There is no science and technology, limited knowledge, and no power.

The biggest basis for measuring the level of civilization development, productivity started 2 years behind their Pedan Stars.

It can be said that the Pedan Stars have a sense of superiority in almost all aspects in front of the L77 people——

Isn't it just a little bit of luck, there is a king with strong space ability! ?

But now, Commander Peidan wanted to slap himself twice.

I t...

How dare you! ?

At this end, Commander Peidan was terrified after putting it aside.

Over there, after a short reaction, the high-level members of this galaxy civilization group were also too terrified to control themselves.

who am I?

where am I?

what happened?

Ubiquitous in all directions, with a sense of loneliness as if everything is withered, the extremely lonely darkness, without the slightest wave, quietly infiltrates.

Silence, eerie silence.

The only thing that can be felt in the eardrum is the increasingly intense thumping heartbeat, and the sound of blood gurgling in the blood vessels.

This terrible silence and the oppression of the dark touch that completely cut off the five senses are fatal.

I can't see my fingers when I stretch out my hand, I can't make a sound when I open my mouth, I can't feel the ground when I chop my feet, and it's a mystery whether my body is still there.

Even warriors with indestructible will and high-level civilizations who boasted that they were used to seeing big scenes, and nothing could make them panic, couldn't help becoming a little hysterical.

Something is slowly clenching the heart tightly, like a noose of death hoisting them up bit by bit.

They can even feel that life is passing by in this process, flowing bit by bit into the bottomless abyss.

In this process, ordinary civilians are the first to lose their minds.

Then there are ordinary soldiers who don't have much will to fight and are used to fighting with the wind.

Senior soldiers, military officers, engineers, high-level, and finally scientific researchers engaged in scientific and technological work.

It wasn't until the last guy who seemed to be a scientist showed some signs of madness that the Cub of Light clicked his lips and glanced at the time, ready to appear——

From the beginning to the present, 5 minutes have not arrived!

Lei Xu took a special look at the tearful, nearly crazy guys in the 'darkness'.

I have to say that the effect of this skill is surprisingly good.

Maybe... it has something to do with his dark energy?

There is no way, fearing the existence of Pagon, the control of nuclear energy is not very useful, Lei Xu had to take out the transformation of Heidi, who is the trump card at the bottom of the box.

High emotional intelligence: the trump card at the bottom of the box

Low emotional intelligence: a cold bench that I can't think of

Wait, why is that inexplicable attraction and calling feeling more and more clear! ?

The Cub of Light glanced in that direction inexplicably and shook his head.

Wait, now is not the time to focus on this—

[Only punish the chief evil. 】

In that dark abyss of silence, any sound is enough to attract the attention of the people who are gradually going crazy in the terrible silence.

Not to mention the hazy crimson that suddenly appeared above the darkness and the unambiguous words that resounded in his mind.

When that red light and shadow appeared in the field of vision, the scientists with the mildest symptoms were the first to regain some sanity.

But they didn't know who the 'prime culprit' was proclaimed by the god-like crimson figure in their vision.

[I report that it was the guys from N17 and M42 who initiated the aggression! 】

A few clear-headed high-ranking civilizations immediately noticed something from the peculiar reference of 'chief culprit', and immediately began to sell teammates:

[It has nothing to do with our N95, sir, you have to be careful! ! ! 】

Although he himself didn't know and couldn't hear it, the cubs of light could clearly hear the many responses he had deliberately released—

[Damn it, what did you say? 】

【Bah, traitor! 】

[It has nothing to do with our M88, it really has nothing to do with it! ! ! 】

[Shameless!You voted for both N95 and M88...]


It may take a long time to build trust, but it can be destroyed in an instant.

Now, the trust within this civilization has crumbled.

Soon, almost everyone came to their senses and tried their best to get rid of their responsibilities.

The Cub of Light showed a rather sunny smile, and prepared a copy while silently releasing it out of order.

Hey, this is called the prisoner's dilemma.

At the same time... Yes, Lei Xu does not intend to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Revenge of the D77 Sacred Crusade is one thing for L51 allies in the name of Lionheart.

Indiscriminately venting these things on the other party's civilized people, old and weak, women and children, etc. is another matter——

The Cubs of Light feel that it is okay to use any means, but there must be a bottom line——

Just pinch out the culprit who planned this and liquidate it!

Of course, from the standpoint of a third party, Lei Xu acted as a "reasonable guest" without pain or itching.

After all, he and others are neither victims nor perpetrators.

Purely because this matter does not involve the earth and human beings, otherwise the Cubs of Light will send Ya to see Nuo Shen——

That's his job as an old man!

If the D51 people want to seek revenge in the future, it will also be a entanglement between them and their enemies, and Lei Xu does not intend to interfere.

In retrospect, another big reason for the Cubs of Light to do this is...

All of these N17 & M42, N95 & M88, and several other silent waves are human figures and gestures, almost completely human civilizations!

That's right, such a thing as killing a killer...

Sorry can't do it!

【quiet! 】

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Lei Xu simply stopped a group of people who were developing from accusing to exposing their families.

[I am Leo L77, Ars, the lion-heart emperor. 】

Standing above the dark abyss of despair and silence, the red figure like a bright sun proclaims:

[The head of the invasion of D51 shall be sentenced to death.

I will watch you...]

The moment the last word settled in his mind, before anyone could react, the Cubs of Light retreated in seconds——

He's going to take care of the cheap old uncle, someone from Lei, who temporarily went online, and besides...

With the fading of the dark abyss, all the lost senses come online quickly.

It was like a huge catastrophe. The people who were reborn after the catastrophe looked down at everything around them in confusion, as if they still had an unreal sense of dream.

But soon someone reacted——

The ultimatum issued by the terrible guy who claimed to be Ars the Lionheart King:

Kill the culprit who invaded D51!

Invade D51, remember that is the direction that N17 is in charge of.

The eyes of all the high-level civilizations alternately shone with fear and stern brilliance.

There is no doubt that they cannot disobey that Lionheart King Ars.

To be able to live now, to some extent, is entirely due to the kindness of the other party.


The high-level civilizations of N17 were excluded by tacit cooperation.

The senior officials of M42, N95, M88, and other civilizations quickly met online and reached a consensus on the spot:

We can't beat Ars, and we can't beat the N17 guys?

——This is a necessary sacrifice!

They thought so, and planned to do so.

But before the high-level civilized people who united again officially issued an order, something unexpected happened.

The connection was disconnected and connected again, and there were bursts of chaotic noise, questioning and fighting from the communication system of N17...

After a while of identification, a group of high-level civilized officials sorted out the situation:

The folks at N17 seem to think so too!

Moreover, N17 people have their own understanding of the term 'prime evil':

The culprit, isn't it the guys above who launched the aggression?

What does it have to do with the consumable screws under them! ?

At least for the time being, the internal affairs of this civilization group have nothing to do with the Cubs of Light.

On the way, Lei Xu gave the cheap old uncle a brief recitation, and Lei Xu rushed back to the Peidan starship without stopping.

Huh~, no secrets.

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