

Ampera didn't intend to get an answer, just like the N times before, but this time the captain of the Kingdom of Light guard responded him abnormally:

"Little Resa is barely your child, but not your real child."

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe didn't know, it was because Sophie didn't know how to communicate with him, the 'villain' who was like a brother to the Ultra family.

"Little Reza?"

Ampera's focus is a bit odd:

"That's his name!?"

A blue planet was reflected in front of the horizon, and the wide-area ultra-scanner detected a life reaction from [-] light-years away.

Strange... Isn't this kind of living planet too common? It seems that I have seen many in the universe.

"Yes and no."

The captain of the Kingdom of Light guard had no time to wonder:

"Little Reza has two names. The name inherited from the human form is Lei Xu, and the name inherited from his mother is Reza."

"Are there any from Ampera?"

Even though he doesn't have any memory of the parent star called 'Ampera', it still makes the Emperor of the Dark Universe very uncomfortable to hear that his 'son' didn't inherit the name from Ampera:


"Because you didn't take up your responsibilities as a father and husband!"

The strongest silver warrior's voice was cold:

"Little Reza's survival and all his achievements have nothing to do with you."

Story0 Zoffy, who was human not long ago, is closer to human beings, so he can empathize with the cubs of light in "Light of the Earth".

Different from "myself" who has experienced complexities, the strongest silver warrior has no affection for the Ampera star.

Correspondingly, Story0 · Sophie appreciates the cubs of light who have overcome many difficulties and obstacles by themselves.

The more one appreciates the cub growing up as a son of darkness and transforming into a warrior of light, the more one despises Ampera's cruelty and ruthlessness as the great emperor of the dark universe.

"Survive? Achievement!?"

The former word made Ampera very uncomfortable, while the latter made him a little confused——

That guy, what his 'son' has accomplished... so much! ?

"Who is my wife?"

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe didn't ask about 'achievement', he intuitively felt that this question was more important.

"Princess L77."

The Guard Captain of the Kingdom of Light put it succinctly:


A bright and heroic smile flashed in front of Ampera's eyes, but was dismissed by the supplement:


"Because that's not your experience."

The strongest silver warrior doesn't know what 'he' wants to do, but as long as he is not stopped by the latter, he can reveal any information:

"Little Reza's biological father is another Ampera from the parallel universe, not you."

That's why it is said to be a 'son' but it is not.

Ampera didn't realize that she easily understood the peculiarity of the concept of 'parallel universe':

"L77 is the name of the planet?"

A blurred figure seemed to flash before the eyes of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, her mouth opened and closed as if to say something.


The captain of the Kingdom of Light guard narrowed his eyes and looked at the blue stars at his feet, and unconsciously recalled the description of his hometown that Leo Brothers often mentioned:

"The emerald of Leo, L77, is the unique symbol of the constellation Leo."

In fact, the number L77 is not really the correct name.

In the L77 semantics mentioned by the Leo brothers, the star L77 should be translated as 'Emerald of Leo'.

Hearing the sound, the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe was stunned for a moment.

A small amount of fragments of broken memories left in my mind are floating up, and the blurry figure is clearer, and there seems to be a clear and crisp female voice in my ears:

'My sister's house is the emerald of Leo, it is the symbol of Leo...'

Sophie didn't notice Ampera's strangeness, and the stern face like dark metal really had no expression at all.

The captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light was observing the fast-running figure in his field of vision, and his eyes were dazzled by the completely different posture from humans.

"But L77 was destroyed by the Magma people."

Seeing that 'myself' was not paying attention, the strongest silver warrior took over the conversation, with a bit of a bad tone:

"At that time, you were busy declaring war on a peaceful civilization, disregarding your own wife and children, and not fulfilling the slightest responsibilities as a husband and father——

You don't even know you're having a baby! "

Yes, this is the part of the whole "Light of the Earth" that makes Story0 Sophie feel uncomfortable.

As a husband, if you hide it from your wife, it will be hundreds of thousands of years after you leave.

As a father, he failed to protect his wife and children when the crisis came. The Emperor of the Dark Universe did not lack this ability.

As an emperor, he is especially harsh on his loyal subordinates, and a disagreement is merciless killing.

As a civilized person with great power, he is the representative of the greatest darkness in the universe, and his actions are more barbaric and cruel than the real savages who drink blood.

At least the barbarians are more for survival, but Ampera is only based on her own preferences——

He simply conquered for the sake of conquering, and caused more civilizations in the universe to fall into disaster in order to spread darkness.

In other words, it was the tragic past of Star Ampera that turned the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe into a cruel and ruthless tyrant.

Facing the Kingdom of Light, it was even more out of intense jealousy——

Jealous of the Ultra Clan who also lost the sun, but were able to create miracles like plasma sparks and successfully overcome difficulties!

A tragic past is not a reason to take revenge on the universe and bring disaster to others.

A butcher like Ampera with blood on his hands is not a pity to die!

In addition, the strongest silver warrior also had some complaints about Little Reza.

Killing to protect life!

If you really want to think about your father and other civilizations in the universe, the cubs of light should have killed the people of Ampera.

——Story0 Sophie thinks so!

Ampera:  …

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe fell silent.

Not because of the accusation of the strongest silver warrior, but...

A certain vocabulary, the word 'Magma Star' touched the key words deep in the memory.

'Promise me that when you wake up you will go to Leo's Emerald!No, must not go, it's a yin...'

The memory fragments that suddenly flashed were churning in my mind, and I was repeating this contradictory exhortation in my ears over and over again.

This is the thing that is more important than the mother planet Ampera!

The strong premonition in my heart told the Ambella star people so.

This premonition was so strong that the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe unconsciously swelled and spread an invisible force field around his body, which attracted the two Sophie's sideways glances.

"what happened?"

The strongest silver warrior subconsciously prepared to freeze his hands, but the captain of the Kingdom of Light guard looked at the Ampera cub solemnly, and raised his hand to stop 'myself' who was about to make an M87 gesture:

"Wait, this is not the attack form of the emperor's telekinetic force."

Even though the emperor of the Kingdom of Light universe has been dead for 8000 years and has been successfully resurrected recently, Sophie still feels that even the mutation of the sky and the earth can cause—

Then wantonly interfered with the laws of nature, and the dark thoughts that can even cover the sun are still fresh in my memory!

The posture of the emperor's cub in front of him is not about to launch an attack at all, but more like...

Ampera trembled all over, and at the same time, along with that memory, there was also a certain trigger mechanism that was suspected to be set in the body.

This mechanism forcibly shaped his transcendent dark power, forming a strange posture.

In the next moment, unknown fluctuations appeared from that strangely shaped dark thought power——

It spreads endlessly at a speed beyond the speed of light... no, it surpasses all laws of physics in the universe.

First, it surpasses the speed of light, and then it is the conceptual boundary of the dark universe, the crystal wall of the Story0 universe, the rippling fluctuations disturb the ups and downs of the dark cosmic embers around it, and spread to the depths of hyperspace at a very high speed...

Hyperspace·Sea of ​​Embers, star L77 in the Bashomon suddenly twitched.

Story0 Universe, Magma Planet——

"it's time!"

The President of the Magma Star, who was handling the affairs in hand, suddenly shot up at the case, causing the surrounding Magma Star employees to look sideways. No one at the scene noticed the flash of evil flame blue in his eyes... .

"I declare—"

President Magma embraced the sky with both hands, impassioned:

"Now is the beginning of my Magma star's conquest of this universe, we are the destiny..."


Before he could finish his excitement, a Magma star weakly raised his hand.

"But what!?"

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