It is said to be playmates, but it is actually a marriage that cultivates feelings. The dirty world of adults is not explained to children.

Of course this is not absolute.

The main ending depends on the wishes of the last two L77 princes when they grow up. If it doesn't work, they are just childhood playmates.

Pedan & Butte have no comment on this.

Soon, each of the two families sent children of the right age——

That's right, they are children, basically around the age of four or five.

...very punishing!

These days are getting more and more to be copied!

These two can be regarded as the princesses of Bit & Pedan, and the former is a real princess.

As for the latter...Pei Dan Xing does not have a royal family, it is selected by auditions.

Sensible, but not much.

After all, you have to pass the test of Queen L77.

If these two princesses were really scheming at such a young age, Queen L77 would never let them get close to her silly sons who are more solid than porcelain.

It seems that little Leo and the others are not very good, but it is true.

What happened afterwards fully proved this point——

The play of the four little guys born in Rome is naturally a little different. For example, they can actually play house when they are playing house.

Ever since, in order to satisfy the four little ancestors, a small game similar to Monopoly was played.

Some people from Pedan & Bit Stars suggested that they could take this opportunity to cultivate the relevant qualities of the princes.

In Uncle Cheap's mouth, the purpose of the big guys seems to be very simple.

Then, and then it became like this——

It's real!

Pedan & Bit, in fact, there is nothing good about these two.

The former is a killer who is already invading other civilizations on a large scale, and there are many civilizations that have been conquered under his command.

The latter is good at dancing with long sleeves, relying on race-specific beauty resources that can satisfy all WindowXP systems to establish an interstellar relationship network that is not too stable, but has a particularly wide coverage.

Through Ars, the Lionheart Great, the two can be regarded as a strong alliance——

The two sides joined forces and quickly built a semi-public interstellar commercial city similar to Baltan Star City on Hongyue.

There is no problem in terms of construction speed. Civilian-grade buildings can be used directly by three-dimensional printing, and it is not in space.

It was originally partially open, but it was not until Lei Xu sent a signature a while ago:

Lionheart Empire plans to start...

According to the Cubs of Light's own arrangements, the cheap uncle immediately sent news to the planet and civilization that L77 was familiar with, announcing the fact that the Lionheart Empire was established.

As Lei Xu expected——

This move was logically understood by Pedan & Bit Stars as the beginning of the Lionheart Empire's hegemony journey!

As a result, the two civilizations coincidentally quickly entered a wartime state——

A large number of people, not only Pedan & Bit Stars, but also many talents under their command are dispatching and gathering towards L77 Leo at an unimaginable speed.

So, in just three be exact, in just a few days, Hongyue was already filled with cosmic beings from many civilizations.

Like En Mago, he was actually lured by the Pedan Stars.

The civilization of its mother planet is still in the feudal period, and it is more for the welfare of believers?

Of course, it is also possible that being a living god cannot bear the burden expected by believers! ?

After all, when the gods really get out of the clay sculptures, believers will inevitably have higher requirements for the gods.

For example, people from the Rabbit Country——

Are you useful?

Useless is a false god, deserves to die!

Throughout the ages, the sea dragon kings who were beaten to death in the coastal areas were invited back, and the sea dragon kings who were beaten to death and then invited back to be killed did not know how many.

"What's the matter with the shellfish?"

Lei Xu does not intend to continue to entangle En Mago:

"What the hell are they..."

Before finishing this sentence, he was interrupted by a sudden and hasty cut--


The crimson streamer crashed at an extremely high speed, and the sharp voice of L77 General Duoliu came:

"Report to Your Majesty, Draco D51 has suffered a large-scale invasion and plunder from an unknown interstellar civilization, and is asking for help from the Lionheart Empire!"

Als:  …

Lei Xu: ...

Uncle and nephew's eyes lit up at the same time——

And this good thing?

D51, one of the familiar civilizations of L77.

Not for the sake of watching and helping each other, but in the original plan of the Cubs of Light, the allied civilizations of L77 should be the original team, not...

Pedan & Bit Stars who have the cheek to come forward!

The Lionheart Empire set sail, but it was not right or wrong.

The allies' initiative to ask for help is precisely the best opportunity for the Lionheart Emperor to demonstrate his space ability and declare that he has the ability to protect the Quartet!

It's not sleepy meets pillow! ?

"Send me an order—"

Before the cheap old uncle could speak, the Cub of Light slapped the table in high spirits:

"Order troops, order generals, and go out!"


At the same time, somewhere in the universe—

【Mianxia~. 】

The blond-haired and golden-armored figure half-kneeled in the void, looking at the dark planet not far away, trying to restrain the maddening hatred in his eyes as much as possible:

[Everything is according to your instructions. At present, the subordinates have caused more than a thousand civilizations to fall into battle, and it is estimated that more than 800 civilizations will be destroyed as a result. 】

【not enough. 】

The cold chanting sound passed by the ears, making the ruler of the dark universe silent for a while.

[Have you heard clearly? 】

The blurred dark orange Youhua came from nowhere, and the invisible and insubstantial existence condensed a concrete figure——

Holding a strange big book, the ghostly figure alternated between reality and reality casually turned a page.

After a glimpse, Babar noticed that the cover was suspected to be an Ultra warrior and four alien characters.

[I said it's not enough, it's not enough! 】

It seemed that after reading this page, the gloomy figure just raised his dark head, which could not see the specific face clearly, and cast a hollow gaze:

[You know what to do, right? 】

[Yes, Your Majesty. 】

Babar did not get up:

【Your will! 】

[Very well, let's go. 】

The ghost gave a flattering compliment, then closed the strange book in his hand, staring at a certain place in the void with his eyes, and said in a faint voice:

[This universe, not yet!enough!chaos! 】


107 At least worth a Galactic Empire chief assistant! 5K [-]-in-[-]

Originally, the Lionheart Emperor could attack at lightning speed, but the Lionheart Empire could not.

It's just a matter of ordering soldiers and generals, but in fact, the first one that can be called at the moment is the Jinguqiao Air and Sky Squadron arranged by the Peidan Stars to fill the field at L77.

Oh yes, there is also Enmago brought by the Cubs of Light.

Lei Xu confirmed with him the Chinese characters on the chest and the official hat and crown, and thought about it after getting the information that the human beings on Yanwang star were indeed using this character.

The Yan Luowang monster obviously didn't expect Lei to be so efficient, and he was taken onto the starship by several Jinguqiaos with a bewildered expression.

The original shape of this guy is probably a positive Valkyrie, and he has no intentions.

At this moment, Enmago is staring at a few Pedan pilots who are not very pleasing to the eyes of the guy who suddenly appeared to grab credit for him, Jaganna Curry——

Without the slightest mental preparation for the possible upcoming battle...

At the same time, everyone present is still not prepared for 007's career, which promises no rest on Saturdays and no rest on Sundays after the Lionheart Empire officially sets sail.

With the expedition imminent, Lei Xu put aside for the time being the consideration of related issues such as 'whether the human civilizations scattered in the Story0 universe are all derived from the humans he is familiar with'.

But soon there were new problems in front of him——

Someone is deliberately provoking civilizational disputes on a large scale, and the Cubs of Light confirmed this fact on the way!

Just before departure, the Kingdom of Light sent a machine-gun-style Burst Auto signature of a bighorn bull:

The number of application certificates received by the Galaxy Empire of Light is increasing exponentially!

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