From now on, we, the Ultra Clan, will stand at the top! "

'Zoffie':  …

Well, he knew that the Otts were hypocrites!

What is peacekeeping? It's just...

"How about it?"

The voice of anticipation interrupted 'Zoffy''s galloping thoughts. He saw the red giant in front of him rubbing his hands in anticipation, and was taken aback for a moment:

"How about what!?"

"Hate it, Brother Sha, you are here again!"

The Cub of Light casually raised his hand, the howling wind and the explosion of dust waves made 'Soffie' terrified.

"Of course I will support Emperor Zero with me!"

The red giant's long biceps swelled slightly, made a strong posture, and turned his head expectantly:

"Brother Sha Fulin, let's achieve a great cause together, how about it!?"

'Zoffie':  …

"of course."

After a long silence, 'Zoffie' nodded in a mysterious way:

"No matter what you think, I, Sha Fulin, will support you to the end..."

"Go, let's go back to the Kingdom of Light now!"


101 Little Reza you TM!

Across the legendary infinite energy, the plasma sun, the source of super-evolution, ran amok throughout the universe.

In the field of vision that gradually enlarged, the magnificent crystal city with elegant light green light shining everywhere could not bring any psychological comfort to 'Sophie'.

Regret, in short, I am very sorry!

How could he come to the Kingdom of Light?

How dare he come to the Kingdom of Light! ?

It's good now, even if the sheep enter the tiger's den, they can't escape.

Zarab wished he could give himself a big ear scratch on the spot... He glanced at the red guy beside him, but he didn't dare to move.

Unexpectedly, his changing posture... Sophie and this guy have such a great reputation in the Ultra Clan.

Since stepping into the Kingdom of Light, the Ultra warriors he met along the way never took their eyes off him and that red guy.

It could be seen that these Ultra warriors respected the red guy and Zofie from the bottom of their hearts.

Strange Otts who didn't even know that guy kept nodding their heads to greet them from a distance, and some guys who were obviously familiar approached to say hello.

This made Zarabu terrified, for fear that his flaws would be revealed in the next second.

In particular, among the Ultra fighters who came to say hello, there is a Silver Race with a concave diamond-shaped timer, which seems to be Mebius?

Mebius is obviously not like the red guy beside him...Resa is so easy to fool!

If that guy hadn't been training with a team of Ultra fighters and had no time to chat, he would have revealed his secrets on the spot.

Rao succeeded in fooling the past with the principle of pretending to think and talking as little as possible, Zarabu also broke out in a cold sweat at the suspicious eyes of Mebius on the spot.

If it is exposed here, let that Reza know that he is not Sophie, Zarab has no doubt that he will die on the spot——

The kind where the bones of the whole body are crushed!

Just like what Reza mentioned inadvertently when he came here, there was once a cosmic being who lied to him and finally kneaded it into molecules together with the skull.


Where are you going! ?

Zarab's heart is desperate at the moment.

There is one thing to say, when he was on Earth, he really thought about the big deal, and immediately opened up when the situation was not good.

But now...

Thinking of that, Reza, the barbarian of the Ultra red tribe, took him Biu across a distance of 300 million light years to the Kingdom of Light in an instant.

Zarab immediately put away this small thought that was destined to be impossible.

With such a terrifying space ability, the Star Alliance... Can Lord Babar really defeat the Ultra Clan?

Thinking about it, Zarab couldn't help being pessimistic about the future of the Star Alliance for a while.

Pessimistic and pessimistic, sad to wake up——

"Hey Hey hey?"

Zarab was awakened by a familiar light punch, and faced a pair of concerned bright yellow eyes.

"Ah, ah!?"

'Sophie' woke up like a dream.

"Brother Sha, why are you still out of your mind?"

The Cub of Light grunted in a complaining manner, and turned to face the exaggerated, crystal clear crystal throne:

"Emperor Sai Luo...the commander-in-chief is asking you something!"


Zarabu was stunned for a moment, and quickly locked his eyes on the...

When the opalescent eyes reflected the little cub on the throne that was about the size of her palm, 'Sophie' fell silent.


This is Shiro?

This little thing defeated the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light, Kane, the father of Ultra! ?

Are you kidding about Babar interstellar?

I'm afraid it wasn't this guy... Zarabu turned his eyes to Reza who was next to him indiscriminately, the puppet supported by this guy?


The little thing spoke in a childish voice:

"Do you want to?"


What do you want! ?

Although she didn't hear the previous text at all, it didn't prevent 'Soffie' from nodding her head calmly:

"Eh, I agree."

Presumably, it must be the achievement of a great career that Reiser said before!

Zarab made up his mind, and immediately used the previous reason to leave the Kingdom of Light after dealing with it here.

It was too scary, he never dared to...


The little one on the throne nodded solemnly:

"From now on, you, the strongest warrior of the Silver Clan, are the chief diplomat of our Galactic Empire of Light——

Staying behind in the Kingdom of Light is responsible for foreign propaganda and other related work, and directly connects with Reza. "


Zarab almost jumped up from the spot.


Never expecting such an arrangement, 'Zoffie' couldn't help but take a step forward:

"Commander Sai Luo, I think it's completely possible with my strength..."

Since he is the strongest silver warrior, this power doesn't need to be wasted on civilian jobs... Zarabu tried to dispel Sairo's idea with this as a reason.


He didn't finish his words, but the little boy raised his hand and interrupted like a prophet:

"I know you like to travel.

But as the strongest warrior of the Silver Clan, you are a civilian spokesperson, and you will be able to greatly demonstrate the strength and demeanor of our Ultra Clan. "

'Zoffie':  …

It's over, it's over!

These words completely blocked all the reasons he could think of at once.

For a while, he couldn't think of a better reason, and Zarab was in a hurry.

"Brother Sha, think about it!"

Seeing that 'Zofi' did not speak, the Cub of Light persuaded from the side:

"Strike the headquarters of the Interstellar Alliance, you who have returned from the dark universe have proved your strength to the whole universe.

Such you are civilian diplomats in the Kingdom of Light, and the civilizations outside must think that our Ott clan is extremely powerful——

You must turn against the enemy and remove your armor, and surrender with courtesy... This is all thanks to you, Brother Sha! "

'Zoffie':  …

Zarab was silent for a moment.

"what did you just say?"

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