When the boundless darkness in the light and shadow overwhelmed the universe and easily wiped away the terrifying energy tide revolving around the sea and sky, President Magma fell silent.

Although I really don't want to admit it, but what that guy said is true——

If he had such power, he would only do more than that guy named Als!

"Huh~, then, then..."

After a long time, President Magma let out a long sigh, and his words got stuck:

"Then follow the plan!"

High emotional intelligence: Follow the plan.

Low EQ: Kneeling like a dog!

At this moment, of course, there will be no Magma employee whose EQ is so low.

But just when they were about to respond with a bang, the sudden access to the tactical communication interrupted this action——

"Your Excellency the President!"

What flashed in the communication projection was the gritted face of President Magma's younger brother, the commander of the advance fleet:

"Information shows that Ars, the leader of the Lionheart Empire, is not only an image, but actually an Ultra warrior with the same origin as the Kingdom of Light!"


President Magma raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashed with a fierce light:

"you sure!?"

Although it was a question, he already believed in his younger brother's declaration unconditionally.

"They're actually a branch of the Otto family—"

Magma Advance Commander gritted his teeth and released a few photos:

"This is evidence!"

In the photo, several silver-red or pure red Ultra fighters fought each other, or entangled with a few harmless and silly giant birds.

Who could the pure red figure in the king's cloak that was faintly visible in the background be the lion-heart emperor who showed his might in that image just now! ?

"Hmph~, you're too deceitful!"

President Magma snorted coldly:

"My family will live forever with the Otto family!"

No one made a sound, but the silent resistance was obvious.

Revenge is one thing, but being able to fight is another. No one wants this kind of meaningless death.

"In that case..."

President Magma obviously noticed this, and the evil blue flames that had long since disappeared vaguely appeared in his eyes, and a dizzying atmosphere spread quietly:

"That's the only way to do it..."

Magma employees looked at their leader in amazement, and someone subconsciously said:

"Where, what kind?"

"Of course we honor the god of death that we Magma once served."

No one noticed the strangeness and madness flickering in the eyes of the Magma advance commander in the communication video:

"Master Engel Colas!"

"Kill, sons of death!"

President Magma looked at the suddenly frenzied scene with satisfaction:

"The blood sacrifice of death has begun..."

"President, Your Majesty the President!"

Under the influence of the strange and confusing power, the Magma employee who insisted on kneeling down changed his previous caution and looked over enthusiastically:

"The subordinates have a plan!"


Although I really don't want to see this guy, but President Magma is as tolerant as he said, and he can't deny it:

"tell me the story."

"Your Majesty, since we want a blood sacrifice, we will definitely disturb the Lionheart Empire!"

This sentence is nonsense, but Magma employees have to emphasize:

"In order to avoid the Lionheart Emperor's strong interference, we can strike L77 in his absence to cause chaos!"

"well said!!!"

A thunderous applause...



After a short communication to understand the cub Ambella's somewhat confusing explanation, Sa... Sophie broke the silence:

"You mean you're going to L77 now?"

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe once had contact with a female from star L77, who was most likely the mother of a cub from the Story0 universe, which surprised the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard.

Zoffy remembered that the Cub of Light had mentioned to him that the special situation of his mother's homotopy could not be found on L77 anyway.


The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe hesitated for a moment, then nodded affirmatively:

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, but in my memory, star L77 must be the key!"

"Then you just..."

The strongest silver warrior is brooding over the unidentified signal that Ampera just spread out, and he has an ominous premonition.

"Sorry, I don't know."

I don't know if it's because of the cubization, but Ampera's attitude is surprisingly cooperative:

"That should be the mechanism left in my body by 'myself', but I don't know the specific role."

"If there is a signal, there must be a receiver."

What the Guard Captain of the Kingdom of Light is talking about is nonsense:

"Who is the recipient?"

Cub Ampera still shook his head, expressing that he was not clear.

The two Sophies fell into deep thought at the same time.

"Hey, you two are fighters, right?"

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, who hadn't waited for a long time to respond, was a little impatient:

"Why don't you ask those two guys!?"

Ampera was referring to the Cub of Light and the blue-skinned guy who was there just now. The Emperor of the Dark Universe still remembered these two conversations that were so jumpy that they were almost encrypted.

Ten thousand steps back, his 'son' is smarter than these two silver-red reckless men who speak plainly!

Sophie & Sophie:  …

The two Sha Fulin looked at each other without words.


The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe wrote question marks all over his face.

After a long time, the strongest silver warrior finally choked out a sentence:

"......no way!"

"What do you mean?"

Cub Ampera was puzzled.

"Sorry, Ampera."

The captain of the Kingdom of Light guard was a little embarrassed and said:

"We are now in the dark universe."


Looking at the embarrassing eyes of the two Sha Fulins, the emperor's cub suddenly thumped, and he remembered the space vortex left by the light cub before leaving:

"Don't, don't tell me..."

"Sorry, I can't go back for now—"

The strongest silver warrior spread his hands helplessly:

"None of us have the ability to leave the Dark Universe."

Yes, you need the power of the Cubs of Light to come to the Dark Universe, and the same goes for leaving——

Before Little Reza made regular contact, the two Shafulins had no way to get in touch with the surface universe.

Ampera:  …


Eremita was once very embarrassing...

And, yes!

The Guard Captain of the Kingdom of Light has found the name of this planet from "Story0":


One of the veteran members of the Interstellar Alliance, the power to dominate the universe coveted by the spaceman Karci:

Sealed Guardian Beasts of the Four Elements, Shugaro of Earth, Simmons of Water, Ponton of Fire, Xidora of Wind and——

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