Therefore, we speculate that the universe itself is the crystallization formed by the gradual logicalization of infinitely diffused chaotic information in the process of interweaving. "


Perhaps the truth possesses the magic power of calming people, Cruel Yin was completely attracted by this new and unheard of viewpoint and speculation, and couldn't help asking a question.

"So if a universe can't be perceived, it doesn't exist for us."

Fujimiya's eyebrows frowned slightly:

"It won't interact with us...the Bashermon, even if it hits head-on."

"We'll travel through the Story0 universe."

I dream to translate for my friends:

"We are from the universe of order, and it has been established that we actually exist—

If we can't perceive the Story0 universe, then there may only be something wrong with it, not us! "

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Although I didn't understand it at all, it didn't prevent Reza Earth L77 Princess from proudly puffing her chest out and giving her compliments in time:

"My son is right, that's right, it's the problem!"


I think there are problems including your mother and son!


Cruel Silver rubbed his brows, he understood completely, and Beria also grasped the core:

"You mean, we can't find the Story0 universe for the time being, so we can only sit and wait?"


The Light of the Earth got stuck:

"Theoretically so."



You Lian repeated one sentence to himself.

The first to notice the meaning behind the words, the Priestess of Light raised her eyes to look at the bewildered 'mother' behind the two Earth Lights in the projection, her voice was as ethereal as ever:

"The key point is her!?"

If the point is whether you can perceive the existence of the Story0 universe, then as a native traveler of the Story0 universe——

L77's incomparable princess is the only key to solve this crux!

Ocean Light nodded silently.


Princess Resa Earth L77 looked around at her two sons, and suddenly realized that everyone in the audience was looking at her:

"What does it have to do with me!?"

Everyone present looked over strangely——

You call this understood! ?


Cruel Yin couldn't help laughing when he thought of the stinky brat——

It is worthy of being a mother and son in the same line...

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, Princess Resa Earth L77 understood one thing in a very short time:

I'm afraid I have to return this body that I have imprisoned for a long time.

"You wait!"

The 'Princess L77' in the communication image yelled, and disappeared under the strata in a blink of light:

"Wait for me to feel good...cough cough, let's talk when I come back..."

Finally, this annoying tirade is over, but there is one point that the two Lights of the Earth tacitly did not say clearly——

According to the previous legends and the description of the Outer God Naia, the head of the Outer God itself does not have understandable 'rationality'.

This means that if the Story0 universe exists even because of the power of the head of the outer gods.

Then its controller now...or the guy who controls the dream of the head of the outer gods is definitely not itself!

Maybe the guy—

The man behind the whole thing is what Sada Hegra is after...


Story0 Kingdom of Light, Ultra Academy Arena——

Chihong & Canjin passed by the bustling arena and settled down together. The Cub of Light turned his head to the side and stroking his metal beard, pretending to be the mature Bighorn Bull and Sister Mary.

Seeing that the husband and wife looked like old gods, Lei Xu couldn't help feeling relieved, and calmly skipped over the innocent child Xiaomeng who was at a loss.

Hikari went forward to communicate with his friends.

After some communication...

"What, you really want Sai Shao and Lily to be the chief commanders?"

The cubs of light and the number one swordsman in the universe shouted together, and Lei Xu looked at the big horned bull in disbelief, and blurted out:

"Old Father Ao, are you awake!?"

Father and Mother:  …


97 Big Horn Bull, You Are Betrayal! Two in One

The innocent child took Superman Aguang away with some embarrassment, and the chief executive of the Silver Crusade randomly found a reason to fly into the air.

For a moment, there were only two people left in the grandstand.

This was deliberately making room for him, and the Cub of Light looked at the bighorn keenly, as if he had something to say to him.



"Little Resa, I'm awake."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light stood on the edge of the open stands, overlooking the bustling Aoqun below and the two cubs who were playing ping-pong-pong lively on the field, and took a serious look:

"It is my idea to make Sai Luo and Lily the commanders of the Kingdom of Light."

Lei Xu: ...

Alright, Cub of Light has confirmed one thing——

Bighorn really isn't very sober!


Lei Xu wanted to hear the reason for now.

"Recently, more and more civilizations have been destroyed in the universe."

The commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light raised his hand and waved a light screen, without directly explaining:

"Soldiers outside the police force reported a large number of related reports, and the data in all aspects obviously exceeded the normal value."

The Cub of Light raised his eyes and didn't look at the data refreshed like a waterfall on the light screen. The meaning was obvious:

So! ?

The birth and death of creatures and civilizations is a normal process that any universe will carry out countless times in various strange ways.

To put it bluntly, even the Kingdom of Light is just a tiny speck of dust in the universe, and it is also possible to be destroyed.

"All this is because our Otto family researched the plasma sun without authorization."

Father of Ultra raised his head and looked at the shining 'artificial sun' beyond the sky:

"I think we can do something, we Ott family must take this responsibility!"

"Uncle Kane, you didn't mention the cicadas and Pagon?"

He deviated from the topic from the beginning, but Lei Xu still couldn't help but continue on, he felt that the idea of ​​the big horned cow was outrageous:

"Is this your responsibility?

Why don't I think so! ? "

The plasma sun is just an introduction. Even if there is no such thing, the cicadas will find a substitute for the plasma sun to achieve their own super evolution.

In other words, whether or not the Otts study the plasma sun, this kind of thing is bound to happen.

What's more, it seems that behind the Story0 universe, Bo Yun is treacherous and fish and dragons are mixed, and the water is so deep that Lei Xu feels a little scared.

"Little Resa, whether you admit it or not."

With downcast eyes, the Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light silently clenched his iron fists:

"Now that things have happened, the fact is that the plasma sun of our Ultra family has caused a disaster in the entire universe——

The plasma sun we made is one of the root causes, which is... this is the sin of our Ultra clan! "

Lei Xu: ...

The Cub of Light almost couldn't hold back and asked, 'Kane, are you awake? ', the words came to his lips and swallowed back.

Although many changes have been made, the core of Lei Xu's thinking is still the standard human thinking:

Not only does this matter have nothing to do with the Otto clan, the Kingdom of Light is also a victim, so you don't have to have such an excessive sense of responsibility!

But the commander-in-chief of Kingdom of Light obviously doesn't think so——

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