"No change, no change!"


The king of the universe, do you understand the gold content of the legendary Ultra fighter Reza professional universe king! ?

At this moment, Sai Luo's mind is full of scenes in "Light of the Earth" where the Cub of Light used this name to trick his real name into the evil god and hang around with a bunch of Austrian villains.

Sure enough, there are only wrong names and no wrong nicknames. "Light of the Earth" is not to be deceived——

If there is Reza, there must be the traditional art of the emperor of the universe!

Lei Xu: ...

Were you too happy just now to be speechless?

Okay, I don't know how Sai Shao is interested in the universe emperor, and the Cubs of Light are not interested in knowing either.

"That, little Reza."

Lei Xu rubbed his chin and looked at the big horned ox who made a sudden sound, the eyes of the Commander-in-Chief of the Kingdom of Light were entangled:

"Is it convenient for Fang to explain?"


Anyway, I have to make it clear, and the Cub of Light nodded indifferently:

"Over at L77, I'm doing... my uncle built a Lionheart Empire——

Next, the Kingdom of Light needs to be divided! "


The bighorn bull's eyes lit up:

"Little Resa, are you planning to..."

"Originally, I wanted to be super strong."

The Cub of Light shrugged and said lightly:

"Now the two poles are fighting each other, that's okay."

Yes, Lei Xu had a corresponding plan——

The Lionheart Empire is not only a deception, but also a reasonable reason for 'Emperor Als' to make a move!

Now the Big Horn Bull does not hesitate to ask the Kingdom of Light to take the initiative to end, but also to attract the attention of the whole universe, so as to reduce the innocent civilizations affected as much as possible.

Therefore, the Lionheart Empire can also logically enter the stage of large-scale expansion ahead of schedule.

In the vision of the Cubs of Light, this universe should rapidly change to a confrontation stage where several major forces are divided and maintain a delicate balance.

In such a system, there is no room for monsters like Baltan to dodge.

Besides, the Cubs of Light have not forgotten Engel Colas—

The construction of the Reaper's protective net also has a demand for a nearly unlimited sphere of influence...

at the same time--

Whether it's looking for news about the civilization of survivors from the last century, or integrating and suppressing the Star Alliance, these things will be a piece of cake then!


Playing like this, the empire is destined not to disintegrate for a long time! ?

Disintegrate, disintegrate!

The Cub of Light spread his hands, anyway, as long as he survives this period, he will be—

No, no, no?

No one really thinks that someone here loves to be some kind of cosmic emperor! ?


Xi Luo felt his little head dart in the hands of the Cub of Light, and muttered in a low voice:

"Universe Emperor Zero, hehehehe..."

Lei Xu: ...


Sai Shao, are you awake! ?

99 Artifact of Civilization · Cosmic Empire Crash Manual~

The plan is set, and the time is running out——

The Cub of Light immediately gave up the idea of ​​'leaving the Story0 universe to find Bashermon and Bei Laohei', and concentrated on the present moment.

Think positively:

Maybe there is no need to look for it, the Bashermont will arrive tomorrow! ?

Self-consoling, he hung a carrot for himself, and Lei Xu didn't bother to size up the two senior siblings and cubs and...

Bighorn Bull, Superman Aguang and others directly took out a preliminary charter of "Universal Empire of Light" in their extremely strange eyes.

After the preliminary circulation, Zhongao's expression is as follows:


Without him, this charter and rules are too detailed.

detailed to...

"Little Resa, what the hell are you..."

The number one arms dealer in the Kingdom of Light looked over with complicated eyes.

In the middle of the conversation, he stopped talking and wanted to speak, and he stopped talking when he wanted to speak, and shut up silently.

A few questions that the number one swordsman in the universe failed to export:

How long have you been preparing for this day?

Do you really want to rule the universe? ?

Little Reza, please don't do this! ! !

In Hikari's eyes, this planning proposal written as a "preliminary charter" and read as a "complete plan" is basically a comprehensive plan for the development of a cosmic empire.

It may not be clear to say so, take "Conquer Chapter" as an example——

This plan classifies the cosmic civilization into three categories based on the three incomparable foundations of 'energy form & carbon-based body & silicon-based machinery'.

Based on this, from the prevailing way of thinking and thinking tendency of the largest subject within the civilization, combined with the subdivision of the executive regime:

Authoritarian, xenophobic, militaristic, idealistic.

Equality, xenophobia, peace, materialism.

The above eight types of division actually need to be doubled——

Prepend an 'extreme', respectively!

Plus a gestalt style prevalent mostly among silicon-based mech-types and a little carbon-based (zerg) type civilizations.

From the perspective of the Austrian multiverse view, Sfia and Baltan in the Story0 universe are standard Gestalt civilizations.

On this basis, the relationship between ideological trends and regimes of various types of civilizations is also analyzed in detail:

For example, authoritarianism does not coexist with democracy, egalitarianism does not coexist with dictatorship (monarchy) regimes and so on.

It can be said that the civilization structure is separated to the greatest extent, so as to facilitate the formulation and implementation of targeted plans.

Stretching out a little bit——

From how to subdue strange civilizations in the shortest time, implement the quick conquest plan of 'treat guests to drink, accept dogs'.

Then how to attack and disintegrate the internal cohesion of a civilization from many aspects, and then facilitate the implementation of many modular solutions that can almost be directly applied to the implementation of the first article.

Going a step further, how to make the most people agree with the new rule in the shortest time after taking down the opponent:

Precisely cut from multiple perspectives such as culture, thought, and body, and quickly penetrated into a depth that may not even come to them themselves——

Transform its social structure and make it the shape desired by the new interstellar rulers...

Hikari flipped through it casually, and it happened to be a quick conquest plan for the usual carbon-based civilization "human beings":

The opening gist is this:

This kind of civilization generally has a deep distribution problem. The dissociation of the social structure suggests starting with redistribution and maximizing the provision of fairness, and improving and completely implementing the corresponding protection legal system for the main organisms of middle and low civilizations:

Example 1:

Guarantee that the working hours of each natural day do not exceed 1/4 of the total length of the natural day, continue and ensure the implementation of the benefits of the original code of civilization, and customize virtual entertainment products that exceed the current technological level......

Five thousand words omitted.

Still looking at it from a human perspective:

Working 6 hours a day, weekends and weekends, full annual leave, regular and stable salary increases, all kinds of social welfare guarantees, making various types of cheap virtual entertainment products to make them addicted...

At this moment, the non-still picture of the scene is as follows:

Subway, Hikari, Mobile.jpg

The number one swordsman in the universe flipped through again——

Starting from the common empathy of this type of civilized creatures, implement a specific plan for cultural invasion & identification:

Promote 'we are no different from them', and promote our glorious history through the medium of virtual entertainment products in the previous "conquest plan".

Make it customize and cultivate qualified products according to the actual needs of various functional departments of the empire from the perspectives of values, world outlook, and life, to ensure stable output.

In terms of management, it is more effective to use other members of their own clan appropriately and appropriately.

All kinds of benefits and positive publicity are dominated by imperial bureaucrats, negative news and direct management are provided by their own people, and they provide the possibility of being promoted to citizens under the imperial system...

Hikari:  …


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