Lei Xu put his hands under the body of the most daring Linal, looked up, and found that two of the other Linals had already fled.

There are three more...all hiding beside Aguru's head, leaning out half of their heads and looking at Lei Xu and Gaia timidly.



Am I scary looking?

Ahem, Lei Xu thought about it and still didn't ask in the words.

I stared straight at the three big tadpoles on the side of Aguru's forehead in my dream. It didn't happen during the reading, but the resentful emotion was transmitted firmly.

——Chewing gum is worse than himself, there is no one, Lei Xu's mental balance is instant.

As the object of envy, Fujimiya's body was stiff at this time, and he didn't even dare to tilt his head.

It's just that these oversized tadpoles look a little, um... fragile.

【Aguru... and Gaiyabo? 】

The big tadpole in his hand moved together again, and Lei Xu raised his hand subconsciously.

[But who is this? 】

Listening to the voice in the reading, Lei Xu looked at Rinal who was holding in his palm with some uncertainty.

[Yes... are you talking? 】

[Can you hear Rinal talking? 】

The big turquoise tadpole moved a little closer, and the words conveyed a clear sense of doubt.

【Can you understand Rinal's language? 】

If it is normal, Lei Xu will be very interested in communicating patiently with Rinal in his hand.

But now, he doesn't intend to waste any more time——


【...Boom who came to ask for help?Terrible boo! ! ! 】

After listening to Lei Xu's general statement, the turquoise shimmering tadpole first swam away from Lei Xu's hand for a while, and then returned to Lei Xu's body.

【Follow Rinal! 】

Five turquoise faint lights disappeared in the depths of the dark and deep sea cave. The three of them...Ao glanced at each other and followed quickly.

here is......

Turning a corner, as if filtering through a water wave plane again, the three of Lei Xu came to a wide and somewhat excessive space.

With Ultraman's eyesight, of course, there is no need to turn off the lights. Lei Xu can clearly see that floating in this space, countless man-made buildings exuding soft white light are floating in the water like the city in the sky in Hayao Miyazaki's fairy tale world. island.

—The city of Rinal.

In fact, considering Rinal's body size is only two finger-sized, the largest of these floating island cities is only 30 meters in height.

[There is actually such a place deep in the Mariana Trench. 】

The words of my dream are full of wonder:

[No one has noticed before. 】

[Remember to keep it secret. 】

Lei Xu did not shy away from the fact that Rinal was still reading, and reminded:

[Consider Rinal's position, before humans discover Rinal naturally, or Rinal chooses to contact humans, absolutely do not do unnecessary things. 】

[I understand, senior! 】

My dream replied simply and neatly, simplicity is one thing, IQ is another.

——With a little brainstorming, one can understand the possible consequences once Rinal's news is leaked.

In particular, Rinal has the magical ability that human beings can't ask for-healing wounds.

In the plot, Rinal, who turned into a little human girl, easily healed the serious injuries on Fujimiya's body. Lei Xu believes that this is not the limit.

Can heal wounds, can it be revived?

As long as there is even a chance...

Human beings, at least a part of human beings, have endless desires in their hearts.

During the brief exchange, there were seventy or eighty bolingbolings gathered around Sanao, who approached Linal with their tails wagging.

In the man-made building on the floating island recently, the windows exuding soft light are already crowded with big black eyes, looking straight to this side.

[Senior, it seems to be different from what you said. 】

The words of chewing gum came over.

[Although there is no appellation that distinguishes individuals, they have their own memories and thinking... Sharing is not always maintained. 】

Fujimiya and Lei Xu have spent more time together, and he knows very well that the information that Lei Xu has is not absolutely comprehensive.

Mere episodes, not even documentaries, can't portray a complete world anyway.

Only Lei Xu was a little confused——

[Ah, is that so? 】

Before Lei Xu asked carefully, along with several lights and shadows that were much thicker than other Rinals on the scene, they pulled in front of the three of them, and the voice of Rinal just now sounded again in the words:

[That's them boo! 】

Lei Xu understood and pulled the newly arrived Rinals into the conversation.


The exchange was very pleasant, probably due to the presence of Gaia and Aguru, the Rinals did not question Lei Xu's origin.

However, facing Lei Xu's request to replenish energy during the battle against Anchimata...

Mio was brought into the depths of the Rinal Floating Islands.

The depth here is almost in the middle and lower part of the earth's crust, more than 20KM from the sea level-Rinal said so.

Below the last Rinal floating island, an ominous darkness like a cloud of gray-black mist blocked the way.

This group of gray-black mist was wrapped in a crystal clear turquoise glow, as if it had died and was silent.

This is camouflage!

Lei Xu could see through the dark mist that the guy was about to move.

It seems to be waking up because of the arrival of his party!

The light shrouded outside is undoubtedly Rinal's seal.

This is......

Root Destruction Poseidon, Gakuzom!

[I'm sorry, Rinal needs to maintain the seal on it, and can't spare much power to assist you. 】

Rinal's words were full of apologies.

[What if we can solve it now? 】

【No boo! 】

A Rinal flashed in front of Lei Xu, staring at him:

【This is not its real power bo. 】

【You mean add those flying fish? 】

The cute tadpole in front of me was stunned for a moment:

【...You, how do you know that? 】

[Don't worry about how I know. 】

Lei Xu's words revealed strong self-confidence:

[One of the purposes of our coming here is to solve it thoroughly! 】

Seeing that the Rinals fell silent, Lei Xu struck while the iron was hot:

[Look, there are three Ultraman here, which is the best chance, and counting Rinal's power, let's have a righteous N to 1, how about it? 】

44 This is how the Warrior of Light fights!

This time, Lei Xu came prepared——

In Gaia's main drama, Gakuzom, the god of the sea whose roots are shattered, was not ready to move until two years after the TV finale, and then broke the seal.

The energy devouring Rinal, just like Zog descending from the dark clouds filled with demonic insects covering the sky, set off the darkness that swept across the world.

This can mean two things -

First, the body of the shattered body has no knowledge of the fact that Gakuzom is still alive, but temporarily sealed.

I'm afraid that after the failure of the invasion that year, the shattered recruits after the evacuation did not expect Gakuzom to survive at all.

Otherwise, even if it is not as good as Zog, it is at least as good as the cloth bird and the god of death, Gakuzom, who will be destroyed for no reason.

Second, considering that the TV plot lasts no more than two years, even if no action is taken, Rinal's seal on Gakuzum will be lifted in four years.

In fact, Lei Xu still has a faint worry in his heart——

My own arrival has already caused a large deflection of the plot, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the intensity of the current situation is several times that of the original plot.

Continue to keep Gakuzom, and if you are not sure when to break the seal in advance, you will stab a knife at the critical moment.

This is also the reason why Lei Xu will bring me down from Dream Vine Palace, not just to have the two Lights of Earth present to gain Rinal's trust.

At present, Gakuzom is still in the seal, has not devoured Rinal's energy, and is in the weakest state, and his actual combat power may not even be as good as that of the cloth bird.

Now it is best to persuade Rinal to cooperate and eliminate Gakuzom on the spot.

If he can't be persuaded temporarily, Lei Xu made up his mind——

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