The universe's number one swordsman's eyes darkened.

Hikari wants to take back his previous evaluation of Sero:

Little Reza is the number one brat of the Otto clan, not one of them!

Well, after going back, you must report to the Grand Commander and the others——

We must continue to strengthen the control over Little Resa! ! !


Because his body became smaller, the reading speed of Cub Luo, who stood on the Cub of Light and faced a large light screen several times larger than himself, was greatly reduced.

Sai Luo, who hadn't quickly read the outline of the charter until now, uttered a childish yell, and looked over excitedly——

"Is this the strength of the emperor of the universe? You deserve it!"

Sai Luo obviously didn't think much about it at all, and was amazed at this complete conquest planning charter:

"Resa, how did you think of it!?"

The Cub of Light smiled without saying a word.

Just kidding, would we say that there are corresponding parts from the many plans issued by the top think tanks in the whole rabbit country before Lesa Earth left?

Of course, he, Lei, has also contributed a little bit in this period of time——

Didi didn't mention the universe.

At that time, I was just getting started with the Emperor of the Universe, so it was inevitable that my hands would be unfamiliar, and the interval time was relatively short, so there was not much room for micro-management.

But in the mobile Austrian universe, the surrender of many civilizations is the personal experience of the cubs of light!

During the five years of her honeymoon with Sister Carmel, Camilla was silently working hard to learn how to deal with government affairs.

It can be regarded as accompanying Sister Ka, and Lei Xu, the actual conquest history of the Ampera Empire, is almost used as an online article to relieve boredom, so I read it together.

So in fact, this plan is the brainchild of the Cubs of Light over the years.

Of course, just for fun!

Since the mobile Olympic universe, Lei Xu has tasted the sweetness of leveraging the power of the world from time to time when dealing with cosmic events.

Therefore, the Cub of Light, who is used to being prepared, half-seriously and half-playfully took the time to come up with a practical charter just in case.

During the period, the Ampera Empire and the shipboard AI of the Empire were also used to calculate and correct N times in real time using the various civilization models in the database.

In this process, the input of nuclear energy alone is astronomical.

But this doesn't matter to the Cub of Light, he doesn't have much else, except that he doesn't lack energy.

What really surprised Lei Xu was that this plan came in handy so quickly!

So far, it is no exaggeration to say that this planning charter can almost be said to be the "Wu Mu's suicide note" of the Austrian multiverse.

It must not be so outrageous to order the world!

After all, the threshold for using this thing is so high that few civilizations can meet it——

Unlimited energy!

Even now, the cubs of light with nuclear energy control dare not speak falsely about the true infinity——

Lei Xu still can't let the heavy elements fuse back!

The fusion elements that normally release energy stop at iron. If the fusion continues downward, a higher level of nuclear energy control is needed to absorb the energy released around and further reduce the fusion material.

In this case, a single civilization... the Kingdom of New Light is fine for its own use.

But if "nuclear energy" is popularized according to the scale of the cosmic empire, the matter in the universe will be consumed wantonly to make it fuse to extract energy.

Then in this process, the lifespan of the universe will decrease at a geometric rate, and finally collapse into a meaningless wreck.

On the way of coming, many universes have come to the end of life normally because of this, forming the continuous wreckage seen by the cubs of light...

So even if this thing is stolen, it's okay. Lei Xu dares to show it to others, so he has a corresponding support.

Otherwise, "Light of the Earth" dares to publish anything except legends and foreign gods.

What's the matter, the Cubs of Light don't dare to reveal that they are holding the "Artifact of Civilization: Quick Guide to Cosmic Empire"...

"Little Reza."

Hikari spoke worriedly. He thought over and over again that it was necessary to vaccinate the Cub of Light:

"I think you......"

Before the words fell, the hearts of all the people present felt inexplicably throbbing for a moment.

Lei Xu reflexively looked at the sky——

In the field of vision, the white words from the Captain of the Universe Guard of the Kingdom of Light seem to be engraved in the background of the space, concise and to the point:

[Earth, danger! 】

In the next moment, the red rainbow broke through the sky and soared into the sky...



On Baxiumon Earth [-], everyone let out an unbelievable surprise.

Cruel Silver looked over confirmingly as if his hearing function had just temporarily failed:

"Repeat what you said just now!"

Everyone's eyes tacitly gathered on the face of the heroic woman.

"That guy is asleep and can't wake up."

The face of the 'L77 Princess' who went back and forth was also puzzled, but she still patiently repeated:

"But I tried to connect with her with the power of Lei Lei Jiang, and saw a terrible thing in her memory."

"All of these universes...."

Princess Reza L77 raised her head and looked up at the sky. Her bright eyes crossed the boundary of the small universe inside Baxiumon, reflecting the boundless sea of ​​ashes of the universe outside.

After a long time, she took a deep breath:

"It's all the same here—

Where the same universe was formed from the constant destruction..."


100 Brother Sha, let us achieve a great cause!

The moment the words came to an end, there was an eerie silence in the audience.

No one felt the need for the cubs' mother to deceive them, and Ocean Light fell into deep thought.

Everyone is digesting the news that it's amazing and reasonable, reasonable... In fact, the outrageous fucking opened the door for the outrageous.

The continuous destruction of the same universe finally formed what they saw along the way——

This sea of ​​chaos, which is so vast that it is difficult to count, is completely formed by the embers of the wreckage of the destruction of the universe...

If all this is true, how many times will the universe be destroyed?

I'm afraid it is an astronomical figure beyond the imagination of everyone present.


I asked without any hope in my dream, and the answer I got was as expected——

"Mom doesn't know."

Princess Reza L77 shook her head, and the intimate Rua rubbed the back of Rua's light of the earth, making the latter blush unconsciously:

"Her state is very strange, and I don't have many memories to share."

This is a euphemism, but in fact L77 Star Heatherfie's state is extremely weird.

So much so that when she borrowed her son's ability to try to become one body, she felt that it was not like another 'self' at all!

It's like, it's like...

"So, the civilizations on star L77 thought they came from different universes, but actually they all came from the same universe?"

A beautiful female voice interrupted Heatherfi's memories, Ju Jianhui frowned and looked at the many reports from the TPC field team members that popped up in front of her.

At present, the civilizations on L77 seem to have noticed the changes in the outside world.

Many people in the universe thought they had returned to the universe safely, and they were eager to move.

In addition, the Lionheart Emperor Heatherfield has been missing so far.

People in the universe generally suspected that the "Mother of Life" was held hostage here and did not cooperate with the work very well. The further investigation of the TPC ground staff was seriously hindered.

If the Kingdom of New Light hadn't shown unparalleled strength in the battle against the group of worms, it might not be as simple as 'not cooperating' now.

A few trivial matters are irrelevant, Captain Victory considered Kaisheng:

"Does this prove that every cosmic destruction is different?"


Heatherfi was taken aback for a moment, hesitantly tilting her head, a little uncertain:


She can understand the logic of these words:

If the process of destruction is similar every time, then the civilizations that survive each time should also be the same batch.

Not counting the unlucky ones who survived the destruction of the universe but failed to encounter the L77 star, these 6000 or so surviving civilizations who thought they came from different universes are enough proof.

"But what does that mean?"

The Gentleman Devil didn't turn the corner.


Beria sneered:

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