Lily nodded pretending to be deep, her eyes admiring:

"I don't worry about your work."

"Then first thing!"

Zai Luo nodded calmly, raised his arms and released a light and shadow as if he was not affected by this brief episode:

"According to reliable information, this universe has been destroyed, and many civilizations have survived..."

There was another uncontrollable uproar.

"is this real?"

The Cub of Light 'shocked' stepped forward and continued to play:

"Commander Zai Luo, what do you know!?"

"I told you, will you believe me?" Zai Luo was still calm.

The red Ultra warrior lowered his head.

"Practice extraordinary methods in extraordinary times."

Cub neither admits nor denies:

"I, Cyro, walk upright, sit upright—

To dominate the universe is to save our Ultra family and the future of the entire universe! "

This rhetoric barely convinced most of the Ultra fighters present, but there were still very few people who looked suspicious.

But it doesn't matter--

"In that case, I propose!"

The red Ultra warrior raised his head, his eyes were serious:

"With M78 as the center, all interstellar civilizations are required to upload historical databases, so..."

The Cub of Light's words stopped abruptly in the middle.

"That's right, you thought about it too, Reza?"

Cub Luo turned to light his eyes:

"For things like this, those informed civilizations will never cooperate.

Once uninformed civilizations know this kind of thing, most of them will treat us as lunatics, and a small part..."

Cub Luo clicked so far, allowing the Ultra fighters present to extend their thinking smoothly.

Once a civilization believes that the universe is about to be destroyed, they will go crazy.

At that time, what kind of things this part of civilization will do will be out of the control of the Kingdom of Light and the Ott family.

Lei Xu doesn't even need to think about it, this is his personal experience in Mobile Austrian Universe!

Many smart Ultra fighters at the scene realized this——

They cannot reveal the truth to the outside world!

"In that case."

The Cub of Light pondered for a moment, his eyes were troubled:

"I'm afraid we'll have to conquer the universe to..."

The eyes of Zhong Ao present were suddenly outrageous.

"The Galactic Empire of Light is now established!"

Zai Luo stretched out a small arm very powerfully, and interrupted loudly while smashing down heavily:

"The goal is to let our Ultra family stand on the top seat and save the universe——

Gentlemen, please help me! "

Zhongao: ...

"Oh!!!" xN

The temperament of the Ultra family is eclectic. For example, if you want to build a galaxy empire, everyone will definitely not allow it.

But if you advocate conquering the entire universe in order to save the future, everyone will reconcile and agree to establish a galaxy empire.

——By Reza Zhou Shuren

As for why the bighorn cow is not allowed to come, but two 'cubs' are required to do this... There are two reasons for the cubs of light!

At present, the bighorn bull in the Story0 universe has not yet won the nickname of the father of Ultra, and the reputation of the future commander of the Kingdom of Light cannot be consumed here.

Secondly, two Ultra cubs messing around is easier to accept than the fact that the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light is an ambitious man.

That's right, don't think it's a good job, but it's actually a scapegoat.

Lei Xu dared to touch his conscience...but he didn't.

Oh, he doesn't have this thing on him, so it's okay.

All in all, all in all.

After all this, the Galactic Empire of Light was successfully established and a consensus was reached within the Kingdom of Light.

The short-split Ultra family re-twisted into one strand, and the Cubs of Light breathed a sigh of relief.

The Otto family is considered to be done internally, and then it is time to accept external tests.

However, this is exactly what Lei Xu is least worried about——

The Galactic Empire of Light is a nominal thing. The biggest role this thing can play is to build a death protection net and...

Inform all parties in time when a crisis really occurs, and make crisis warning and wartime coordination.

In addition, it is the information about the destruction of the universe in the previous era mentioned above.

However, Lei Xu doesn't expect to find anything from the existing civilization, and Pagon's side is the most efficient choice.

It is a bit difficult to get the ancient god of nuclear energy to speak honestly, so let's hit the dates here first.

Taking advantage of watching the whole process and having question marks all over his face, "Zoffie" went to read the announcement to the public, Lei Xu wondered if he should find time to go back to L77 to have a look at the progress.

Before that, Lei Xu actually sent Ott's signature back to remind Uncle Cheap to start and execute the preset quick conquest plan.

Compared with the difficult Kingdom of Light, Uncle Cheap has a stronger control over the Lionheart Empire.

And since the main body of the Lionheart Empire is originally a killer like the Pedan Stars, there is no need to be so troublesome.

Theoretically, the progress over there is definitely much faster than that of the Kingdom of Light.

But soon, the reality "slapped" slapped the Cub of Light twice——

In less than 10 minutes, 'Zoffie' went back and forth, bringing with her...


Lei Xu almost thought he heard it wrong:

"Let's hurry over there? What do you mean!?"

If the Cub of Light remembers correctly, what he just asked this impostor to read was the news of the establishment of the Galaxy Empire of Light and its unconditional surrender to the outside world.

At most... plus a little surrender benefit?

Nothing else, just the basic guarantee policy mentioned earlier.

It is not only considering the attitude of the Ultra fighters, but also based on the premise of peaceful conquest as much as possible.

Of course, Lei Xu knew that the words 'peace and conquest' were strange to put together.

But as mentioned before when persuading the Ultra fighters, the core purpose of the Galactic Empire of Light is not to conquer——

All that is needed is some trivial cooperation from those civilizations...

So, rather than saying that what 'Zoffy' read out was a declaration of conquest, it might be better to say that it was a propaganda announcement of the Interstellarist Front.

Based on the standpoint of the Ultra family, it claims to bring fairness and justice to more civilizations.

Oppose the exploitation within civilization, assist the aspiring cosmic people to help liberate the inequality within their civilization——

Let interstellarism shine on the universe......

speak English:

When we come, there will be peace, and when we come, fairness will come!


You guys, hurry up and surrender, you ordinary people will benefit greatly!

Anyway, what the main body consumes is still the own things of each civilization, and he and someone are desperate to get some free nuclear energy.

The generosity of others, the Cub of Light always understands.

"......literal meaning."

'Sophie' obviously hadn't seen this scene before, she tilted her head inexplicably:

"They said they were from Keluo, let's go there quickly, wait, can't wait!?"

Kolo star?

The Cub of Light was taken aback for a moment, it sounded familiar.

Thinking about it again--

Isn't this the well-known music star in "Leo"! ?

Lei Xu was not talking nonsense:

Happy (Lezi) Starman Kolo Starman, from Chapter 23 of "Leo".

Likes music, has a human-like posture, and is characterized by a long tail that can control bodyguards and pet monsters.

The reason why Lei Xu was able to remember it at the first time is mainly due to the bodyguard monster——

Reinbora who loves to eat rainbows!

In "Leo", this is one of the rare heroic monsters who can stabilize the pressure and beat the big lion for two rounds and then retreat!

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