After solving Anchimata, regardless of whether Rinal agrees or not, he must come back and kill Ya.


The presence of the three Altmans gave Rinal plenty of confidence.

It may also be that he is really fed up with this endless, endless sealing career.

[We need to leave enough power to suppress it, otherwise it may take the opportunity to escape. 】

After a while of silence, Rinal's words came into the minds of the three:

[So... I'm afraid I can't provide much help in the battle. 】

——This means agreeing.

The three of Lei Xu looked at each other and nodded silently.

This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. Under the gaze of Lei Xu San'ao, a group of Rinals stayed away from this deep and dark depth.

Magenta, Hongchi, and Yaolan, among the three eye-catching lights, Lei Xu returned to their original shapes.

【We are ready! 】

As the words fell, the turquoise light shrouded in the gray-black mist gradually expanded and swelled, and soon turned into a striking cyan brilliance.

Even Lei Xu could only vaguely see the mist representing Gakuzom in it at this moment.

Above the head, the soft white glow suddenly became stronger, gradually connecting with the splendor outside the mist.

This brilliant blue light seems to contain the power of Gaia and Aguru. Lei Xu, who has studied the ring and the divine light rod a lot recently, is now very sensitive to the energy characteristics of these two.

I don't know what this has to do with Rinal replenishing energy for the two Olympics in the plot.

[Ten seconds later, a temporary passage will open in front of you, please pay attention. 】

The solemn reminder in the reading was repeated twice in a row, with a clear countdown.

Lei Xu suppressed the doubts in his heart for the time being, and gathered his energy to prepare to break in.


Under the white light, the pale blue color instantly twisted and twisted into a perfect circle.

In the bright yellow eyes of the red giant, a rush of gray and black was reflected.

——Gakuzom found a loophole and tried to break free from the seal.

Of course it can't succeed—

A blue energy ball surrounded by golden light spots sank into the cavity, and a striking spark exploded at the moment of contact, and the terrible heat instantly pushed back the gray-black misty tentacle.

Take this opportunity!

Lei Xu rushed into the twisted circular cavity without hesitation, followed by Gaia and Aguru.


There's actually no water in here, and... can this seal be stepped on?

Lei Xu felt the firmness of the landing point under his feet.

Well, it seems to be no different from land.

It's not a bad thing--

Although they are not afraid of water battles, as humans, the three of Lei Xu are more accustomed to land battles.


The ominous gray-black mist swelled with the expansion of the sealing area, two scarlet eyes full of malice swept over one by one, and several nimble mist tentacles hurled towards Sanao with the sound of howling wind.

A blue light ball mixed with golden light mist particles broke through the gray-black mist and flew obliquely downward—the liquidator of Fujimiya.

Wherever the liquidator's light sphere reaches, the tentacles of gray-black mist melt like ice cubes under the scorching sun.

Wait a minute——, no!

Lei Xu instantly realized what Gakuzom was up to, and he dodged and took the initiative to catch the liquidator with the diamond-shaped chain mail area on his chest.

The sudden violent explosion and high temperature caused Lei Xu to groan in pain.

【hateful! 】

Fujimiya also reacted from his mistake-Gakuzom tried to use the power of the three of them to break the seal.

This cunning guy was very aware of his current weakness, so he didn't even think about fighting the three of them head-on.

If it was the former Gaia and Aguru, it might not be possible to deal with it.

Except for Aguru's lightsaber, all other light skills may be dodged, which will become the help for Jakuzom to break the seal.


Lei Xu crossed his hands in front of the timer on his chest, and in the shining silver light, the familiar light wheel started.

Fujimiya also concocted it according to the law, with an extra blue sawtooth light wheel in his hand.

I dream... a step slow, but a quick reaction.

Also upgraded to V2 with Lei Xu's light, Chewing Gum only glanced at the two of them, and quickly condensed a round of pink solid light quality flywheel in a similar manner.

Cough——, from now on, it won't become that kind of Austrian meme, right?

Lei Xu was thinking wildly in his mind——

Ultraman Reza, the spreader of the Saw of Light virus... Ahhh!

At that time, I will definitely not recognize it!

The train was running in my mind, and my movements didn't stop at all.

Swinging the light wheel in his hand high, the red giant rushed straight at the gray-black mist that was fearfully formed.

In the other two directions, Gaia and Aguru also swarmed up tacitly.

Seeing this scene, Lei Xu was immediately happy.


This is how the Warrior of Light fights, don't play if you don't like it.

It doesn't matter what the fog is, Lei Xu only has those two scarlet spots in his eyes.

——That's Gakuzom's head!

Waving his arms, the light of the wheel flashed like a waning moon hanging high in the sky, easily cutting through a gray-black fog tentacle.

Different from the uprightness of my dream, Lei Xu has been entangled with the tentacles - he is only waiting for a chance to kill with one blow.

Even though he is on Gaia Earth and has no shortage of fighting energy, Lei Xu still subconsciously maintains his previous fighting style.

Compared with the fighter one, he felt that he was more inclined to be an assassin.

The invisible gray-black mist rolled crazily like boiling water, pulsating violently towards the blue figure—Fujimiya was approaching Gakuzom's head.

...It's now!

The semi-illusory white light wheel came out, pulled out a long and narrow white shadow, quietly pierced through the void, and accurately slashed at the two scarlet spots.

In the brutal scarlet eyes, a little playfulness flashed past.

The pitch-black mist dissipated in an instant, and quietly disappeared together with the two eyes that represented the core position of Gakuzom.

Only two mist tentacles have not dissipated, and they are intertwining with Gameng and Fujimiya.

In the next moment, the scarlet eyes glanced mockingly at Lei Xu, and Gakuzom instantly appeared, and at the same time as he let out a terrifying scream, he accumulated strength and was ready to launch——

When the light wheel will cut a crack, it will go all out to penetrate the seal.

This time, it will inevitably set off the darkness that has swept across the entire earth and extinguish the light of this planet.

Gakuzom couldn't wait to hold the pair of sickle-like sharp claws, and the purple-black gloomy stream of light shot out loudly, closely following behind the light wheel.

——The seal of unknown tens of thousands of years is about to be broken off by it.

nearer, nearer—

The pure white semi-illusory light wheel is about to touch the cyan splendor representing the seal.

The purple-black plasma light stream bombarded above the blue light and made a subtle and dull impact sound.

The gloomy stream of light dissipated, and Gakuzom couldn't wait to fly to freedom... where is freedom?

The gorgeous cyan light of the seal has no gaps, like a mockery to Gakuzom.

Hehe, Lei Xu laughed in his heart.

Gakuzom didn't even have time to react to this, a round of slender white light was reflected in the scarlet eyes - it was the one that was supposed to break through the gap in the seal, allowing it to leak its power out of the seal and push back the hateful Rinal , took the opportunity to tear off the sealed light wheel.

Since he dared to let go, Lei Xu has the absolute control over the trajectory of the light wheel.

As his few skills, Lei Xu once again strengthened his control over the light wheel in dozens of night trainings.

Don't dare to say where to point and hit, but it is absolutely no problem to deceive fools.

——No, the fool took the bait, didn't he?

The unpretentious white light wheel accurately hit the pair of scythe claws held in front of Gakuzom's chest, making a clear and crisp clashing sound.

Then, the pair of raised sickle claws broke away from Garkuzom's body and fell under the force of gravity.

The pair of scarlet eyes seemed to pop out of the eye sockets, and the great pain of the severed limb made Jakuzom howl horribly, for a while it couldn't even control its own body.

This guy actually feels pain.

Well, it's definitely not a super beast.

Tsk——, I haven't been touched in the slightest, so can I be changed to Dharma King?

While complaining in his heart, Lei Xu did not intend to let go of this excellent opportunity.

The left hand is thrown out, and the right arm is held tightly in the abdomen - L-shaped combination!

On the side, Gaia and Aguru had already gotten rid of the entanglement of the mist tentacles, and raised two dull hairs, one red and one blue, far away.

It is worth mentioning that Gaia's hair is blue, while Aguru's is pink.


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