

in three different directions,

Torrent of Red Light

Sharp Photon Skate

Brilliant Blue Photon Smasher

Lightly penetrates the void and condenses at the same point.

The next second—

Exploding with a bang...

45 Take one away???


Debris splashed all over the sky, and the violent explosion sounded like an announcement——

The root of the shattered sea god Gakuzom officially withdraws from the current Gaia Earth version environment.

Tsk, the outdated boss is just the scum of the old days.

Lei Xu gave an evaluation in his heart.

Ahem, Gakuzom can't be considered weak, but the long seal not only weakens its strength, but also wears down its patience.

In the face of freedom within reach, the cunning and cunning invading biological weapons can't help but relax their vigilance.

If Gakuzom has been in a foggy state, play guerrilla without haste.

I'm afraid Lei Xu has to consider changing his account, and try to see what skills Dijia has that can break its blurry fog form.

This is probably the main reason why Rinal can only seal Gakuzom instead of destroying it.

Looking down at his chest, the round timer is still shining with azure blue light.

Very good, Lei Xu nodded approvingly, you are already a mature timer, keep it up.

Since the change of the ring, Lei Xu found that his charging rate has accelerated slightly, and he doesn't know if it is his illusion.

It seemed that it was finally confirmed that Gakuzom was eliminated, and the next second, the blue light shrouded in the surroundings suddenly dissipated.

The seal was removed, and the huge vacuum area suddenly appeared, siphoning the surrounding seawater to roll back and fill it.

【Okay! 】


Lei Xu glanced at his timer and made a pleasant beeping sound, like a singing little green tadpole with cute big eyes and a delicate expression.

In the reading, excited cheers and thanks came one after another, and the noise that emerged at that moment almost didn't make Lei Xu die in place.

Fortunately, I got used to it quickly, but I still feel a little tinnitus.

In other words, isn't the shielding effect of Otto's words almost zero?

Lei Xu was a little suspicious of Ao Sheng, but he didn't remember that he had pulled so many Rinals in.

The same is true for Yifu of the Bee Clan before. Could it be possible for him to enter his reading channel if he has a spiritual related ability?

Before Lei Xu could think deeply, the large expanse of green suddenly flooding into his field of vision frightened him subconsciously to shrink back to the size of a human.

——Those are all Rinal.

If you want to know, you can scare Lei Xu into shrinking subconsciously.

That scale, tsk tsk tsk, it is no exaggeration to say that it is overwhelming.

Turtle, there are so many Rinals?

Lei Xu was dumbfounded.

Considering that a single Rinal is no larger than the two fingers of an adult, tens of millions is an understatement on the scale in front of him.

【Senior, help...】

Chewing Gum's SOS... Lei Xu looked up.

Immediately I was glad that I had a quick reaction—on the other side, my dream and Fujimiya had already been overwhelmed by the mighty Rinal.

Is really drowning--

Not to mention the face, even the true color of the body is somewhat unclear.

He is not as convenient as Lei Xu, he can zoom in and out with just one thought, and he has to put a pose first.

Above the head, countless Rinal floating islands are slowly sinking.

Those shimmering buildings that looked about the size of my own elbow in a giant posture radiated a clear cold white light, chasing down the remaining dark power around the sealed area.

It took a long time for the Rinals to let go of the two lights of the earth, and most of them scattered back to their respective floating island cities, and there were still many who seemed to be doing nothing around them.

Lei Xu stretched out his hand, moved his fingers to tease a few Rinals who were obviously smaller in size, and swayed the tail of a small Rinal with his fingertips.

On the Otto channel, 99.99% of the Rinals were cleared out, only the ones that communicated with them remained.

[The root malice has completely disappeared...Thanks, thank you very much...]

Well, whether it is a human or Rinal, the external performance when excited and thanking is not much different, and reading words can prove the sincerity of the Rinals.

However, the three of Lei Xu didn't really care about Linal's thanks——

They came to ask for help, and the elimination of Gakuzom is also to eliminate hidden dangers, annihilate the enemy's vital forces, and avoid possible further rampage of the plot.

Well, it's gone berserk.

Simply, while the Rinals were happy and excited, their memory was not affected.

Immediately made a strong promise that as long as Lei Xu and the other three were in need, Rinal would definitely lend a helping hand.


【Ok?Are there any difficulties? 】Lei Xu looked strangely at Rinal who was wagging his tail in front of him.

【Gaia, Aguru, we can add, but your words...】

Rinal's words were rather embarrassing:

【We need to analyze your energy in order to store the energy you need in advance. 】


Lei Xu is a bit unbelievable. In the co-authored plot, did Rinal prepare the energy for Gaia and Aguru in advance?

Hiss——, inexplicably reasonable.

Lei Xu can't laugh or cry, Gaiyali has the light of the earth, and it's an Austrian worldview, can you give yourself some idealism?

The energy in the body condensed at the fingertips under the action of will, and soon, a group of golden aggregated radiance appeared in his palm.

【Is this enough? 】

[Enough is enough! 】

A few big-eyed and cute Linal leaned over Lingbo Linglingly, and seemed to use their mouths to gently suck a few mouthfuls.

Lei Xu could clearly observe that the translucent turquoise bodies of these Rinals were quickly dyed into the same golden color as their original light energy, and they flew back to the nearest floating island in a spirited manner.

Ah this-

Is it that simple?

Shouldn't it be to find some equipment to store it, and then analyze it slowly?

Seeing Lei Xu's doubts, Rinal, who was in charge of communicating with him, started to explain.

【So so, so so...】

After a while, Lei Xu finally understood——

Rinal's floating islands are just places to store energy and live, and everything else, including the inheritance of knowledge and research, is done in their bodies.

To ask the specific reason...

Didn't you see that the two leading scientists of Meng Fujimiya were confused and didn't speak for a long time?

Lei Xu simply gave up thinking.

In short, Lei Xu doesn't care what methods Rinals use as long as he can guarantee energy replenishment at that time.

So far, the core purpose of this trip has been completed, and a hidden danger has also been solved by the way, Lei Xu is in a good mood.

It's getting late, maybe what will happen to the air base, Lei Xu read the words to call my dream and Fujimiya, the three of them... Auma slipped to say goodbye to the Rinals.


[The three of us take one away? 】

If it wasn't for speaking in the reading, Lei Xu should be yelling super loudly at this moment.

【Yes~. 】

Rinal explained:

[27 revolution cycles ago, the connection between Rinal and the land was completely cut off. In order not to miss the best time, please take care of our clansmen for the time being...]

46 27 years ago~

27, this number instantly touched Lei Xu's sensitive nerves.

27 revolution cycles, 27 years.

Lei Xu was born 27 years ago.

At the same time, the imperial logistics ship arrived, and the analysis data containing the spectral characteristics of Lei Xu was found in the logbook.

That same year, Rinal lost contact with the land.

Once again confirming to Rinal that the number 27 is true, Lei Xu lost the interest in picking a Rinal.

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