Although it's drugged... Rainbow's.

Reinbora, also known as Rainbow Monster, is proficient in all martial arts skills on Keluo.

After swallowing the rainbow, his strength increased a hundred times, and because the tail of the Lezi Star was pulled out, he lost control, so he started a big showdown with cheap big brother Leo in various fighting techniques such as karate.

After beating the big lion for two rounds, he regained control, and apologized and bowed to make Leonisan feel embarrassed, so he softened his hands (bushi).

In fact, it was a few brats who pulled out other people's tails, and the big lion cleaned up the mess all the way.

However, the beating was really unsuccessful, and I received two severe beatings.


The Cub of Light suddenly realized the details of what 'Zoffie' said before, and became suspicious:

"You said them?

Who else! ? "

"The Keluo star." This time he said it very simply.


Lei Xu simply gestured to the impostor to explain clearly with his eyes.

"I do not know!"

'Sophie' spread her hands:

"Many Keluo people have sent similar messages, urging us to hurry over."

Lei Xu: ...


"How to do?"

'Sophie' looked over expectantly:

"Would you like to go!?"

Zarrab has a lot of questions and wants to play this tricky red barbarian on the road—

If it is not the Kingdom of Light, even with that kind of spatial ability, it should take a few transits on the road! ?


Lei Xu thought about it and made a decision:

"Well, let's go!"

As he spoke, the Cub of Light raised his hand and summoned a rather spectacular virtual projected star map.

"Keluo Star, Keluo Star..."

After a short search, a galaxy about [-] light-years away from the solar system quickly zoomed in before my eyes.

In the outline outlined by the swirling silver, the green Xingyu is clearly visible.

"Who else is going?"

Under the gaze of 'Zofi' as if constipated, the Cub of Light spoke casually:

"Anyone who comes... No need for fighters."

With him and someone in Lei, there is no need to ration additional combat power.

Soon, a mixed team of silver and blue stood up.

A group of people stepped briskly across the swirling silver flower, standing on a clear void overlooking the green below.


Lei Xu turned his eyes to the blue clan of the team, who is an elf ear like Ah Guang.



The Cub of Light subconsciously pulled his gaze back, and caught a large wooden bed that was swaying and flying slowly and fast.

Oh yes, to be precise, it is a bed-shaped spaceship, which is also the characteristic of Lezi Star people.

【You are......】

On the big bed, the Le Zixing man with long ears and long tail looked over suspiciously:

[Galaxy Empire of Light! ? 】

【uh-huh. 】

Lei Xu nodded slightly, and the familiar switching would not understand the ambiguous voice communication:

【Here is...】

[Great, you guys are here! 】

Before the Cub of Light could finish speaking, Le Zi Xing ran into the red giant's timer, and excitedly raised his head to meet the bright yellow eyes that fell in doubt:

[Quick, I know a way, the capitalists above here can't find it! ! ! 】

Lei Xu: ...

Ga! ?

103 He seems to think he is bad!? Two in one

Reading words is an unambiguous expression, and this Lezi star is indeed leading the way for them.

To put it bluntly, he is a sophomore.

But he is also the whole Le Zi Xing people, at least the epitome of the composition of the main body——

After the two-five-boy Lezixing people led them to successfully sneak into Keluo Star, the Cubs of Light and his party were received and assisted by no less than a hundred two-five boys.

Lei Xu and his party were stunned and did not even release their transformation, and successfully arrived at the capital of Keluo Star without any effort.

TM outrageous!

According to the statement of the second-five boy at the beginning, their companions can also be found in the capital, and it is not difficult to let them go directly to the core urban area of ​​Keluo.

The only problem is-

Can the Cubs of Light and his party defeat the capitalists and the rainbow monster army above!

Regarding this question, someone from Lei put his hands on his waist and gave the group of youngsters an invincible look——

understand~! ?

The two sides met their eyes and understood each other.jpg

During the period, amidst the angry and embellished accusations of the [-] Cubs, the Cubs of Light were able to get a rough idea of ​​what happened on Keluo:

A certain day in the past...Lei Xu guessed that it was more than 200 years in the Kingdom of Light——

A beam of violent light that fell from the sky hit Keluo, causing great chaos, and at the same time, a group of Lezi people and their small pets achieved super evolution.

That's right, another plasma sun!

Except for Mr. Lei and 'Zoffie' who didn't take it seriously at all, the Silver Clan clerks and Blue Clan researchers who accompanied the team all lowered their heads in embarrassment.

The Cub of Light found himself suddenly understanding Bighorn a little bit.

The reason behind taking the initiative to shoulder the responsibility that should not be shouldered is the countless civilizations and lives that have been victimized by it.

The tragedies encountered by the Ultra fighters who were on the field were nothing but those they had seen.

But as the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light, Bighorn Bull can receive the feedback from all the Ultra fighters, and the compassion and excessive self-blame in his heart probably come from this.

Can understand, but not much, understand a little bit.

Cough, far away, back to the topic.

The plasma sun ran away, and the group of Lezi Stars who were able to evolve immediately became the undoubted strongest on this planet.

Thus, the old order... did not collapse.

After all, they came from Lezi Star, and the nature is hard to change.

The people of Keluo are innocent in nature and have no troubles.

The rampant plasma spark radiation seems to have failed to completely transform these super-evolved Lezi Stars into a negative state.

Of course, this is the perspective of the Cubs of Light.

In the eyes of other Keluo stars who have not evolved super, these guys are so bad that their heads are dripping with oil and their feet are sore, they deserve to go to the [-]th floor of hell!

This group of super-evolved Lezixing people actually forced other compatriots to work 20 hours four days a week.

And one day must be set aside during non-working days to create beautiful music for them to listen to, otherwise they will not be allowed to listen to songs during work!

"How? You also think this is too much!?"

Under the watchful eyes of all the Ultra people, No. 1, the [-]th boy, Le Zixing, spoke plausibly, and shed two lines of tears as if he had been greatly wronged:

"Woo~, these damned guys should go to hell, woooooooo..."

It was as if a switch had been turned on, and the crying was loud for a while.

Lei Xu: ...


There is one thing to say, the Cub of Light really wants to ask:

Do you fucking listen to what you're talking about! ?

Lei Xu couldn't help but say nothing.

The environment and the three views are not consistent, and it is the basic common sense of the universe civilized society not to apply the inherent cognition of one's own civilization to aliens.

In the Kingdom of Light universe, many interstellar civilizations actually have no shortage of materials, and civilizations that raise tens of billions of rice worms can be found everywhere.

It would be better to say that anyone who can honestly be a rice bug on their home planet can be called a model citizen, and thank God if they don't go out and cause trouble.

"Well, fortunately, you are here to uphold justice, otherwise we really don't know what to do."

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