'Sophie' interrupted unceremoniously:

"Be bold, we can own half the universe!"

It's becoming more and more unscrupulous. The Cub of Light looked at the counterfeit in distaste, and really wanted to say:

Do you know that my brothers are tired of acting with you?

"There are some things we can't do, and we shouldn't make promises!"

The moral bottom line of bighorn cattle is very high:

"This is......"

"In the first phase, nothing happened to us!"

'Zophie' interrupts again:

"Stage two, we're saying maybe something happened, but it needs to be investigated and acted on cautiously."

Lei Xu: ...

This is so familiar!

"Phase three, we say something is happening but not sure if we should step in!"

Zarrab was getting better and better, so he simply condensed and summarized the accumulated experience over the years:

"In the end, we said maybe something could have been done, but it's too late now..."

After all, 'Zoffie' who looked like Sha Fulin shrugged and spread his hands, and made a helpless gesture:

"What do you think?"

Bighorn:  …

Lei Xu: ...


This routine is at least worth a chief assistant of the Galactic Empire!


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

At the stall where the Cubs of Light were having a remote meeting, the great lion-heart king Als encountered a quite headache——

How will you look more aggressive when you enter the arena?

Waiting online, very anxious.

"Your Majesty, please see."

The military officer of the Pedan Stars bowed humbly, and signaled the Lionheart Emperor to look at the fleet that was continuously pouring firepower on a light blue planet in the floating projection, and his voice was considered:

"The condition of D51...is not good."

The Lionheart Emperor was silent.

Is this more than bad?

Ars could see clearly that the firepower projected by the huge fleet on the surface had plunged several cities into a sea of ​​molten flames.

A large number of ferocious behemoths suspected of biological weapons are raging on the scorched earth covered with fiery red light, looking for traces of rebels on the ravaged land.

Yes, rebels.

Even in this hell, there are still rebels——

The existence of D51 stars!

They held crude weapons, fired sporadic firepower, and launched waves of futile and desperate charges against the ferocious and ferocious biological weapons.

For nothing more than to save a weeping child from under the feet of a giant beast.

Some soldiers howled and roared as they stepped across the molten earth, quickly melting into the sea of ​​flames.

Until the last moment, he was still on the move.

There are guided weapons that are suspected of being missiles constantly flying from the sky, hitting the tough skin of these ferocious monsters and splashing a large amount of useless fireworks.

These weapons were once aimed at an invading fleet from outer space, but the D51 quickly realized that this was futile.

The technological gap between them and the enemy is really too big, this is already a crushing gap!

This gap is not only reflected in the starship, but also in these biological weapons——


There is no doubt about this situation:

What D51 encountered was an inhumane extermination invasion!

The people on this planet are helpless in the face of such an attack. This is simply a complete massacre!

If they didn't arrive, the final fate of D51 and everyone on it would be just the background of a sentence in the comic "Story0" that Little Reza said.

It shouldn't be like this!

Als was no longer as leisurely as before, as if a splash of hot oil had been poured into his heart, and his heart exploded.

This universe should never be like this!

Empathy is not only for D51!

The Lionheart Emperor looked at the scene in front of him, and what he recalled in his mind was the L77 that was generally destroyed in Little Reza's mouth.

The emerald of Leo, his hometown, L77 of other universes also suffered such invasion before being destroyed?

If Little Reza hadn't arrived, the so-called Story 0 universe they were in, L77 would have the same fate in the future!

So just watching this scene, the Lionheart Emperor became furious.

The raging flames in his heart made Ars no longer care about the so-called "forced style", and the Lionheart King suddenly got up——

Didn't Little Reza say that he has already arranged everything?

Ars decided to believe in his sister's child, in that... the legendary universe emperor who was already legendary at a young age!

With such a good boy around, it's okay for him to be a little presumptuous, right?

Just...a little bit!

The restless red rainbow pierces through the bulkhead and the void, stepping across the universe in an instant, intertwining with the posture of a giant wearing a bright red cloak.

【armistice. 】

The low-pitched voice that forcibly suppressed the anger echoed across the universe, causing the invaders in the fleet to be stunned. Even the people who were resisting on the surface of the planet heard an order-like announcement across their ears:

[in me——

Lord of the Lionheart Empire, in front of Als, cease the war! 】

Ah, Als?

The commander-in-chief of D51 in a command position on the surface was taken aback for a moment, and then he searched for the one he made not long ago from his memory, which was better than endless efforts to ask for help.

It's not so much a plea for help as it is the last thing their D51 can do for their ally...L77.

But now, it's hard, hard...

The commander-in-chief looked up at the sky in disbelief, and happened to catch the burly figure of the scarlet giant standing in space, but strangely allowing him to see clearly.

[I count to three. 】

Under everyone's gaze, the king gently raised his hand, declaring:

[Otherwise, you will bear the consequences! 】

No one listened.

No, there is also an element that Ars does not want them to obey——

Different from the people in Duo Liu's hometown of the Land of Light, the Lion Heart Emperor is a real king who has emerged from blood and fire!

Even though he was born in a feudal society, Als knew one thing clearly:

Words can't shut up, but fists can.

Die... also can!

In the sarcasm and hopeful gaze, the red giant, Lionheart King Als suddenly swung down:

【three! 】

In the next moment, Yinhua, representing space, overturned the world against common sense, causing ripples visible to the naked eye, and disappeared in an instant before the visual nerves could react.

Disappeared along with it....

That fleet is pouring fire on D51's war starships and all the raging biological weapons on the surface!

On the bridge of the invading fleet, some correspondents glanced at the coordinates that changed in a hurry, and turned around in the last few tenths of a second of the terrible gravity and the high temperature invasion brought by the endless sea of ​​​​fire, trying to make the last report of this life:

"Report, the current position is in the sun..."

Boom~! ! !

On the star surface of the D51 galaxy, an inconspicuous small bubble appeared...


108 Tell me earlier, didn’t I vote earlier!? 6K three-in-one

It is worth a routine of the chief assistant of the Galactic Empire to be killed.

The reason is that except for the consecrated cubs, the moral bottom line in the hearts of other Otto people, including the bighorn bull, does not allow them to do so.

Promise what you can't do, prompting more civilizations to choose to join the Galactic Empire of Light under the influence of anxiety and internal pressure at a critical moment...

Essentially naked deception & prostitution!

Lei Xu can understand this, and doesn't intend to stain this bottom line with his 'dirty' thoughts——

It is the code of conduct that everyone in the Otto family abides by. Forcing the horse will only cause the Otto family to shoulder responsibilities that do not belong to them again in the process of subsequent performance of the contract.

But as a catalyst for the rapid development of the Galactic Empire of Light in the next period of time.

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