakuzom's life.

However, it is such a monster with a prefix of shattered roots.

Did you think of something?

In the whole play of Gaia, another one named as the root shattered——

Roots Angel of Destruction, Zog.

This means that Gakuzom is very likely to be the final boss of a certain Root Destroyer invasion of Earth.

Compared with the strength of Zog's hammer Gaia and Aguru, Gakuzom's attack once again proves that the attacking force of the shattered body against the earth is indeed strengthened time after time.

In his spare time, Lei Xu often mentioned to me, Meng Fujimiya, the Austrian Universe, Heisei Three Heroes, Ultra Brothers, the fastest and strongest, Noah's trumpet, and generations of cut rabbits.

There is also some knowledge about plots and monsters being popularized on a daily basis, and there is basically no taboo.

But only did not disclose any information related to Rinal, even though Lei Xu clearly knew that Rinal was not far away from them.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't—

My dream and Fujimiya are too simple as scientists to be malicious, but other people who can get information from them...

As an intelligent civilization that also exists on the earth, the fact that humans have never been aware of its existence means that Rinal does not want to be discovered by humans.

Lei Xu doesn't think he has the right to go beyond Rinal and inform Gamu and Fujinomiya of his existence as human beings.

And now...

Three Anchimata are on their way, and even the universe is in danger of restarting.

——Follow the power in a hurry!

In the reappearance of Gaia, Rinal was able to separate power when the seal was broken and Gakuzom absorbed a large amount of energy, re-giving me the light of dream and Fujimiya's transformation.

Not only that, after the strengthening of Gakuzom, it also recharged the two arcs of the flashing light again, and it is estimated that it is still a temporary super V2 and super SV level.


Since then, Gama and Fujinomiya have acquired the permanent right to use Gaia and Aguru.

Afterwards, the real re-appearance of the two Lights of Earth was Uub's original junior high school, when the Earth of the different-dimensional universe called for support.

Every time he thinks of this, Lei Xu can't help sighing, as expected, Gaia Earth emphasizes two words - outrageous!

Could it be that the Gaia Earth is the "Kingdom of Light - the Beginning of Primordial Origin"?

"...all in all that's it."

Lei Xu put his mind to it, and gave the two of them the story of Gaia's reappearance as simply as possible.

When they knew that there was another intelligent civilization deep in the sea, the eyes of the two leading scientists were obviously brighter than usual by more than one level.

"But, senior, why did you..."

"It's not a good thing to be known by human beings!" Fujimiya rudely interrupted my unfinished question, which seemed to be out of autism.

Well, I dreamed that Yazi, whose emotional intelligence is not enough, is a common problem of Austrian protagonists?

Fujimiya is indeed an outlier among the protagonists of the Austrian series!

Lei Xu once again slandered the full value of the EQ of a certain Ocean Light in his heart, and turned to look at the sea completely shrouded in night, a dazzling rainbow light gradually emerged on his body.

"By the way... which of you two knows how to get to the Mariana Trench?" Lei Xu suddenly looked back...mainly Fujimiya.

One problem, successfully broke the defense of two leading scientists.

I dreamed scratching my head, Fujimiya...

——The line of sight caught a slight mocking smile on the face of a certain ocean light, and Lei Xu understood it in seconds.

"The goal is the Mariana Trench, let's go!】

Halfway through the speech, it had turned into a chanting that sounded in his mind, and in the next second, three shining rays of light sank into the dark and deep ocean.

Fujimiya Ameng was reliable, and Lei Xu didn't know how he could tell the direction. Anyway, it didn't take long for the three of them to appear at the bottom of a dark trench.

Lei Xu looked around, looking at the huge trench stretching forward and backward in front of Ott's line of sight, and... there was a sea cave on the rock walls on both sides of the trench from time to time, and he was stunned.

Rinal's world is behind a certain sea cave on the rock wall of the trench. How do you find so many?

Otto's sight can indeed see the reaction of life... This is the sea!

Life reactions are everywhere.

I remember that in the plot, the XIG Siren seemed to be diving near Japan according to the signal location, Lei Xu tried hard to recall.

It seems to be called... Ogasawara Islands?


Ahead, Fujimiya seemed to have captured something, and Aguru's figure slowly approached an empty rock wall.

No, that's not a rock wall!

As soon as Lei Xu concentrated his mind, Superman's eyesight immediately detected the layer of solid light and shadow disguised as the same as the rock wall of the trench, and he was overjoyed immediately.

——In the line of sight, a few small creatures that looked like tadpoles and shimmered with turquoise were carefully hiding behind the rock wall, sticking out their Q-bomb heads to "secretly observe" in the direction of the three of them.

Can't go wrong, they're all Rinals!

【Fujimiya, wait a minute. 】

Rinal is a creature without an individual title like 'name'.

In the plot, there are many Rinals, but they share thinking and perception among them.

Rinal, who turned into a little girl to help Fujinomiya, can empathize with the demise of his companions under the sea.

Her recognition also made the people of the same race at the bottom of the sea willing to fill my dream with the light needed for transformation.

In short, there is nothing wrong with being polite.

Lei Xu first stopped Aguru who was trying to reach out with words.

Afterwards, Otto read the words and activated——

【Hello, Rinal...】

43 How about a just N for 1?

The shimmering turquoise translucent tadpoles are about half the size of an ordinary person's palm, and look like the brain gate of a beluga whale.

Two big black eyes were neatly set on the forehead, and while slowly moving the sea water towards it, it made a weak popping sound irregularly.

Seriously, kind of cute, like rua.

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