"My subordinates dare not."

The commander-in-chief of the Pedan Stars is neither humble nor overbearing:

"It's a fact that En Mago is incompetent, and his subordinates are also planning for my Lionheart Empire!"

Born in the feudal society of Hades, Enmago has no ability to rule the interstellar civilization, the people of Pedan.

In the view of the commander-in-chief of the Pedan Stars, this is a fact that no one can deny.

Even if it is His Majesty, there must be some reason, right?

On the battlefield, a large stretch of flames has reached the surface of the star.

The Lionheart Emperor who stood in the air nodded slightly, and Ars watched Enmago's advancement process all the way.

The guy recommended by Little Reza did have two skills. In terms of combat strength, he might be completely crushed against him.

The Yan Luowang monster is almost carrying the indiscriminate bombardment of the entire planet's anti-aircraft firepower to push forward——

That little round shield was like an indestructible wall of sighs, not even the armor on his body was damaged...

If it wasn't for Enmago's ability to attract firepower, the following Jinguqiao Squadron would not have been able to advance into the planet's atmosphere with such a huge disparity in strength.

"I don't think you guys understand the situation at all."

As the agent of the cheap old uncle Yukou, the Cub of Light sneered:

"Whether you have the ability or not, you Pedan Stars have nothing to say!"

This is the power of the emperor, and the commander-in-chief of Peidan is silent.

Things came to the direction that caused him the most headache——

As a cosmic emperor who also came from a feudal society, the reason why His Majesty Ars insisted on giving them an extra constraint on the heads of the Pedan Stars.

He didn't even have to think about the reason!

It's nothing more than... some of their previous actions touched his bottom line in Als.


Aren't those what the Pedan Stars deserve?

It doesn't matter whether you take the initiative to contribute or surrender.

Industrial system and infrastructure on L77.

Isn't the current prosperity of L77 Hongyue & Miaoyue all due to the investment of the Pedan Stars at all costs?

They Pedan Stars just, just want to occupy a part of the Lionheart Empire that matches their own investment.

Obtain corresponding rights and status in the ambitious Lionheart Empire that will not be diluted in the future.

Commander Peidan was very upset——

What's wrong with them! ?

The Lionheart Emperor retracted the flames of the explosion that had begun to spread on the surface of the planet, and Als turned his gaze to the deep space where star points flickered in a cyclical pattern——

After such a long time, the remaining guard forces of this galaxy are finally coming...

What Lei Xu was thinking about in Peidan Xingren's mind was unclear, but he could guess most of it.

"Let's just keep things straight."

The Cub of Light tilted his head slightly, showing a contemptuous look at Commander Peidan:

"This is His Majesty's decision. You, Pei Dan Xing, have to accept it if you accept it, or accept it if you don't!"

This is almost equivalent to the coercion of tearing one's face. For a person who grew up under the military-state capital system, it is very uncomfortable for him to turn back the wheel of history to accept this kind of thing.

Commander Peidan looked over sullenly:


"Do you think you Pedan people are very important to my Lionheart Empire?"

Lei Xu interrupted unceremoniously:

"Then keep your dog eyes open!"


What to watch! ?

Commander Peidan was puzzled for a moment, then raised his eyes and looked at the red figure outside the porthole following the conditional launch.

The implication of this guy is that the Pedan Stars are by no means irreplaceable to the Lionheart Empire. If so...

In the field of vision, he slowly raised his red arms and brought his fingertips together.

And in front of the scarlet god, the constantly flickering starlight finally revealed its ferocious and ferocious face at this moment——

It was a vast rain of light that almost completely covered the entire starry sky——

The over-dense energy jets gathered together, and the deadly psychedelic glow was just like a tsunami caused by turmoil, hitting with an irresistible mighty momentum.

There may be several bundles of mighty thick condensed jets in the middle, splashing with thrilling energy fluctuations.

Not only Ars, who was facing this terrible scene on the field, but also people on the distant planet that was being ravaged by the monsters of Yama, there were people uttering horrified calls.

The radar of the Pedan Stars has intercepted countless images similar to [Are you guys going to destroy us together? ] question message.

There is no doubt that the opponent's intention is to kill them all regardless of the cost!

Commander Peidan Xing is horrified at this moment——

I was so horrified that I didn't even realize that there was only a virtual projection that deceived the vision at the place where the Cub of Light was originally...

"Your Majesty Ars, it's dangerous!"

He anxiously called out the name of Emperor Lion Heart:

"Please retreat immediately!!!"

There is no need to face such an attack, even His Majesty Ars cannot block such a terrible attack head-on.

With His Majesty's spatial ability, the future of the Lionheart Empire is bright.

His Majesty has absolutely no need for the son of a daughter to sit still...

In the next moment, Commander Pei Danxing's voice was drowned in his own throat——


The red god snapped his fingers lightly, and the sound of snapping fingers sounded unreasonably in the minds of everyone present.

The next moment, the universe was completely quiet——

Under the terrifying darkness that descended out of nowhere and instantly engulfed the stars...

If the commander-in-chief of Peidan Star has read "Light of the Earth", he must be able to recognize the owner of the darkness.

Its name is—

Very Dark Tiga!


Huh~, strange.

The Cub of Light hiding in the cover of darkness scratched his head and looked towards a certain direction of the extragalactic galaxy X——

Where did this familiar calling come from! ?

110 an amberla cub bushi ! [-] in [-]

When the darkness that overturned the stars disappeared, what appeared before everyone was a clear starry sky.

In the deep sky of the brilliant stars, there is only an endless silence.

hair, what happened?

Commander Peidan's thinking didn't keep up with the movement for a while, but he could see one thing clearly——

The original attack that hit them like an overturning vast sea was wiped out with the snap of the fingers of the scarlet god king...


This was the only emotion that Commander Peidan could flash across his mind.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the mighty and incomparable space ability, His Majesty Ars also hides such a terrifying power.

After the shock, waves of uncontrollable panic surged into Commander Peidan's heart.

'Then keep your dog eyes open! '

In a trance, the unceremonious and sharp announcement flashed across his ears over and over again.

Commander Peidan just now fully understands that the Cubs of Light want him to see...

No, it was an iron-clad fact that the Pedan Stars had neglected arrogantly before:

【It is the Pedan Stars who need the Lionheart Empire, not the Lionheart Empire that needs the Pedan Stars...】

There is no doubt that the attack just now was enough to smash the planet behind them more than ten times.

With just an understatement, the red god annihilated everything invisible.

This all proves the unrivaled power of His Majesty the Lionheart Ars——

That is an incomparable power that is enough to aspire to the highest seat in the universe!

Commander Peidan couldn't help recalling the fleeting but daunting darkness at that moment, and his body trembled slightly without any warning.

It wasn't until this time that he realized that unspeakable fear was constantly growing from the bottom of his heart.

These fears could not be suppressed at all, and they couldn't help pouring into every cell in his body, making Commander Peidan's feet go weak.

What did he just do?

Presumptuously questioning His Majesty Ars, confronting Prince L77, His Highness Reza, who is intimate with His Majesty.

Even until the expedition, he allowed his subordinates to express, intentionally or unintentionally, the arrogant attitude of wanting to be equal to the L77 people, or even half a chip better.

After all, in the eyes of almost all Pedan Stars, the people on L77 except His Majesty Ars are simply a group of ignorant feudal barbarians.

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