Sealed beasts that fuse four elements will appear, and Mireta, the ultimate god of destruction representing the fifth element 'empty', is on this planet of life that is very similar to the earth...


Sophie was horrified, he finally realized what had been haunting him all this time, the disharmony about the human civilization scattered throughout the universe——

From the many living planets in the surface universe to the Eremita star in front of us, are they all too similar to the earth by a billion points in terms of size! ? ?


At the same time, outside the Story0 universe, the Bashermon——

"Tsk, come again!"

Cruel Silver impatiently expressed his doubts online:

"What's the matter? Have you found the direction where the stinky brat is!?"

The Priestess of Light swept her gaze calmly, while the Gentleman Demon listened silently.

"No, no."

In the communication projection, the calm ocean light shook his head quickly:

"It's the analysis of the historical data on the L77, and it has yielded results!"


These two little cubs of the earth never aim at nothing, let alone look excited.

Beria's eyes brightened, waiting for the next article.

"There is a group of humans from the earth on the wandering L77!" The light of the earth spoke quickly.


Cruel Silver thought he had heard it wrong, and suddenly felt a little unbelievable:


Countless universes of the same universe are constantly being destroyed. One time, humans on one earth happened to escape and met L77, who was exiled in the ocean of ashes in the universe.

Sounds reasonable, but consider the probability...

To put it bluntly, it's almost impossible!

Someone was deliberately manipulating, this was the first reaction of several people including Beria.


The Light of the Ocean obviously didn't worry about probability, he made a major discovery:

"There are records left by this group of humans. They voluntarily escaped from the earth on a giant immigrant ship, but the earth does not seem to be destroyed."

"Not destroyed?"

Everyone looked at each other in the communication video, Captain Victory almost screamed out:

"What does it mean!?"

In the catastrophe of the destruction of the universe, a group of exiled humans claimed that the earth was not destroyed.

If these words hadn't come from the mouths of the two Lights of the Earth, at least half of the people present would have walked away.

"literal meaning."

Fujimiya waved his hand calmly, and the suspended image immediately began to play in the eyes of everyone:

"This is the restored video record, which is not complete."

With a disordered snow pattern, the perspective of leaving the azure planet is suspected to be the external optical monitor of an immigrant starship, referred to as a travel recorder.

This may be the clearest image record of the destruction of the universe——

Dozens of immigrant starships of roughly the same shape were launched at the same time, but most of them were inexplicably torn apart.

It seems that this vast vacuum is full of indestructible invisible blades, destroying all unlucky people.

Those immigrant starships were either involved in clusters of terrifying explosions, or instantly became two-dimensional under the action of strange forces.

Don't get me wrong, this refers to instantly becoming a piece of paper as thin as a cicada's wing.

Rao is that everyone online has seen countless big scenes, but the weird scene in the video still makes them feel scared.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. It is believed that the anomaly of the destruction of the universe is far more than this, and all kinds of incredible phenomena have never been observed.

But what is in front of us is the limit that human beings can detect with flesh and blood.

The immigrant starship where the perspective is located is obviously lucky to have escaped all the disasters lurking in the void, and it is quickly approaching a shocking huge crack of light scars in the horizon.

The cracks are filled with floating rays of light and illusory images, and the rays of light from all directions in the bent space form a chaotic flow of light visible to the naked eye near the cracks.

In the package of those chaotic light streams, the faintly visible embers of the familiar darkness seem to be stirred by something and become more and more chaotic.

Presumably, this is the sea of ​​embers outside the universe, so the ship successfully escaped from the destroying universe through this crack.

Then the next step should be the key point, and everyone has realized this——

Soon, the horizon approached the edge of the light and shadow rift.

At this moment, it seemed that an inexplicable force acted on the hull, causing the angle of view to rotate without warning.

In the dazzling light and shadow transformation, everyone present saw it.

Seeing the huge hand of light that came out of the void and appeared outside the azure planet, took it into the palm and dragged it away...

Earth, gone...


116 Leo: There is such a good thing!? 5K two-in-one

No, it can't be wrong!

The equatorial radius is 6371KM, and the average diameter is 12742KM.

The mass is 5.965×10^24kg, about 60 trillion tons.

The above are the measurement of various parameter data of the mother earth by human beings themselves.

Although he has never actually done planetary observation work, the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard still confirmed his guess with actual data after a busy period of familiarity with the road——

The Eremita star in front of him is definitely the earth!

Before explaining it in detail, a premise needs to be determined.

The uniqueness of each terrestrial planet and its natural evolution:

It suffers from the mass and gravitational effects of the stars in the galaxy, the composition and structure of the stars in the system, and the long-term influence of whether there is satellite gravity.

as well as--

Whether the star itself has encountered meteorite impacts, the number of impacts, angles, equivalent effects, and a series of chaotic factors that are not clear at all, such as the change of the internal magnetic field of the star and plate drift.

Therefore, even the same planet will be affected by the above parameters differently——

Under the influence of a long time, it has developed into earth-shaking differences, showing different postures in different periods to...

For example, when the dinosaurs were active and the earth in the human civilization period were put together, it would be difficult to recognize that they were the same planet with the naked eye alone.

If you change a galaxy... no, you don't have to.

Even in the same solar system, the earth will have different orbits, different running attitudes, whether there is a long-term effect of the moon's gravitational force, the distance from the sun and the magnitude of the gravitational force it receives, and the amount of energy it receives......

Waiting for the influence of the above series of parameters to make oneself present a very different state!

After all, every planet is like this:

They are incomparably similar.

They are unique!

The captain of the Kingdom of Light guard immediately realized one thing——

If this is the case, the previous doubts between myself and Little Reza were fallacious to a certain extent:

The footprints of human civilization are all over the Story0 universe (×)

The earth is all over the Story0 universe (√)

In the past period of time, the life planets that the two of them saw in the outer universe seemed very different at first glance.

Looking back now, those living planets are most likely all Earth!

Human civilization is just a coincidence that follows the earth everywhere——

The fundamental reason in essence is that the earth spreads all over the universe, so that human civilization can blossom everywhere in the Story0 universe!

Thinking of this possibility, Sophie can't wait to go back to the surface universe and go to a few living planets to verify her conjecture.

If all the planets where human beings were born in the Story0 universe are really the earth, then another problem will immediately be highlighted——

As the light of the earth, little Reza has been in this universe for so long, why didn't he notice this! ?

So many questions swirled in my mind, but...

"Let's go."

The captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light sighed slightly at the surprised gazes of 'myself' and the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe:

"Let's solve the problems on this planet first."

After speaking, without waiting for the two to react, Sophie took the lead to lower the altitude.

In "Story0", the current human beings living on Eremita are outsiders who once had the ability to migrate across galaxies.

The ancestor immigrant spaceship that seals the 'empty' elemental destruction god may be able to provide some records for reference...

Two silver and one black, the figures of three uninvited guests slipped into the transparent atmosphere silently.

Looking at the boundless azure blue that is both familiar and unfamiliar.

For the first...second time in her life, Sophie longed to see the Cub of Light's face covered with the words 'hit me hard'.

Well, if Little Reza can come to Zofinisan within a month, then let's not use M87 to say hello.

The captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light made a silent decision...

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