"We must turn our backs and remove our armor..." The Cub of Light didn't know why.

"No, it's the previous sentence, the first sentence."


Reza thought for a while:

"Blitz the Star Alliance headquarters, you who have returned from the dark universe have already..."

"it is good!"

'Zoffie' suddenly raised her head confidently:

"I agree with this matter!"


Heh~, what is the strongest silver warrior?

Blitz strikes the headquarters of the Interstellar Alliance and still wants to return safely! ?

No wonder Master Babar asked him to change into this guy... Sophie.

This guy must have been captured!

That is to say, he Zarrab actually has no risk of exposure!

What are you afraid of?

Humph~, idiots of the Ultra Clan!

Waiting for Mr. Zarab and I to reveal the truth, what kind of expressions will you all have, hahahaha...

'Zoffie' walked away full of confidence, carrying a copy of the external speech that she had just obtained——

The first order of Grand Commander Sero:

Announce the establishment of the Galaxy Empire of Light!

Unbeknownst to Zarab, after he left...

"Hey, I said, Young Master Sai, you almost revealed your secrets just now, do you know that?"

The Cub of Light vigorously rubbed the corners of Cub Luo's towering head.

"Let go, let go!"

Sai Luo angrily broke free from someone Lei's hands, and said in a childish voice:

"Now let's talk about it, why did you let a fake Sophie come..."

"Then who of you will be the bad guy?"

The Cub of Light asked back:

"Is it you who will, or the Bighorn will!?"


What you said made sense, but he was speechless.

Lei Xu thought very clearly——

It's simply unrealistic for the saints from the Kingdom of Light to pretend to be wicked officers of the Cosmic Empire!

On the other hand, the Galaxy Empire of Light's external speech is extremely important.

Everything else is easy to say, this one is related to the next expansion plan, and it must not be revealed.

The Cub of Light wanted to come by himself, but he went to the earth and got a free wage earner.

At the same time, he also guessed [-]% of the identity of this 'Soffie'——

Zarab Starman!

Acting in the true colors is to be the spokesperson.

What's more, this 'Sophie' deliberately lured him to the earth, and combined with Yunikin's ready-to-go at that time——

This must be Tiaohulishan!

The opponent's goal is definitely the Gorgnim star, which can't be wrong!

In fact, Lei Xu probably guessed the whole story from the moment he left the Kingdom of Light, but he still chose to cooperate:

There are not many guys in this universe who know that the earth is his weakness, and it is probably Pagon!

Gorgnium is related to the head of the Outer Gods, and it has a high probability that it has something to do with Pagon——

Since there is no way to carry it away in the crystal, the Cub of Light knew from the very beginning that he would not be able to keep this thing under the hands of the legendary ancient god.

Now is not the time to tear your face apart, it's better to push the boat along the way and wait for that guy from the god of death to arrive...

"Then Captain Sophie?"

Cub Luo, who had no doubts, looked over amusedly:

"Have you figured out how to explain it!?"

"It's okay, I just sent a signature."

The Cub of Light waved his hand indifferently:

"Brother Sha will cooperate... Isn't it just a few rounds of M87, at most give me a shower..."


At the same time, somewhere in the universe—

【...In short, that's how things are. Remember that Sophie is dead. Brother Sha, if you have nothing to do, don't go back to the Kingdom of Light! 】

The two Zofi Qi Qi looked away from the elegant cursive characters floating above the sky.

The captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light took a deep breath... two... three...

It took almost half an hour to inhale before the extremely fast heaving chest returned to its intense frequency.

"How to do?"

The strongest silver warrior looked at 'self' worriedly:

"Little Reza..."

The captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light raised his hand, interrupting Story0 Sophie, and at the same time stretched out his hand to his chest silently...

Under the jaw-dropping gaze of the strongest Silver Warrior, Zofi, the Kingdom of Light, took off the two rows of Star Medals that had been hanging on his chest for nearly 2 years one by one...

Story0 · Sophie:  …


【"Little Lesa you TM!"】

In the end, the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard looked at the two rows of 'prickly heat' that were obviously a bit white, and his gnashing voice resounded throughout the world:

【"You better give me a reasonable explanation later!!!"】

PS: Sorry, kind of had to deal with it.

I can't stay up late today, there will be no updates tomorrow morning, and three chapters will be updated tomorrow night

102 Alien Taijun, the capitalists are here!!! 6K [-] in [-]

Not long after, the cubs of light left and returned from the dark universe again before 'Zoffie' spoke to the outside world.

As expected, the warning given by Younijin came true:

The entire Gorgnium star is gone!

The time-space shield of Unikin can't be lifted by any guy, and the fact that Gorgnim star itself ignores the time-space ability of the cute new house beast is also an undeniable fact.

So far, instead of lifting the stone in Lei Xu's heart, most of it fell down.

This at least shows that the guy behind this incident is indeed that guy Pagon!

The reason......

The natives of the Story0 universe didn't know about the promising Zofinisan=Shafulin.

Except for a few Ultra warriors who have read "Light of the Earth" and Zofini himself, there is no accident in the Story0 universe, and only Pagon knows it.

Under this premise, let Zarrab, the... victim, disguise himself as Safrin.

Therefore, the fact that he and Lei were lured to the earth itself is very interesting.

Thinking about it, Pagon didn't expect someone from Lei to discover the situation of Gorgnium so quickly.

The ore on Gorgnium contains things related to the head of the Outer Gods, and it is very likely that it is the root cause of the destruction and regeneration of the Story0 universe.

This matter is so important that Pagon couldn't hold back immediately after discovering that Unikin had set up a space-time shield——

He did not hesitate to expose himself, but also sent him a 'Is there a consensus? 'signal of.

Yes, Zarrab is insignificant in and of itself—

The important thing is that the image of his disguised Sha Fulin appeared in front of the Cubs of Light!

Gorgnim star, which even Unikin is helpless, is afraid that it must have the power of the "legendary" level to interfere.

Therefore, behind this incident is actually a silent dialogue between Pagon and the Cubs of Light without any communication.

To put it simply, Pagon greeted Lei Xu with Zarabu's life.

The Cubs of Light did not immediately go to the Dark Universe to prevent Pagon from passing through the time-space protection of Unigin after discovering 'Zofi', and the action of taking away the Gorgonim star means:

Someone in Lei received this message clearly and responded...

Translate a little bit:

Pagon: Hey, it's me, do you want to cooperate?

Lei Xu: ...OJBK!

reach a consensus.jpg

As for the fact that the ore of Gorgnium is so dangerous, it may lead to the destruction of the universe at any time...

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