Seeing Commander Pedan in front of him with weak feet and trembling legs, the Cub of Light breathed a sigh of relief.

Although you are not afraid of being exposed, it is always a good thing to plan without accidents.

Looking back, the Pedan Stars did a pretty good job on the whole, and it would be over with just one more tap on this end.

"Hey, wake up!"

Lei Xu approached and patted lightly, but Commander Peidan fell to the ground limply on conditioned reflex, and looked over in shock as if waking up from a dream:

"Rey, Your Highness Reza?"

Tsk, you don't even want to call me Your Majesty.

The Cub of Light complained silently in his heart.

"Look straight at me!"

He leaned over, grabbed his sweat-drenched hair with one hand, and forced Commander Peidan to look at him:

"Listen to me--

What is bestowed by His Majesty Ars belongs to you Pedan Stars.

If His Majesty refuses to give it, if you Pedan Stars dare to stretch out your hand,

Hehe~, you can try it! "

"As His Majesty said—"

The Cub of Light let go of the almost insulting gesture, and ended the unilateral ultimatum with a sneer:

"From now on, Enmago is the king of Pedan--

His Majesty Ars does not want to hear any complaints, otherwise..."

Lei Xu left blank, and let Commander Peidan, who involuntarily nodded his head severely, make up his own brain.

Not long after, the Yama monster that invaded the planet not far away went and returned.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness Reza!"

Enmago, who was covered in war marks, stood on a golden bridge, and respectfully clasped his fists at the starship where the Lionheart Emperor and the Cub of Light were located:

"The enemy star has been claimed, and the last general can fight again!"

This is a rare opportunity to make meritorious deeds. After a fierce battle just now, the enthusiastic Yama monster has already left Lei Xu's promise behind.

In the simple values ​​of the ancient martial gods, the most practical is to get fame immediately.

"you say......"

But what Enmago didn't expect was that the Lionheart Emperor tilted his head and spit out a word with doubts in a flat voice:

"Fight again?"

"Yes, the general has found out that the enemy's capital star is the satellite of the seventh planet in this galaxy."

Yama monster bowed his head:

"The last general is fine, please..."

"no need."

The Cub of Light manifested Reza's posture with each step, and interrupted with a smile:

"Your Majesty has successfully destroyed the resistance of the entire galaxy, disintegrated the enemy's will to fight and issued an ultimatum to kill the chief culprit who planned to attack my ally D51——

I am ordering you to be fully responsible for supervising this matter, and the Pedan Stars will assist you..."

Enmago:  …


What did he miss! ?

The Yan Luowang monster walked away in a daze.

The Cub of Light finally freed up and looked towards a direction that felt a faint sense of attraction.

After saying hello to the cheap uncle and Yunijin who was hiding in the dark, Lei Xu switched back to Heidi's transformation, and Yansui's ever-increasing sense of calling soon came to a galaxy with dim light.

There, the Cubs of Light met...

An amberla cub (bushi)!

111 Two Cubs~! 5K [-] in [-]

Looking at the dark star that was obviously not a black hole but even darker than the former, the Cub of Light fell silent.

Lei Xu finally understood where the familiar touch and call that came continuously came from.

Galaxy X... no, it should be:

Dark Nebula!

Yes, the planet that is in front of the Cubs of Light is...

Dark Star Ampera!

That is to say, this so-called extragalactic galaxy X is the predecessor of the dark nebula!

He should have found out earlier, Lei Xu was a little annoyed.

Compared with the original Ressa, the Heidi body given by Dijuge can keep up with the version without showing any weakness, completely relying on the indoctrination and blessing of the two dark stars of the universe, the Kingdom of Light and Mobile Austria.

There was almost no sense of calling under Reza's posture, but it became more and more clear under Extreme Dark Tiga, which he should have noticed earlier.

But this is normal.

Nebula of Darkness, Cubs of Light can also be considered... well, they are very familiar.

That ghostly place is filled with powerful dark energy all the time. The dark energy radiated from the dark star Ampera brings the entire nebula into the field.

The light of the Ultra family will be suppressed here, which is equivalent to an all-round weakening BUFF with no time limit.

so that—

No matter where in the dark nebula, Lei Xu can release the extremely dark Dijia under the state of darkness blessing.

The first time he set foot on this extragalactic galaxy, it was the shortcut channel opened by Unikin after he locked the position of the enemy invading D51.

Between the steps, the stars move.

The Cub of Light didn't confirm the portable star map, and he didn't feel the suppression BUFF unique to the Dark Nebula.

To put it bluntly, it's dark under the lights, so it's not surprising to ignore it for a while.

Oh yes, did you ignore something and didn't explain it?

Yes, since receiving the blessing of another Ampera star in the mobile Austrian universe, the influx of too powerful dark energy made Lei Xu clearly feel that his Heidi transformation has undergone a certain degree of qualitative change.

The Cub of Light was so scared that he turned around and immediately went to Sister Mary and A Guang A Meng for a full set of baby physical examination (bushi).

In the end, the complex-looking Supreme Chief of the Silver Crusade and the Director of Science and Technology Development jointly gave an authoritative appraisal:

Little Resa, you are already a qualified Ampera...

Cough, not skinny.

The meaning of Sister Mary and Superman Aguang is very simple——

Heidi's transformation already has the same nature as the emperor of the dark universe:

Eternal darkness!

Converted to? ⑧ The setting description of Yuangu Little Boss:

Photon cells that produce pure dark energy have the ability to regenerate indestructible...

There is one thing to say, Lei Xu has no feeling for such things as immortal rebirth.

Either directly blasting the resurrection on the spot, or crushing with one hand, the Cub of Light can't remember the last time he played a balance game.

But there is one thing, Lei Xu's feeling is very clear:

The posture of Extremely Dark Tiga is no longer limited to the region of the Dark Nebula!

Simply put, the Cubs of Light are freed from the area-limited BUFF blessing of the Dark Nebula, and can use this powerful dark gesture at any time...with a time limit.

In other words, King Otto can joke with someone Lei at any time:

You can't last long in this form.jpg

Back to the status quo, Lei Xu looked at the dark star in front of him and frowned.

has a problem!

This is nonsense, but I have to emphasize——

The dark star Ampera is here, but the dark nebula has never been born. This is a huge anomaly in itself!

What's more, the Ampera star in front of him feels weak to abnormal.

The Cub of Light thought for a while, then pressed down on the weak dark star.

Not to mention him, someone from Lei is also 1/20 of Ambella... no more, but it doesn't matter.

What, you ask why is it 1/20?

Okay, let’s take a look at the fan diagram:

60 points pass, he Lei someone has an indivisible 70 points is the Earthlings.

Of the remaining 30 points, there are 15 points for Kingdom of Light and 10 points for L77.

Isn't it only 5 points, 1/20, that can be assigned to Ampera Star?

But the ranking chart is happy, in fact, the cubs of light have no distinction between these things, and there is no priority.

So it's not really important.

The important thing is that Lei Xu couldn't turn a blind eye to this weak Ampera star just because the two dark stars spared no effort to infuse him.

Across the shadowy atmosphere that seems to contain all the despair in the world, the supreme...forgot in the short, the most beautiful dark giant landed lightly on the lifeless land that seemed to be in another world.

It is still the edge of the rugged and cliff-like mountain, below the canyon with a line of sky, and the familiar black crystal land extends under the feet.

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