Bighorn Bull is obviously more concerned about the ability of the counterfeit than the surrender itself, which is very important to the Galactic Empire of Light:

"To what extent can it be done!?"


Seeing the number one swordsman in the universe descending from the sky with his friends, Zarabu shrank his head from the heart, trying to prove his worth:

"It is not a problem to expand the scale of the current transaction by [-] times."


All the Austrians present were stunned when they heard the sound, and followed Qi Qi's tactics, and by the way, contributed to the warming of the Kingdom of Light.

What is the concept of the current scale of affairs in the Kingdom of Light?

The Galactic Empire of Light is fully activated, and a huge amount of information is sent back from M78 and the surrounding universe every day.

Review information, determine whether intervention is necessary, determine disposal methods, and deploy appropriate personnel to deal with it.

Submitted by many civilizations that have successively joined the Galactic Empire of Light, including but not limited to:

Historical data and data of civilization, real-time changes in various universes, internal and external conflicts of civilization, etc., etc., a series of situations, large and small, are extremely complicated.

It is said to be the Galactic Empire of Light, but in Hikari's view, what he is doing is more like the Interstellar Federation of the Kingdom of Light universe.

However, the Interstellar Federation is a huge interstellar civilization management organization led by a small number of civilizations, as many as [-] or more civilizations contribute together, and the resident tens of millions of elite employees can maintain it.

Now, even if the size of the Galactic Empire of Light is not even one ten-thousandth of that of the Interstellar Federation, this Kingdom of Light is not the Kingdom of Light.

In fact, Story0's Ultra Clan currently doesn't have such management capabilities at all, and everyone knows this well.

Just now alone, the above-mentioned affairs require more than 30% of the general citizens of the Kingdom of Light to be able to barely meet them at almost full capacity.

This does not include the Reaper protection infrastructure plan established by the Cubs of Light that must be quickly launched next.

Because even if you follow the instructions step by step and make no mistakes——

The Galactic Empire of Light will also quickly reach the limit of its management capabilities in the future, and it will collapse after barely maintaining it for a while!

Therefore, the Cubs of Light's minimum requirement for this organization is to complete the 'infrastructure', and all other matters that are extremely uncertain, such as investigating the truth of the destruction of the universe, must be postponed:

People-oriented, the right to life is supreme!

This is the basic principle Little Reza established early on with the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Light, the captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light, and the number one swordsman in the universe.

In addition, everything can be given up according to the situation!

At the same time, this is also the core reason why the three agreed with the Cubs of Light to carry out the bold plan destined to destroy the reputation of the Kingdom of Light and help establish the Galactic Empire.

This Zarab is a talent!

Hikari couldn't help but look sideways.

He understands the current situation of the Galactic Empire of Light better than anyone else.

As a man-made miracle destined to be short-lived, the existence of the Galactic Empire of Light is based on the chaotic status quo in which everyone in the Story0 universe is in danger——

This situation has further raised the requirements for the organizer's management ability!

Zhongao has never doubted Little Reza's ability in the matter of the cosmic empire, but Hikari has recently become more and more worried that the Galactic Empire of Light will not be able to maintain it until the time when the god of death strikes.

Yes, managers from other civilizations can be recruited.

But Little Reza's attitude is very clear:

You must never do that!

In this general crisis and high-pressure situation, using people from various civilizations to manage is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst, and the speed of collapse after a short period of maintenance will be beyond imagination.

Zarrab's information processing ability is no different from a life-sustaining medicine——

If you are sincere and sincere, it is equivalent to lending the Galactic Empire of Light another 500 years from the sky.

Now there is only one question before Zhongao:

Is this fake really authentic? ?


Cubs of Light have no way of knowing whether the fakes are authentic or not.

Lei Xu only knew that he had been stabbed in the back by Brother Sha, the sixth son, and turned into a puffer fish.

Damn it, did Brother Sha successfully evolve into Sha Fulin?

Someone Lei complained, and returned to L77 full of anger.

It was only when he arrived that he realized that the cheap old uncle had triumphantly returned at some point and returned to court.

No, the matter on the other side of galaxy X is over?

The Cub of Light glanced at the time. It was less than a day before and after he left, and he didn't come so soon as planned.

After further questioning, I found out that Enmago is still presiding over and carrying out the order of the Lionheart Emperor to "kill the chief evil" on the X side of the galaxy outside the galaxy.

It is worth mentioning that in order to please the future king of Pedan Star, the immediate superior of the Lionheart Empire.

The panic-stricken Pedan star sent a large number of professional personnel from the mother civilization to assist the Yan Luowang monster to complete the investigation of the culprit of the N17 civilization.

Yes, the final characterization of the culprit is:

A person who promotes and implements the policy of aggression!

The snowflake theory applies, but it's still the same sentence:

Revenge is the D51's own business, and L77, as an ally, has done everything he can.

In addition, several remaining civilization groups in the extragalactic galaxy X have submitted applications to join the Lionheart Empire and have been approved.

The cheap uncle came back early because of another matter——

A huge Bemonstein biological population is approaching the direction of Leo. Along the way, other allies of L77 have suffered disasters and urgently sent a distress call.

After hearing that the cheap old uncle rushed to the place tirelessly, captured all the Bemonsteins and put them around L77, the cubs of light were stunned.

That's right, before Lei Xu wondered why there would be rumors that Lionheart Ars liked Bemonstein.

Is it really a co-author?

【Yuni! 】

The Cub of Light whispered:

【what happened? 】

Lei Xu himself did not arrange this matter.

The cheap uncle's spatial ability is entirely derived from the cute new house beast, and this matter must have something to do with the great white parrot!

The Cub of Light already had a guess in his mind.

[Big, Big Beibei told Youni. 】

Yunijin's unique chanting sound passed through his mind:

【The Man of Light and I are its endorsers~ lol...】

Dai, endorsement bird?

Leaving aside the irrelevant parts, Mengxin House Beast's reply affirmed Lei Xu's judgment——

Big Beibei has given Unikin to take care of his fellow clan, and by the way, he has left his own breath on the big white parrot and someone from Lei.

Unikin obviously faithfully fulfilled his promise to Big Beibei.

The cub of light remembered the astral-level modified shellfish who had taken the initiative to seek death.

This was a surprise, Lei Xu's eyes flickered.

In terms of combat power, Bemonstein is undoubtedly more reliable than a civilization like Pedan that has its own demands.

As Bemonstein's race spirit, Big Beibei's aura is roughly equal to the highest recognition of Bemonstein's family.

For an easy-to-understand explanation:

If I come in person!

In other words, no matter which universe the Cubs of Light and Yoni go to, they are the kings of the Bemonstein family.

Big Beibei is God——

Just pointing at his status in the Bemonstein clan!

So the reason for the mass migration of Bemenstein to L77...

[Yuni has spread his breath~. 】

Mengxin House Beast cheerfully gave the expected answer.

Since the incident of transforming Beibei, Unikin, who deeply feels that he has a heavy trust from the big Beibei, has been spreading his breath, luring the scattered Bemensteins to move towards Leo.

Those shellfish on Hongyue are the first batch, and they currently exist as national guardian birds within the Lionheart Empire system.

At the same time, there are also many shellfish who play an important role as light quality inspectors (additional meals) on the moon, prompting a group of passionate Ultramans to intensify their training.

By the way, just in time to go to Miaoyue to see the training progress of the hunks, the cubs of light are trying to seize the last free time——

After the first battle in the extragalactic galaxy X, the popularity of the Lionheart Empire is about to usher in a wave of explosive growth, and he, Lei, and others don't have much free time!

This wave of cubs of light is expected to be exactly the same, at least it can be regarded as almost the same.

In fact, on the day of going to Ampera Star, the reputation of Ars, the Lionheart Emperor, was no longer limited to the universe of Draco.

With the Draco space domain, the extragalactic galaxy X, and the galaxy where many allies of L77 are located as the radiant point, the reputation of the Lionheart Empire is spreading at an unimaginable speed.

The civilized group that reacted first was as expected by the Cubs of Light. The allies of L77 successively sent congratulatory messages full of praise and appointment requests to lower their stance.

Today, a large wave of civilized envoys who have begun to consider sliding and kneeling postures starting from their home planet are on their way...


"Who am I?"

This is the N+1 time that Ampera asked Sha Fulin the same question——

"That guy is really mine, mine..."

Everything that has happened since waking up until now is so strange that the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe has not yet realized the fact that he has lost his freedom:

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