Inquiring into the content, what is very unified is that the Galactic Empire of Light is required to come to uphold fairness and justice.

To speak the vernacular: Big Brother, I can’t bear it anymore, please help, help, help...

According to preliminary statistics, fierce armed conflicts broke out in more than a thousand universes at the same time, and the number of interstellar civilizations directly involved broke through five thousand within an hour.

This number is expected to increase by 24 to 1 times in the next 3 hours-

This is the most optimistic estimate!

Interstellar invasions, looting, conflicts between civilizations that already had conflicts and unsustainable debt relationships in the past are all fine.

The funniest thing is that there are quite a few civilizations... The situation described in the nomination certificate sent by individuals in civilization is:

Internal problems are about to lead to predictable but immeasurably serious consequences...

It's not intuitive to say so, so here are two examples:

Some civilizations have split internally, and destructive weapons have been deployed—

At any time, you can knock out the opponent's dog brain and your own dog brain, and focus on a self-destructing infantry!

There is one thing to say, this Cub of Light is relatively familiar, and he is fortunate to have learned about the past period of Earth Reza from the history books.

In some civilizations, the credibility of the ruling class collapsed, which in turn induced large-scale internal rebellions.

This Lei Xu is more familiar——

The last time I ran the civilization model in the "Crash Handbook of Cosmic Empires", the Cubs of Light entered the previous data of Earth Reza.

As a result...a certain superpower never disappoints people. Lei Xu doesn't say who it is.

After all, he, Lei, can be regarded as a kind-hearted character, everyone with one core does not talk about two cores!


After that, Lei Xu never entered this thing again, so it doesn't make sense to look bad.

It doesn't matter, I will shoot.jpg

Cough, just kidding.

However, if something like this really happened one day, would someone like Lei be able to stand by and watch? ?

I can't leave, let's live together...cough!

What Lei Xu meant was to take out the whole work and squeeze to death, and beat the rest before putting them back.

The sudden situation caught the Cub of Light by surprise, and he immediately called Unikin to help the cheap old uncle complete this pretense... to appear in front of others.

Lei Xu himself searched for a place on the Pedan starship.

While observing the distant battlefield through the data shared by the tactical system, he used the Aowang cloak to open a channel to get in real-time contact with the Kingdom of Light...

As the elongated and monotonous starlight lines gradually recovered from distorted postures to observable star points, a bright star cluster made of hazy starlight soon appeared in the wrap-around stereo image.

D51 Draco, on the edge of a thin cloud of nebula.

Located less than 60 light-years away from D200, it is one of the allies that the cheap uncle Als has visited and verbally concluded diplomatic relations in the past [-] years.

Oh yes, D51 is also a human being.

Lei Xu now simply regards all humanoid civilizations in the Story0 universe as human beings——

There must be something wrong with this!

If we say that the evolution of biological physiological mechanisms has a common tendency that is unclear.

The characters, especially the symbolic written symbols of Chinese, which is mainly ideographic, and the corresponding entire information recording system behind it can definitely not evolve naturally into convergence.

Who is deliberately making the Story0 universe and the overall civilization what it is today, the Cubs of Light can already be sure of this.

In fact, Lei Xu was actually a little bit happy in his heart.

Regardless of the possible conspiracy behind it——

At present, more than 99% of civilizations account for enough to show that human footsteps are in fact all over the universe, occupying absolute dominance in the entire Story0.

Just as humans occupy the absolute dominance of the earth... No, even the earth does not have such an exaggerated proportion!

From the perspective of biological evolution strategy, human beings have won a substantial victory in Story0.

With such a wide distribution range, it is impossible for any disaster known by human beings to destroy the existence of human beings.

Therefore, the Story0 universe is fully qualified as the human universe, and it is the unique existence in the universe that Lei Xu knew in the past.

"How about it?"

Surrounded by the light and shadow, the star cluster in the direction of D51 shone slightly. The Cub of Light glanced at the faint starlight due to the extremely fierce interstellar war, and frowned at the counterfeit on the line. , Bighorn Niu and Aguang et al.:

"How are you going to deal with it!?"

The protagonist of D51 this time is the cheap old uncle Als, who has little to do with him and someone like Lei, and there will be no problem with Unikin's help throughout the process.

"Well, this is our chance!"

'Zoffie' talked eloquently, completely unaware that the real Shafulin could never take the conflict of other civilizations as an opportunity——

That adult will only silently make a plan (bushi) to kill Ultraman!

"I think this opportunity must be seized!"

A few people on the same line stared at him silently, unaware that he was telling the truth when he opened his mouth. Zarab was still explaining his thoughts carefully:

"If you do well, after this time, countless civilizations will take the initiative to contribute and offer their loyalty to our Galactic Empire of Light."

Superman Ah Guang was puzzled when he heard it, but both Bighorn Bull and Lei Xu could understand what this impostor meant:

As the emblem of 'fairness & justice', the Galactic Empire of Light, which promotes the spirit of interstellarism, only needs to come forward——

Save a batch, fight a batch, release a batch.

Rescue the reputation, play the level, release the demeanor.

In this way, hegemony can be achieved.

speak English:

Mediate in the middle, show your face, and advertise yourself.

Let as many civilizations as possible know:

In the universe, there is such a powerful and righteous civilization organization as the Galactic Empire of Light!

Whether civilizations believe it or not, knowing and not knowing at all are two different concepts.

The essence is the difference between whether there is a way out——

Civilizations in crisis know that they will regard the Galactic Empire of Light as the last straw, and desperately seize it:

Anyway, it's all like this, how can it go bad?

Civilizations who are prepared for danger in times of peace know that they will consider joining the Galactic Empire of Light as a backup option when considering the direction of future development.

Profit seekers, necromancers, asylum seekers... Any normal interstellar civilization can find a reason to join them.

So... is it possible?

The answer is unquestionably yes.

From the light cubs latest human cosmic perspective:

There are many things that three people become tigers!

With the general blind obedience of Story0 human civilization, as long as the propaganda is in place, someone will be designated to brainwash himself and his companions:

[Maybe there really is such an official organization in the universe?No?You first prove it! 】

[The civilizations protected by the Galactic Empire of Light are all fake? 】

[Ah, yes, yes, the map of the Galaxy Empire of Light, you have this bit of property, right? 】

【You are right!You are right!Forget it, I obey you! 】

[A group of ants are worrying about a god who can crush you to death with one hand, with ulterior motives and meaningless worries! 】

[The conscience sewer of the Galaxy Empire of Light, there must be brand new parts wrapped in oil paper within three steps...]



Bighorn looked hesitant:

"This kind of thing..."

"of course can!"

Didn't see that the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light was waiting for Lei Xu to make a decision, 'Zoffie' was categorical:

"I have confidence!"

Zarrab does have a lot of self-confidence.

With his understanding of various civilizations and the current level of chaos in the universe, if he seizes this opportunity, the Galaxy Empire of Light will usher in a super-scale explosive growth.

When the size of the Galaxy Empire of Light reaches the expected size, an irreversible trend will be formed within the scope of the extremely large universe——

Realize the true imperial tyranny!

Such an empire constitutes instability?

It is built so quickly that it collapses! ?

Just kidding, he, Zarabu, is not from the Ott doesn't matter.

No one thinks that he really wants to help the Ultra clan build some kind of galaxy empire, right?

No way, no way! ?

Glancing at the counterfeit, the Cub of Light nodded thoughtfully, expressing his attitude.

"In this case, we can do what we can."

Seeing Lei Xu's clear attitude, Big Horn Niu nodded meticulously:

"Currently our manpower is limited, let's delineate the scope..."

"Why delineate the scope?"

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