Under the staring eyes of the Cubs of Light, the Earth Ghost bowed his hands politely:

"Who is your Excellency?

Why did you block the way of Sajia! ? "

Lei Xu: ...

Hiss~, to be so polite... so strange!


The Cub of Light's heart moved, he raised his foot and tapped the ground, posing as if he was close to a million people:

"This planet belongs to my family, what are you doing in my house?"

Strictly speaking, this is really Lei's home, after all, he moved this Hongyue here.

Enmago:  …

The Yan Luowang monster slowly made a question mark.

The earth ghost looked down at the ground, and then looked up at the red Ultra warrior in front of him.

After looking hard, he noticed the dark gold taboo text flying around in the belly of the cub of light just now, and was silent for two seconds.

"...The reason is that His Majesty the Prince is in person."

It can be seen that the earth ghost is trying very hard to squeeze out a smile with that ferocious face with red fangs:

"I'm rude, please don't blame me."

Tsk~, it's even weirder.

"It's okay!"

Lei Xu waved his hand, tried his best to overcome the strange feeling in his heart, and imitated the old saying:

"Where do you want to come from, and where do you want to go?"

"It's good for His Majesty the Prince to know."

Seeing the Cub of Light shamelessly learning to use his own civilization's unique way of speaking, Enmago's eyes lit up, and he made a familiar ancient ceremony with sword and shield:

"A certain mother star is called Hades, about five thousand light-years away, and the registered office number of the Lionheart Empire is [-].

This time I got the precious land, and I sighed after watching it.

It is of no great use to cherish oneself, but to be proficient in the art of boxing and kicking is to devote oneself to serving the country, and I don't know what His Majesty thinks about it. "

After speaking, the Earth Ghost looked over expectantly.

Lei Xu: ...

The corners of Cubs of Light's eyes twitched.

Being stared at by a guy who looks like King Yama made Lei Xu, a native of Rabbit Country, a little uncomfortable.

And even though he didn't know exactly what was going on, he, Lei, seemed to be taken as a shortcut.

But that's fine!

"Guan Your Excellency wears heavy armor, the shield is inseparable from the arm, the blade is inseparable from the hand, the crown is righteous and beautiful, and a warrior must be brave."

Lei Xu nodded and touted solemnly:

"I have the power of recommendation, if you trust us, you just follow!"

After saying that, the Cub of Light slowly floated into the air——

This matter definitely has something to do with cheap old uncle Als, Lei Xu is going to L77 to find out!


Enmago was overjoyed, stomped his feet into the air, and followed closely:

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

One thing to say, it's getting weirder and weirder.

Suppressing the question marks in his heart for the time being, the Cub of Light took Ya from Hongyue straight to L77.

Along the way, the two had a few additional conversations, and Lei Xu had a little extra understanding of this guy.

It is worth mentioning that Enmago not only has the ability to fly, but also survives in space.

But it can't fly at the speed of light, and it doesn't have the ability to accelerate in space. The ability to fly seems to rely on the anti-gravity system.

In addition, it seems that the birth of the Yama monster was also due to the rampage of the plasma sun, and Lei Xu's heart skipped a beat immediately——

This guy's performance doesn't look like a chaotic negative look!

Plasma solar radiation in the end does not carry the negative effects of curing! ?

As a test of his ideas, the Cub of Light asked him bluntly how he felt when he was super-evolved.

But... there seems to be something unspeakable about this guy, Lei Xu asked a few words in an 'incomprehensible way' before En Mago said with a look of embarrassment:

"Your Majesty, someone's background may be..."

It turned out to be scruples about this. The Yanwang people were probably still in the feudal period?

"It's okay."

Lei Xu directly dispelled his worries:

"My Lionheart Empire respects those who are capable, and a man should not be ashamed of his birth, you can speak bluntly!"


Mentioning his background, En Mago nodded cautiously, no longer covering up:

"A certain clay sculpture, enshrined by the world as a shelter..."

In a word, the Cub of Light understood, and followed suit.

Clay sculptures, the meaning of these words could not be more obvious——

Enmago is not a creature in the conventional sense at all, he should have been a clay sculpture of a god enshrined in a temple!

In short, this guy happened to be irradiated with the runaway radiation of the plasma sun, and absorbed the power to evolve into its current posture.

Lei Xu just finds it unbelievable, what the hell... created out of thin air?

I'm afraid the plasma sun has a more leathery rhythm than the plasma spark!

But then, the cub of light dispelled this speculation——

"Someone deeply agrees with the words of His Majesty the Crown."

En Mago's ferocious face is visible to the naked eye:

"The suffering of evolution is in the heart.

At that time, a certain person was in so much pain that he almost fell into the devil's way. If it weren't for the prayers of the believers, there would be no such thing today! "

Lei Xu understood this.

The light radiation from the plasma solar runaway must have been overwhelming, and the temple where En Mago was located happened to be enveloped.

Probably mistaking it for a miracle, the believers turned to pray.

The Cub of Light thinks of the Dais from Didai Universe.

In that closed-loop journey of time and space spanning 5000 years, even though the essence of the beliefs of the Daisi people was distorted, they really gave Lei Xu a lot of blessings in the battle against Imnar.

Belief, especially the common belief of all beings, is also an invisible force.

Enmago's original clay figure must be a good god—

Thanks to the blessing of the beliefs of the believers during the evolution, the chaotic and dark tendencies were overcome just now.

At the same time, this also helped the Cubs of Light to basically determine one thing——

The radiation of the plasma sun does have different degrees, and it generally has a tendency to chaos and darkness!

"Then why did you come to L77?"

Lei Xu continued to ask questions with great interest...

According to Enmago, he came to L77 on his own initiative, hoping to represent his home planet and join the Lionheart Empire.

The reason is......

"To make money?"

L77 Wang Ting, the cub of light stared blankly at the embarrassed old uncle:

"The old man who co-authored you directly added two words to the Lion Heart Empire?

Lionheart Business Empire! ? "

"this and that."

Als is a little bit lacking in confidence:

"I accidentally..."

"Accidentally agreed to Bit and Pedan's proposal?"

Lei Xu folded his hands on his chest:

"Who is in charge!?"

The lion heart emperor's face was even more embarrassing.

"no one?"

The Cub of Light was astonished.


Als nodded resignedly, and roughly told the whole story.

In essence, this originated from an accident——

Not long after Lei Xu left, the queen of L77 revealed to the outside world without a trace...Pedan Star and Bit Star revealed their little willingness to help their dolls find playmates.

Hi~, I understand everything!

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