At the end, Youlezixing spoke from the side and expressed his thanks to them:

"thank you!"

A simple sentence of thanks made Zhong Ao's face stiffen when he heard it, and his expressions were surprisingly consistent——

Otto's indifference.jpg

Sorry for being incapable of empathy like you...

Talk about it, talk about it, make trouble.

Just finished understanding this side, the other side of the "too bad" Le Zixing capitalists finally found something wrong.

"Captain Reza."

The blue tribe with elf ears gave a short reminder:

"Unknown electromagnetic waves have been detected, and multiple high-energy targets are approaching at high speed."

The Cub of Light nodded slightly to show that he understood.

That's right, this group of people is almost straight into the core CBD, no matter how dull those guys are, they won't have bad eyesight.

Along the way, Zhong Ao never touched the ground.

One is to avoid causing damage to the city, and the other is...not to save the road administrators from worrying!

The main reason is that the bunch of [-]-year-old fun stars call their friends and say to everyone:

'The Galactic Empire of Light is coming, and the blue sky of Keluo Star is here! '

It caused a group of people to quickly catch up with a large number of angry people... In the eyes of the cubs of the light, they are simply people who have nothing to do and have fun.

The streets were completely blocked, and even the sky was surrounded by bed-shaped spaceships of various sizes. Lei Xu's eyes twitched as he watched several mid-air car crashes.

Not long after, hula la bursts of manic gusts blew past, which seemed to be a signal——

Followed by a large group of iridescent giant birds with angles on their heads and eyes full of wisdom, they descended from the sky and blocked the way of the group of people.

A group of luxurious big beds (ships) floated into the sky, and the two sides were lined up at clear intervals, sword (xin) pull (ping) crossbow (qi) Zhang (he)...

"May I ask who you are?"

The leader, the big-bellied Lezi Star, floated next to the biggest rainbow monster, bowed politely, and then looked reproachfully at the second and fifth boys behind Zhongao, and locked on the number one second and fifth boy:

"You slipped out of class, right? You are fined not to listen to music at work on the next working day!"


No. 1 No. [-] and [-] Boy Le Zi Xing quit, as if he had been greatly insulted, he raised his hand and pointed at the group of 'capitalists', excited:

"Listen, Resa, is this a human language?"

No, I don't think what you're saying is human.

Lei Xu complained silently.

Well, of course not.

"They are master emissaries from the Galactic Empire of Light!"

The Cub of Light was about to speak, but was overtaken by No. 1 No. [-] Cub's loud voice, not to be outdone:

"Bring us fairness and justice and end the rule of your hateful capitalists!"

Lei Xu: ...

It's not that I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

There is one thing to say, the cubs of light have billions of points and don't want to help.

"So that's it, you're done."

The big-bellied 'capitalist' Le Zixing tilted his head and thought for a while, and slowly spit out a sentence under Lei Xu's somewhat expectant gaze:

"Punish you not to listen to music for a week!"

I fall~!

The Cub of Light almost fell flat.

If I remember correctly, you Keluo people only have four working days a week, right?

"you sure?"

Finally, Lei Xu couldn't bear it any longer, and pointed to No. 1, Erwuzi, looking at the big belly 'capitalist' inexplicably, emphasizing:

"They betrayed Keluo!"

Leaving aside whether this punishment can be implemented, the betrayal of these [-]-year-olds alone is not worth a life sentence! ?


The focus of the big-bellied 'capitalist' is a bit different. He suddenly realized that he looked at the densely packed bed-shaped spaceships on the opposite side, and turned his head:

"Who else!?"

"...that's the point!?"

Lei Xu was incredible.

"Well, you're right."

The big-bellied 'capitalist' nodded approvingly:

"It doesn't matter who it is... All the guys who are absent from work today will be punished for two working days and not allowed to listen to music!"

Lei Xu: ...

Bad, he seems to be serious!

But the big belly's speech was like a depth bomb, and the moment it settled, it stirred up thousands of waves——


"Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"Damn capitalist, you must die!"

"Abominable exploitation!"

"Every song you listen to is written in our blood!"

Zhongao: ...

"I am satisfied with what you said."

The anger of the Lezixing people did not affect the big belly, and he admired the bright yellow eyes of the cubs of Shangguang:

"Do you want to do it with me?

How about working two days a week, no more than 10 hours? "


Lei Xu raised his hand in a daze, how did the topic come to this point?


The big belly frowned, and nodded to the luxurious big bed under his feet:

"Alien, I will give you ten times the top salary!

Daily consumption is free, and I will give you my ship for free. You can choose where you want to live on this planet. "

The Cub of Light was silent.

It's broken, why am I a little bit excited?

"Hey hey hey~!"

No. 1 No. [-] boy looked up suddenly with a bad feeling:

"You guys won't be really moved!?"

"Don't make trouble!"

Lei Xu coughed "guilty", waved his hands in denial, and at the same time looked into his big belly:

"In short, our Galactic Empire of Light is here for fairness and justice, understand!?"

Heartbeat, but not quite heartbeat.

Lei Xu was mainly thinking about whether to continue to blend in——

To tell the truth, if you really want to take action against the "capitalists" of the Lezi Stars, the conscience of the Cubs of Light that does not exist is actually aching.

But Lei Xu finally decided to make a move——

They're here, it's impossible not to help!

Besides, this is the debut battle of the Galactic Empire of Light, and it cannot be returned without success.

"That means we can't talk about it."

The big belly shook his head regretfully, and his emotionless eyes swept over all the boys and girls present:

"The price of failure, have you thought about it?"

Accompanied by the Legion of Reinbora standing upright, the 'capitalist' put on an 'ugly' face:

"You are not allowed to listen to music for a whole week, you better think about it!"

Lei Xu: ...

He seemed to think he was bad?

"And you!"

The big belly swept across all the Ottos present 'coldly', and once again fixed his gaze on the bright yellow eyes of the Cub of Light, his voice was stern:

"If you lose, you will work for me with the same conditions.

Also, I want all the songs of your civilization! "

The Cubs of Light are sure of one thing—

He really thought he was bad!

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