The Pedan Stars were changed in command, and Emperor Ars appointed a little-known unknown soldier as the King of Pedan Star to lead the revenge expedition with full authority! ?

Yes, the last three have little to do with the Draco civilizations for the time being.

But the first two...


The leaders of many civilizations gasped in unison, and successfully made a negligible contribution to the warming of the universe.

This, this, this lion hearted emperor, why is he so wild! ?

Directly to Draco... No, more than that, directly to the high-level civilizations of a large circle of constellations around Leo are confused.

In various large and small groups, someone immediately copied and pasted the distance from L77 Leo to D51 Draco, which started at a distance of thousands of light years, and spread it wildly.

Immediately afterwards, scientists from various civilizations took their positions.

After understanding the general situation and contributing to the warming of the universe again, the scientists calmly explained the difficulty behind this matter to the heads of their own civilizations and high-level officials——

Specially point out:

If you want to meet a guy who can do this kind of thing, I suggest you dig a hole in place and bury yourself!

In half a day, we rushed from L77 thousands of light years away to D51 Draco.

Counting the time it took for D51’s superluminal warning signal to arrive at L77 to be seen, excluding the necessary consumption of the assembled fleet and combat forces...

In many civilizations, countless big scientists have used various model formulas to calculate the time left for the Lionheart King with great precision:

Less than 10 minutes!

That is to say, from the completion of the fleet assembly to the arrival at D51 star, Lionheart King Ars only took a few minutes!

In fact, it is shorter--

On the way, Unikin was called by the Cubs of Light to take care of and assist the cheap old uncle's appear holy in front of others!

Just because there was an extra episode, and it was also the first time to assemble, otherwise these civilizations should get a more accurate number:

Ten seconds!

But it doesn't matter, 10 minutes is enough for the group of old hats who have never seen the world to be shocked by the constellation groups around Draco and Leo.

10 minutes across a distance of [-] light-years, what kind of concept is this?

Let's put it this way, people generally call this kind of guy a hooker.

With this kind of ability, the present extremely dangerous universe is a safe garden in front of the house in the eyes of this guy.

Ah, as long as you don't take the initiative to jump into a black hole or something, no one will dare to provoke this guy!


This wall hanging also brought a temporary assembled fleet with it! ?

Wall hanging upgrade, this is a BUG!

The individual shuttles to the unlimited group space transfer, and this is the strategic-level power.

It is no exaggeration to say that any aggressive guy with such an ability can easily break through the defense of any planet.

The early warning system of the galaxy has been reduced to a decoration, and the defense line of the planet is useless.


You said that the fleet didn't make a move at all, and rushed to the scene with a bug that added a long-distance travel BUFF, and all of them were raised by the invading fleet with one hand.

Well, don't say anything.


All of a sudden, countless heads of civilizations performed on the spot to die of anger——

The TM administrator personally ended up, how can this Spicy Chicken Universe Online still play?

You tell me how to play! ?

Labor and management do not ring hot!

That's about it.

Scientists and war experts from various civilizations used their own professionalism to point out one point:

Don't expect to fight against such a guy, there is no chance of winning!

If we say that this alone will only make various civilizations fearful and avoid being enemies.

Then the news sent back made these civilization leaders and high-level officials daunting——

Frontline news, the invading civilization... group, yes, the home galaxy coordinates of the civilization group have been determined:

It is on the edge of an extragalactic dark galaxy cluster about 51 light-years away from D[-]!

Currently, Lionheart King Ars is waiting for the results of his subordinates——

The miscellaneous fish in this galaxy are not worthy of the god king's shot!

There is one thing to say, the first reaction of all the heads of civilization when they heard the news was very unified, and they turned the table in a very unified way.

Even if they don't know much about technology and strategy, they can understand:

Accurately positioned at a distance of [-] light-years, successfully tracked down the enemy, and led the fleet to the hinterland of the enemy galaxy to attack Huanglong...

What a trough such a thing is!

What needs to be specially added is that the guy named Ars has rushed from L77 to D51 to destroy the enemy's invasion fleet.

Not to mention the gold content of precise positioning at a distance of [-] light-years——

Just the space spanning ability of thousands of light-years, and a one-time leap to [-] light-years is enough to make countless people imagine:

Since one hundred thousand light years is fine.

Is that 20 okay?

100 million lines no... no, just be bold——

Can the known universe work? ?

Of course, this is an exaggeration.

At present, scientists of any civilization do not think that the Lionheart King can rush to any place in the known universe in an instant.

If the Cubs of Light knew about it, they would definitely praise them for being right.

Can cheap uncle do it?

He can't, he doesn't have the ability!


Not much of a problem with Eugene.

It is not a big problem whether it is true, the Cubs of Light only give an authoritative judgment from the perspective of the legend that once appeared.

The known universe in general civilization cognition is mostly limited by its own cognition, and it feels that it is simply the shackles of distance.

This answer cannot be said to be wrong, but it is definitely not perfect.

From the usual concept of space, they are right.

Space-time mythological monsters, in the final analysis, were born inside the universe, and their essence is life born from the combination of partially distorted space-time intelligence and concretization.

From the perspective of dimensions, there are too many places in the universe that even Unigin can't touch.

It involves the underlying structure and truth of the universe, even Lei Xu has only seen it before, and has not really touched it.

Some understanding is still in Sister De's textbook, and the Cubs of Light will take it out and have a look when they have time.

There is one saying that the effect is outstanding (referring to hypnosis), and Lei has achieved remarkable results (sleep quality).

On the contrary, Sister Ka is studying together seriously, and the progress of the study is not clear.

Just as all civilizations were horrified by the terrifying existence turned out of nowhere, and the Lionheart Emperor of L77 was horrified, many keen tacticians pointed out the fact that he may be very weak now——

God King, avoiding the battle.

Judging from the only shot record of rush aid D51, Lionheart Emperor is obviously not a good-tempered guy.

As soon as he made a move, all the invaders were annihilated in the corona.

But this time, it's a bit incomprehensible to let his subordinates...Pedan Stars face an entire galaxy, an alliance formed by as many as a dozen civilizations.


Maybe, but many people firmly believe that he is too big.

Such a terrifying spatial ability will definitely not have an upper limit!

The Lionheart King led the fleet across a distance of [-] light-years at one time, which was a double test of his ability and body.

Therefore, at the moment He is reaching his limit.

The so-called disdain to make a move is most likely an excuse for being strong outside but doing nothing.

—There are many who firmly believe this!

But the reality is that...

"Your Majesty Als."

In the extragalactic galaxy X, the commander-in-chief of the Pedan Stars respectfully half-kneeled, staring at the back of the red giant outside the porthole from the corner of his incomprehensible eyes:

"How can Enmago be the king of my planet Pedan?"

The Yama monster originated from a planet under the rule of Peidan Star.

Commander Pedan got all the information on Enmago within a few minutes.

The Lionheart Emperor turned a deaf ear, and looked lightly at the explosion that was burning all the way to a certain planet.

In the peripheral vision of the horizon, in the direction of other planets in this galaxy, a large number of star points are approaching extremely fast.

"Pedan star, presumptuous!"

The Cub of Light on the side stopped looking at this somewhat familiar galaxy cluster, narrowing his eyes slightly:

"Can I understand that you Pedan Stars are questioning His Majesty's appointment decision?"

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