This reminds Lei Xu of the Alien No. [-] in the Planetary Universe of Light——

Could it be that this Zarab also has a similar information manipulation ability! ?

After checking a few quest logs randomly, the Bighorn Bull and the Cub of Light looked at each other strangely, and quickly communicated with each other with their eyes——

Bighorn Bull: Did you find it on purpose?Trained?It's one of our own! ?

Lei Xu: I'm not me, I don't have you, don't talk nonsense!

Bighorn: Then what about this guy...

Lei Xu: I can't make it!

There is one thing to say, the Cub of Light really didn't know that he had picked up such a person before he came back.

In the Story0 universe, there are two cosmic beings who can't be detected and transformed by Ultra Vision on the bright side:

Zarab & Babar!

The GZZ star is the head of the Interstellar Alliance, and the only one left to cheat and attack is Zarabu.

Deliberately leaving such a counterfeit product is mainly to make excuses——

In "Story 0", Zarabu is directly responsible for the planet Gorgnium in the Interstellar Alliance, and it is also this guy who captures mules and kneelers all over the universe and throws them into Gorgnium mining!

Lei Xu thought at first that this guy might know something.

Secondly, the Cub of Light was idle, wondering if he could use this counterfeit to pass some false information back.

No, there is no need to spread even false information!

As long as this guy tries to get in touch with the Star Alliance, the Cubs of Light will be able to follow the clues to find the location of the starship of the Star Alliance headquarters——

Just give me a sneak attack that doesn't talk about martial arts!

Multiple legends of ancient/foreign gods mixed in made the situation of Story0 extremely complicated, and Lei Xu had long since lost his original leisure and comfort.

Therefore, even if the Star Alliance is not taken seriously.

The Cubs of Light do not intend to continue to keep this group of upgrade experience packs as originally planned.

Let's just say that the destructive power of these Austrian villains is no less than that of the real name Cthulhu.

For high-end ones, for example, Light Demon itself is a cub of ancient gods, and Baxiu Meng eats small snacks like Cthulhu with his hands.

In the Star Alliance, the per capita imprisoned talent is not so directly powerful.

When it comes to the killing effect on general civilization, these guys are even worse.

Metron sells D in the universe, Hippolyte uses human corpses to refine oil, and the Gazi stars have the traditional art of playing cosmic germ warfare.

Compared with this group of assassins, Meferas, the demon star who is famous for manipulating people's hearts in the Star Alliance, and Nakel, the despicable and shameless assassin of the universe, are as pure as two little white flowers.

Furthermore, Tempera, who was added purely to prove that the Imperial Stars are the strongest fighting race in the universe, looks like a saint.

Therefore, these guys with a pure prison-style painting style and daily sustainability may make some unexpected troubles at any time.

So, Cubs of the Light are planning to spend some time being a nuke or something—

So that this group of great sages will know how core and awe-inspiring this Fuyuki citizen is!

On the other hand, the bighorn bull had some complaints after knowing the cub of light's thoughts, thinking that these guys need to be given a chance or something.

This request is not unrealistic, at least it can be said to be whimsical.

Cubs of Light have one and only one attitude:

You say whatever you want, I'll reckon I lose!

Cough, let's go further.

Looking at the hard-working 'Zoffie' Lei and the bighorn ox, she was lost in thought——

How about...just ask Sha Ge/Zoffy to come back later?

To be honest, during the 20 years in the Kingdom of Light, the Cubs of Light sometimes suspected that Moyu had been engraved into Zuofini's DNA——

Can Sha Fulin achieve such a work efficiency! ?

Can't do it!

He doesn't have the ability to understand! ?

Alright, let's do this first!

After complaining in his heart, the Cub of Light waved his hands to the Big Horn Bull and gave A Guang A Meng a squeak on the system, ready to be happy——

Lei Xu is really not at ease after playing the offline monarch system on L77 for so long!

Let him be busy with 'Zoffie' first, because Unikin has already added a BUFF to this guy without anyone noticing.

As long as there is any trouble with this product, Lei Xu can monitor it in real time, and Big Horn Niu and Ah Guang will also pay attention to it.

As for Xiaomeng... Letting a simple child play acting is really embarrassing for Tietouba, so let him think it's the real Sophie!

Right now, the Galactic Empire of Light is rushing like lightning.

But even so, with the efficiency of the Altec family, it will take months to really see results, and it is imperative to return to L77.

As the silver flower whirled, Lei Xu took a step forward, and already... stepped back.


Open the star map in a proper way——

Confirm the coordinates of the galaxy, confirm the characteristics of gravity, confirm the characteristics of starlight, and the coordinates are correct!

Touching the Ultra Artifact in his arm quite formally, the Cub of Light raised his hand and swirled the silver flower, and suddenly opened, and stepped out!

Looking at Hongyue who couldn't be said to be exactly the same as when he left, at least it could be said to be irrelevant, Lei couldn't help falling into silence.

Did he leave... for three months?

The Cub of Light made some calculations and was convinced that he had been away for less than a hundred days.

But...what is the situation of this splendid and magnificent interstellar city in front of me! ?

If he hadn't been convinced that the planet under his feet was Hongyue, which he moved from the neighboring galaxy not long ago, Lei Xu would have thought for a moment that he was in front of a strange Baltan star city.

That’s right, it’s exactly the kind of Didi Universe——

The complex architectural style that can only be formed by the unique aesthetics of thousands of different civilizations is being laid out infinitely on L77 Hongyue......

Under the dim dark sky, the brilliant Milky Way stars shrouded the dark green earth, and countless buildings with strange postures rose up on the grass carpet full of vitality.

The curved and intersecting complex bridges are erected in the air, connected and intertwined in the city, the continuous flow of ground-air vehicles and the giant cosmic monsters passing by with wings are piled up in a well-defined three-dimensional space to create a magnificent sci-fi and brightly lit future urban scene. .

The complex and bustling crowd of all kinds roared through the sky together in this gorgeous and complicated city, the non-stop taking off and landing of starships and the never-ending melodious birdsong from the Bemensteins created a huge and lasting noise …

The Cub of Light stood on the street in a daze, forgetting to cancel the transformation for a moment.

But it doesn't matter, he is on a huge street that seems to be specially built for creatures of his size, and is clearly separated from the small driveways and sidewalks on the side.

His arrival didn't seem to have surprised anyone in the city, or the city's operating rhythm didn't allow them any room for surprise——

Lei Xu could notice the general tension and urgency in the crowd, which reminded the Cub of Light to recall the magic city he had been to on Earth Resa.

On the subway there in the morning rush hour, these tense and hurried faces are also the norm.

It's not that he didn't pay attention to him leisurely and comfortably.

Lei Xu judged that those should be L77 people, and he had an impression of some of the faces.

The Cub of Light nodded slightly to those people, and narrowed his eyes to the giant sidewalk where he was.

Of course, this can't be someone from Lei, or a passage specially built for the Otto family. It is true that this city has a special need to open up such a road for use——

As Lei Xu looked around, the giant street was full of people coming and going, and it was full of vitality, and everything was blooming.

That's right, people come and go, and the Cub of Light said it literally——

Humans are cosmic beings, and ghosts are earth ghosts!

The red-faced fangs crowned the king, and the knife slashed Tai Luofei's head.

The Little Horn might be a little confused.

Cough cough, I'm afraid this is a bit of a hell joke.

But this is right for Lei Xu's hellish mood at the moment——

Looking at the 'King Yama' who was walking towards him with a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, his eyes shone with creepy light, the Cub of Light's scalp felt numb for a while.


Who am I and where am I?

Why is this guy here! ?

At this moment, Lei Xu has 1 MMPs + a million question marks in his heart, but this does not affect the Cub of Light to block the opponent's way in an instant.

"who are you?"

Lei Xu looked at the ghost on the opposite side vigilantly:

"Why are you here!?"

Yan Luowang monster Enmago, from Chapter 14 of "Taylor".

Showa Okushi has been repeated several times, and he can be regarded as one of the top powers on Earth.

It is said to be a monster sealed underground by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the Edo period——

The small round shield that didn't seem to raise its eyes was undamaged and carried Slim hard, and the sword in his hand once beheaded the little horn bull!

A mouthful of poisonous mist was superimposed with a hand of hypnosis and mind control, and Tai Luo felt worried when he saw it.

If it weren't for Otto's heart and the help of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Taijia might not even have the chance to come out.

In other words, theoretically, this guy has the strength to crush Brother Austrian in the TV era!

The Cub of Light's body tensed slightly.

Lei Xu is not afraid of Yan Luo monsters, but other people here are not necessarily.

I thought that if I didn't agree with each other, I was afraid that I would go straight to it, but who would have expected...


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