The Bighorn Bull believes from the bottom of his heart that the Otts should be responsible for the lost lives and destroyed civilizations...

This is the irreconcilable conceptual gap between his Lei and the Ott family, words are useless!

When getting along with A Guang and A Meng and the others, Lei Xu has always deliberately avoided this kind of conflict in thinking and concepts.

"Alright, alright."

The Cub of Light waved his hands unbearably, and did not intend to continue the discussion on this aspect:

"Let's be honest, young master Sai and Lili are the commanders-in-chief, what do you think?"


The big horned ox stared at him for a few seconds. The commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light can completely get Lei Xu's thoughts, but he obviously doesn't intend to change——

"It doesn't matter whether Baltan or Pagon is behind this, or those guys from the Star Alliance."

There is more than this guy behind this matter. The Cub of Light almost wanted to interrupt again, but the father of Otto kept talking:

"Since we started this disaster, it's up to us to end it."

It's over, how is it over?

Even if it doesn't involve the possible 'Head of the Outer Gods', the guys mentioned above are hard to deal with! ?

Lei Xu conveyed the doubt in his heart with his eyes.

"Some things we can't do right now, but some we can do."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light looked serious:

"Little Resa, I need your help!"

"Uncle Kane, please tell me first."

He glanced sideways at the two Ultra cubs who were fighting in the arena, and the Cub of Light was embarrassed to say that the bighorn bull was clearly beheaded first and played later:

"I make no guarantees."

"No matter what the ultimate goal of the black hand behind the scenes is, our Otto family is the key, so..."

Father of Ultra's chest heaved and heaved, he took a deep breath:

"So I want all these guys to focus on our Ultra clan... the Kingdom of Light.

In this way, other civilizations can also be spared a lot of suffering..."

The bighorn bull didn't continue talking, because the Cub of Light's body surface was already bursting with crimson flames——

It was the heart fire stimulated by too turbulent emotions...

A terrible sense of energy oppression enveloped the audience in an instant, and the overwhelming energy coercion caused many people of the Alt tribe who were closer below to unconsciously show painful expressions.

Saishao and Lili, who were fighting each other, sensed something was wrong in time, and both stopped their hands while jumping into the air together——

Each propped up a wide light curtain, isolating the energy level oppression from the cubs of light...

Such a terrifying movement naturally attracted the attention of the audience, and hundreds of thousands of people looked at the viewing stand in amazement and inexplicable.

After a long time, Lei Xu finally forcibly suppressed the overflowing energy with his strong emotional control.

Even so, the red giant's body surface is still slightly shiny, with a layer of red fire that seems to be materialized——

"If I understand correctly."

Lei Xu gritted his teeth and did not deliberately block his voice:

"Uncle Kane, do you want to use the entire Kingdom of Light as a bait and a target? Is that what you mean!?"


Facing the straightforward questioning of the Cub of Light, the Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light lowered his eyes slightly:

"you can say it this way."

What, what! ?

The Ott people present looked over in confusion, unable to understand what this meant.

To put it bluntly, Aofu’s idea is very simple——

Beyond common sense, beyond common sense in every sense!

Commonly known as flipping the table.

Right now, "Story0" is in the early stages of the plot, and all parties, including the Star Alliance, have not yet completed their preparations.

For example, it is planned to use cosmic DP to brainwash the adults of Metron to produce the Metronians who strengthen human soldiers.

Another example... the Gazi star who conspired to usurp the power of the ultimate god of destruction on Mireta, the Hippolyte star who used the corpses of the Abu Abu clan to make tar, the Naker star who established a monster ranch, and so on.

The preparations of all parties have not been completed, which is the fundamental reason why although the universe is chaotic, nothing major has ever happened.

But Bighorn Bull plans to flip the table at this time——

You must attack that MT with the taunt skill (referring to the Kingdom of Light)!

So now the question is:

What ability does Kane have to make the entire Kingdom of Light become this MT?

The Cub of Light thought about it, but only found one answer.

Yes, it is the high probability that Pagon instilled in the memory of the Bighorn Bull, and it is said that it is the ultimate dominant force that can destroy the entire universe——

Ultra key!

Needless to say, there is a high probability that there is a problem with this thing!

Lei Xu knows this better than anyone else, but he has never thought of this thing.

The root cause is...

"Do you know what the price is?"

The Cub of Light is almost roaring:

"Kane, are you fucking crazy!?"

There is one and only one price for shaping the Ultra key——

The lives of Ultra warriors!

In "Story0", Dark Babar first attacked and usurped the power of Ultra's father, making him sleepy and offline until the end of the story.


Slaughtering the Dimensional Warrior Freya and the Ice Swordmaster Zaghi one by one, Doleu, Galares, and Gorian were not spared either.

With the Ultra souls of the above-mentioned fighters, we jointly forged the legendary Ultra key.

What legendary artifact?

This thing is basically a magic weapon molded with the blood and bones of Ultra warriors at the cost of their lives!

This is exactly the development of the original plot of Story0, and now Ao Fu is saying that he wants to follow this path again.

The source of Lei Xu's anger lies here.

If he doesn't come, it's fine for you Big Horn Bull to go this way!

He and others have come here, and you still have to go this fucking way, then I, Leisa, have come here for nothing! ?

"I'm not crazy."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light looked serious as always:

"Little Resa, be more rational."


The Cub of Light was almost laughed at by the stupid Niu Niu who had no roots:

"You are going to commit suicide with several companions, what reason do you want me to use!?"

Well, anyway, the Riot fighters in "Story0" were all killed in battle, and the reality is more magical than the comics.

Self, suicide! ?

Suddenly hearing the sound, the tens of thousands of Ultra fighters in the arena were in an uproar.

Even the highest officer of the Silver Crusade, who had walked a long way, couldn't help but stop and look over. The simple child was stunned for a moment and wanted to take off, but was stopped by Shikali beside him.

The two cubs in the sky couldn't help it, and flew to the stands for two sets, one left and one right.

Fortunately, when the senior sister and younger brother knew that they were not interrupting, they only stared at the big horned ox with two pairs of puzzled eyes——

Compared to this strange father of Ultra, Lily & Sero are more willing to believe in the Cubs of Light!

"Little Resa, wait!"

Unexpectedly, Otto's father waved his hand, dumbfounding:

"Where do you want to go? No, I really didn't mean that!"

Distinguishing lies by reading words:

That's what Bighorn means!

Even if you didn't have it before, you have it now...

At most, it can show that this is a backup plan at the bottom of the box. Anyway, Kane does have this kind of idea in his mind, and there is no doubt about this matter!


The Cub of Light sneered, if it wasn't for someone Lei who instinctively spoke, he would have been swayed by the big horned bull:

"What do you think!"

Looking through "Light of the Earth", the big-horned cow who knows what kind of abilities the cubs of light have has not continued to argue——

"Little Resa, think about it!"

The commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light couldn't help but raised his hand to pick a struggling cub Sai Luo from the sky, which was no bigger than his two hands, and put it in his hand. Rua said:

"I have already lost to Sai Luo and Lily, which shows that the new generation of the Kingdom of Light is so powerful that it is unparalleled..."

Bighorn didn't finish talking, and there was no need to finish talking.

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