Come on, Pagon is not in danger?

This guy is the real name of the ancient god body at the same level as the god of death Engel Colas, and like Gehros, he has enough power to destroy the universe:

He really has weapons of mass destruction.jpg

Speaking of which, Pagon is at least a neutral object that can be recognized by Di Ju and can cooperate.

As a benign tumor of the universe, the ancient god of nuclear energy does not take the destruction of the universe as its core purpose——

Pagon's ultimate goal is to "destroy the god of death"!

As for the destruction of the Story0 universe in the last century...

That was before he, Lei, came to this universe!

Maybe...Pagon is simulating the process of eliminating Reaper?

After all, to completely annihilate a true name evil god, Engel Colas is still a particularly difficult type.

However, judging from the ease with which legendary giants such as Di Juro refer to the God of Death, it is unlikely that He is the concept of 'death' itself.

Therefore, Fujinomiya and Gamon speculate that Engel Colas's concept of death may be relatively narrow.

Gehros is nothing but the incarnation of the concept of one or several universes, the stars.

When it comes to death, it is very likely that he is also a similar existence——

The incarnation of the death concept of one or several cosmic intelligent life forms?

Probably... This is also the reason why Pope Imnar, who holds the concept of the end of civilization, tried to backstab the body! ?

The Cubs of Light cannot be 100% sure of these unconfirmed information.

Ke Leixu knows one thing:

With him Lei and someone in the Story0 universe for one day, he Pagon would not dare to play with fire!

Although it is said that he has rubbed against the light fox and fake tiger prestige of the legendary giants behind him, but Lei Xu has always been shameless and righteous——

Being able to hold thighs is also our ability, if you have the ability, you can do it too!

So, the Cubs of Light have now completely given up the idea of ​​temporarily leaving the Story0 universe and going out to find the Cruel Silver and the Bashermon.

"Okay, that's the ins and outs of the whole thing!"

Lei Xu looked at the cub Luo in his hand and was not in a good mood:

"Do you have any questions?

Hurry up, Brother Sha's speech to the outside world is about to begin! "



This, is this the dirty world of the universe emperor?

Start working harder today!

Cub, Emperor of the Galaxy of Light, Luo silently made up his mind to ing......

Ten minutes later, Guard Headquarters—

The strongest silver warrior walks slowly, taking every step unswervingly under the eyes of everyone.

As the commander-in-chief, Kane's "resignation" seemed to symbolize the sudden change of the sky in the Kingdom of Light, and his slow steps seemed to be walking in the hearts of all Ultra fighters on the field.

Rao Bighorn Bull has tried to convince most people in this short period of time, but after all, there are many Ultra fighters in the Kingdom of Light who can't shake their eyes.

In their eyes, the strongest silver warrior who walked onto the stage with heavy steps without responding to anyone was the last hope to restore the derailed Kingdom of Light.

Nowadays, there are only a few who know that there are two Sophies in this universe.

99.9% of the Ultra fighters don't think that 'Zofi' with two rows of strange metal dots on his chest is a strange guy——

He is the strongest silver warrior who is admired by many Ultra fighters present!

Soon, all Ultra fighters knew that what they were waiting for was not hope, but...

"Me, Sophie."

Glancing lightly at the Ultra fighters present, 'Zofi' flicked the scarlet officer's cloak behind him, fisted with his hands on his hips, and faced the invisible photon sound not far away——

"I would like to announce here in the name of Commander Sai Luo."

Amidst the uproar that swirled violently, the strongest silver warrior with red and silver alternated with each other looked at countless inconceivable eyes that struck him, and his cold voice overwhelmed all the uproar, and forcefully read out:

"Therefore, starting today, the Galactic Empire of Light is officially established!"

"Our Ultra Clan is in charge of the strongest power in the universe——

It should stand on the supreme seat of this universe. "


The sudden and clear female voice failed to interrupt the increasingly rigid announcement of the strongest silver warrior, and the voice of 'Zoffie' slowed down:

"However, in consideration of the policy that our family has pursued before, in the future, civilizations that have not seen the starry sky will not be listed as attacks.

The rest, whoever enters the starry sky, should be regarded as subjects to our Galactic Empire of Light——

Sincerely, Starmin, pass on the universe..."

"Hmph~ Although I lost, Sai Luo is not the only one who has the final say on the Kingdom of Light."

It was that clear female voice again, and the Ultra warriors looked back, and the petite silver girl's eyes were sharp:

"I disagree!"

A little hope was ignited in the eyes of many Ultra fighters.

"The defeated general must have the self-consciousness of the defeated general!"

A chubby cub popped out of the red and blue lights that fell from the sky, and his baby voice was inexplicably majestic:

"Lily Akaev, or are you going to break your promise?"

Looking at the two cubs who were talking, many Ultra warriors who had just received the news and returned to the Kingdom of Light suddenly felt that the world was very magical.

The future of the Kingdom of Light is in the hands of these two immature cubs?

This is not taking jujube pills! ?

"Who, who said he would break his promise."

When it comes to the promise, Lily is short of breath for a moment:

"But you promised me that Huanyu Hegemony must also uphold good deeds!

The purpose is to resist the crisis you foresee, is the march of justice, isn't it? "

No matter what, the Cubs of Light feel that they have to take advantage of the righteousness first so that they can be whitewashed in the future...even though they were originally white.

At the same time, it would not work to count on the saints from Kingdom of Light to bully people.

Since Lei Xu cannot directly tell all the truth, he needs to provide a plausible reason——

Like saving the universe!

Most importantly, they didn't lie.

Hearing the sound, some Ultra fighters were thoughtful.

They said that there will be no such bad guys in the Kingdom of Light, and there is such a reason for this.

The commander-in-chief was defeated, and he didn't show up here, doesn't it mean...

There really is such a crisis! ?

"Of course!"

Emperor Zailuo crossed his arms and raised his eyes:

"if not?"

"I do not believe!"

Lily glanced at the silent 'Zoffie', tit for tat:

"You clearly want to..."

"Then you send someone to supervise!"

Zai Luo shrugged indifferently and interrupted, his eyes and words meant something:

"If anyone is willing to follow you..."

"I am willing!"

The Cub of Light, who had waited for a long time for the opportunity to appear on the stage, raised his hand in awe-inspiring manner:

"Commander Lily, I am willing to follow you!"

Cub Luo: ...


This seems to be a bit out of line with the script of the character, not only Sai Luo, but even 'Soffie' was a bit caught off guard.

Didn't we agree to support Commander Sai Luo together?

Such a foolish guy like Resa is gone, what should I do if I doubt him with a keen sense of touch! ?

Regardless of what they think, things have happened.

Although I have never seen this strange red fighter, those Ultra fighters who can't rub the sand in their eyes seem to have found their backbone——

Following the lead of the Cubs of Light, followers gather...

"I'll watch over you, Sophie!"

With that said, Lei Xu looked at the small Cub of Light with confirmation:

"Commander Lily, are you okay!?"

It turned out that this was the case, Zai Luo suddenly realized.


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