"Mephilas, with your IQ, you can only understand this."

Gentleman Devil:  …

The Chief of the Dark King decided not to care about the Cruel Silver.

"She's referring to the man behind it that we don't know yet."

Seeing Mephilas taking a step back, Beria nodded happily:

"Those guys that the worms are chasing are doing shameless deeds with the universe created by the ghost of the king of outer gods!"

That’s right, even if the two Lights of Earth deliberately didn’t say——

After knowing that the essence is the "continuous destruction of the same universe", the people present also realized the possibility of the power being stolen from the dream of the head of the Outer Gods.

Those insect dependents and their superior old Sada Hegra are most likely to be chasing after the guy who stole the power of the head of the outer gods.

"Then let's say..."

Originally, he didn't turn the corner for a while, when the cruel silver's voice settled down, the gentleman demon immediately reacted:

"The man behind the scenes is in the Story0 universe where His Majesty Reza is?"


They were so confused that they didn't understand at all, Heatherfi looked back with a guilty conscience:


"That's right!"

Meditation has not interrupted until now, and the light of the ocean, which has finished the long exam, vowed to wave a piece of light and shadow:

"I have proof!"


Before Heatherfi could confidently puff her chest out and boast that she was awesome, everyone's eyes quickly focused on the rough black-and-white cartoons.


Mephilas remembers the planet in "Story0":

"What's so special about it..."

The gentleman and the devil shut up at the speed of light, and there was a little understanding in the blue evil eyes.

"The force of destruction and creation of the universe."

Fujimiya clicked on the screen, and the words dictated by Sophie, who was disguised as a Zarabu star, were highlighted:

"This is the only thing in the entire "Story0" that clearly describes the destruction and regeneration of the universe. Those bugs are probably looking for this!"

"In other words—"

The light of the ocean swept across the audience, with bright eyes:

"I think this planet may be the power itself of the head of the Outer Gods..."



【"Where are you, Sha Fulin?"】

After wandering around for a long time, I became lonely, and the voice of the Cub of Light resounded all over the world:

【"You are not on the earth at all, where did you hide!?"】


It was the Nth time that 'Zofi', who was hesitating whether to come out or not, was taken aback when she saw the red Ultra warrior piercing through the sky like a show of power.

Didn't this Ultra warrior come to find Sophie! ?

That's not right, Mr. Babar obviously launched the Ultra signature in the name of Zoffy, why did the Ultra warriors come looking for Sha Fulin?

By the way, does Sophie look like this?

How did he hear that he didn't have these on his chest...

'Zofi' looked down at the hard bumps on his chest and shoulders, which was also the form Lord Babar asked him to change.

The words stated that he was going to take back Gorgnium planet, why did Master Babar order him to come to this planet?

'Sophie' wonders ing...

go out?

stay home! ?

Just as 'Sophie' was hesitating, the next moment, the sound of intimacy passing by his ears and the feeling of pressure on his shoulders made him frightened——

"Yo~ Brother Sha!"

The Cub of Light embraced 'Zoffy' by the shoulders, and increased the strength of his hands in a complaining manner:

"It's all here, why are you avoiding me?"

'Zoffie':  …

Yes, able to hide from his perception, and this kind of speed... this Ultra warrior is not to be underestimated!

Dressed in red, it is the fighting color of the Otto clan.

Can't escape, can't fight!

'Zoffie' came to a conclusion in an instant.

And this guy's name is Zuo Feisha... Was it a nickname?

"I made a mistake."


The Cub of Light was taken aback.

"Sorry, I signed it without investigating clearly."

'Zoffie' exerted composure:

"Those guys don't seem to have come to Earth, and there is no danger for the time being."

Lei Xu stared fixedly at 'Zofi' in front of him for a few seconds, until the latter felt hairy, then he raised his hand helplessly, and lightly hammered his chest:

"No, Brother Sha, are you fooling me?"

Huh~, 'Zoffie' breathed a sigh of relief, and finally passed the fool!

Sensing the Unigold crystal that was about to emerge from the timer on his chest, the Cub of Light's eyes moved, and he ignored it——

"That's it!"

Lei Xu took off with 'Zoffie' in his arms:

"Brother Sha, you have been out for a long time, come back to the Kingdom of Light with me, let me tell you..."


'Sophie' subconsciously tried to break free...without success:

"I still have something to do... I have to go to a few planets."

"It's okay, it's okay to go later."

The strength output of the Cub of Light has not decreased but increased:

"And the commander-in-chief asked us to go back immediately, saying that something important happened in the Kingdom of Light."

'Zoffie' felt bitter about the commander-in-chief's order, and didn't know how to refuse it.


'Zoffie' asked without hope:


"Hey, brother Sha, you don't know."

Lei Xu approached mysteriously:

"The Commander-in-Chief has stepped down!"

"Ah, ah!?"

'Zophie' almost dropped her jaw.

"Hey, I guess you don't know!"

Cub of Light'hehe' Yile:

"Currently the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light is Sero and Lily. Both of them are teenagers. They defeated the commander-in-chief head-on."


'Zophie' started again.

He knows what the concept of a teenager in the Otto family is.

Damn it, is the new generation of Kingdom of Light so powerful?

"The Ultra warriors were summoned this time because of the two commanders—"

Lei Xu is gearing up:

"Commander Lily is a little girl, but Emperor Zero is different!"

Great, the Great?

'Zoffie' keenly captures this unusual vocabulary.

Difficult to say...

"Emperor Sai Luo set up his ambition to conquer the entire universe at a young age, that's what he said!"

The Cub of Light embraced the sky with both hands, impassioned:

"In this universe, no one stood at the top from the beginning, but from then on, the uncomfortable window period of this cosmic throne is coming to an end——

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