Casually pointed to a big-eyed cute——Lei Xu remembered that it was this 'Paji—' that slapped on his timer just now.

Well, looking so energetic, it shouldn't be easy to get hurt.

Although it is a high-pressure deep-sea creature, Rinal has a unique ability to transform into a human form.

In the original plot, a Rinal transforms into a human girl, talks to Fujimiya, provides treatment, and restores the light of Aguru.

The reason--

It looks solid, even Lei Xu can have a soft touch when he fiddles with it, but Linal is essentially a creature of energy.

In other words, Rinal is not limited by most solid media and living environments.

As long as they are not exposed to the dangerous high-energy radiation environment, usually physical contact cannot harm these cute little guys.


Lei Xu glanced enviously at Gaia and Aguru standing beside him, with a slight blue light on his body surface, like twins, blond girls in white dresses.

Then, he raised his left arm, took a blond baby girl in a princess dress, and stared at her with big eyes.

[They will be responsible for maintaining the connection between us. If you have any questions or requests, just ask them directly and let them know. 】

—Rinal said so.

However, there is only one question in Lei Xu's mind now——

Why did Fujimiya and Rinal of my dream transform into fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls?

On my side, it happens to be a young girl who looks only six or seven years old?

She can't even be considered a loli! ! !

In the reading, there is a soft and tender child's voice of [Hey Hey Hey——].

A chubby hand stretched out tentatively, along the hard red metal muscle, and tried to move it bit by bit towards the head. It seemed that the target was Lei Xu's shoulder.

Seeing that Lei Xu noticed her but didn't stop her, the baby, fat, blond-haired girl suddenly became more energetic.

...Why! ! !

After struggling for a long time, Lei Xu didn't have the nerve to open his mouth and said that he wanted to change one.

——He was afraid that the little girl would cry for him every minute.

【Ah Nuo... can it be changed back to its original form? 】

The words of my dream also showed a trace of entanglement, euphemistically said:

【Where I am, it is not very convenient...】

Hearing this, Lei Xu's heart suddenly became balanced.

and then--


It is inconvenient for the air base to have an extra girl, with the level of peach blossom disaster in my dream...

Cough, I understand.


The clear girl's voice resounded, and the cyan gleam on the girl's body beside Gaia suddenly intensified, turning into a circle of twisted and swirling blue light, and condensed back into a translucent, big-eyed and cute figure.

Seeing this, Lei Xu's heart did not fluctuate.

He stretched out his hand calmly, picked up the blond girl who was already sitting next to his head, and was curiously touching the crystal on his forehead with a chubby hand, and dangled it in front of him twice:

[Quick——, change back! 】


Three beams of light soared up from the deep trench, two fell into the brightly lit city under the night, and the other rose hundreds of kilometers into the sky.

"Phew, I'm exhausted."

Leaving the task of arranging the two cute eyes to Fujimiya, Lei Xu pushed open the door of the restaurant, and opened the refrigerator occupying one wall in a familiar way to look for food.

The table was quickly filled with all kinds of ready-to-eat meat bento, braised pork and so on.

Just as he rolled up his sleeves and was about to start working, two cylindrical containers filled with a sea-blue transparent liquid touched the table, making a slightly dull clashing sound.

Looking up, two green and big-eyed Mengmeng stayed in the container one by one, looking at Lei Xu curiously.

Fujimiya picked up a bento on the table and unpacked it...

In the ear, a cold male voice came——

"Is there anything special about 27 years ago?"

Damn, do you want to be so sharp?

Fortunately, Lei Xu is already immune to the full value of the emotional intelligence attribute of a certain Ocean Light, and this is not a secret that cannot be said.

Lei Xu simply talked about his life experience with Fujimiya while eating.

At the end of the suspected past life's home planet, L77, he was born in an ordinary family on Earth in this life.

as well as......

The origin of the bronze divine light stick, the log on the imperial logistics ship and a series of discoveries that are suspected to be related to the origin of his life experience.

Finally, there is the sudden change of Lei Xu's own transformation ring.


It is very likely that Lei Xu's own original light energy has always been speculated about the power of Gaia and Aguru.

Speaking of which, Lei Xu never gave Fujimiya and Wo Meng a detailed explanation about himself.

I dreamed of being a simple boy, never asked, and never thought of asking.

As for Fujimiya... Lei Xu believes that this guy with full EQ is waiting for him to take the initiative to explain.

But it just so happens that it is better to rely on the brains of two scientists than Lei Xu to think about it alone.

Before things happened one after another, Meng Fujimiya and I formulated a series of scientific research plans.

According to the information provided by Lei Xu, the two prepared a series of countermeasures and equipment for the enemies who were about to enter the field, and they were busy flying every day, so they have been procrastinating until now.

"So, you think everything started 27 years ago...including Rinal's disconnection of information from the land?"

"Sounds reasonable."

Fujimiya was thoughtful, he reached out and tapped the container beside him, and asked:

"On what principle is the link between Rinal and the land based?"

Lei Xu noticed that the Rinal in this container was larger than the one next to it.

The body of the big turquoise tadpole spread into a group of fine light spots, which immediately spread and condensed the demeanor of a girl in a blond dress, and her voice was ethereal:

"On the ground, the power of Gaia and Aguru suddenly disappeared, Rinal immediately put on full alert, and began to produce and reserve the light of the two Ultraman in advance."

Lei Xu & Fujimiya:  …

No, Rinal's metaphysics (strike out) what extent has science developed?

...oh yes, now is not the time to dwell on this.

Lei Xu quickly grasped the key points——

On the ground, the power of Gaia and Aguru disappeared.

Isn't that exactly...

Lei Xu and Fujimiya looked at each other, combined with Rinal's information, it seemed to make sense.

What happened 27 years ago, the light of the earth in Lei Xu's original light energy, what role does Gaia Earth play?


Lei Xu also thought of one thing.

If Rinal can analyze the light of Gaia and Aguru, and then manufacture and store it, is it possible to determine how many other components are in his original light energy?

Well, to be clear--

"Other mothers" in Renlong's mouth, how many different powers from different earths are there in his body?

47 Hand over Ultraman!

Lei Xu's question failed to get an accurate answer from Rinal.

The Rinal girl said that the ethnic group is already analyzing Lei Xu's light, and I believe the results will be released soon.

before that......

Failure to analyze does not affect energy replenishment when necessary——

If it doesn’t work, it’s the same with Aguru and Gaia. Lei Xu said that he is not picky at all.

The information was too fragmented, and key nodes were missing. The two discussed for a while, but failed to come up with any reliable guesses.

Lei Xu was actually not surprised——

If the correct information can be deduced in this situation, then the suffix of Fujimiya is not A dream but a magic stick. Aguru is not suitable for him, and Lao Wang is more suitable (funny).

Instead, Fujimiya put forward a point of view that needs to be verified:

The 'space-time wound', a strange space connecting an unknown number of universes, must have problems. It may be a channel for communication and cooperation between 'earths' - if it can be confirmed that there are more than 2 earths in Lei Xu's original light energy Participate in words.

Between words, the earth is directly regarded as a creature with subjective consciousness.

The point is the space-time wound...

However, now Lei Xu has no way to enter the time-space wound again, and Fujimiya's contacts in the BUG star have not been able to find out any news about the appearance of El Robpa.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Even the research cannot be carried out, there is only a little data, and the conclusions drawn without actual comparison have no application value.

As for using Tiga, try to confront the power of Gaia and Aguru, and try to explore the possible wormhole skills...

—Zolim hasn't been wiped out yet!

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