
On the Baxiumon, the highest tactical channel of the Kingdom of New Light was audibly quiet.

Presumably the external monitors were jammed while leaving the shattered universe.

The images in the logbook ended abruptly in a tangled snowflake.

In the end, the picture freezes on the last frame of empty void:

Earth, gone.

A giant hand of light grabbed the earth, and then disappeared in the video on the optical observation level.

Considering that at the time of the incident, the immigrant starship was already quite far away from the earth.

If the law of the speed of light that destroyed the universe had not failed at that time, all of this would have happened earlier than the time point of video collection.

"Hey, little ones."

After a long time, the cruel silver broke the silence, and Beria stared coldly at the two lights of the earth in the communication video:

"Is this not an example?"

The moment the voice settled, the audience was shocked.

The meaning that Cruel Silver wants to express is very clear——

Previously, everyone was convinced that the reason for the birth of this vast sea of ​​ashes of the universe that the Bashermon was in was the continuous destruction of the same universe.

Then, as recorded in the ship's logbook, is it not a case that the earth was taken away by an unknown giant of light before the universe was destroyed? ?

In this way, in the Story0 universe where the stinky brat lives, before the plasma sun ran away——

The answer to the fact that the entire universe is full of human civilizations was immediately answered perfectly!

"do not know."

Out of the rigor unique to scientists, Fujimiya has reservations about the cruel silver judgment:

"Currently there is only this one record."

"Tch~, that must be the case!"

Beria snorted coldly, he believed in his intuition:

"What is the voice of the stars, it is clearly the voice of the earth!"

Hearing the sound, everyone on the line has different expressions.

The Priestess of Light & Captain Victory's somewhat tense expressions immediately relaxed, and the gentleman's devil's eyes relaxed.

Not only did they basically agree with Cruel Silver's judgment, but the conjecture of "Voice of the Earth" itself made everyone more calm——

Just kidding, the cubs of light are the real children of the earth!

If it had been known to be the Voice of the Earth, there would have been no need for the Bashermon to make this trip.

The Light of Two Earths thinks more:

In Aguru Plus, there is the brilliance that belongs to the two of them, and the Cubs of Light can open the real Gaia Reza alone.

With the blessing of the voice of the earth...

"By the way, let's talk about the earth."

After a dream, I realized that there seemed to be a more important person missing on the line... the ball, and I changed my voice as soon as I got familiar with it:

"Hai... where's mom!?"

These days, Reza Earth Heatherfield, who has been inseparable from the two big children all the time, has disappeared at this moment——

This is absolutely abnormal!


Fujimiya quickly unfolded the internal star map positioning of Baxiu Meng:

"Remove Earth-[-]'s own signal, another Earth..."

The wandering cursor quickly locked on a gray star that had just arrived in this small universe, and an unmanned patrolling satellite received instructions to slowly approach this planet.


Cruelty Yin looked at the star map and showed disgust:

"What is this woman doing there again!?"

During this period of time, Beria has figured out that what he saw in his dream was the L77 star Heatherfield.

As for the fucking brats...

That kind of crazy woman who is more manly than a man can't compare to half a hair of the former!

Because of the name and attitude towards the stinky brat, Beria and that guy sparred on the public frequency in the tactical system every day.

The princess of L77 tried to start the offline PK more than once, but she was dodged by the cruel silver of the chicken thief.

Just kidding, Earth No. [-] is placed in the Bashermon, and she is the central tower of the entire small universe.

Fighting with that crazy woman on the Bashomon, Beria is not crazy yet.

"Tch~, leave her alone!"

Cruel Silver shook his head irritably:

"You wait and ask yourself."

In any case, the Heatherfield who fascinated him is already a planet, and his love with Beria once again ends before it starts.

By the way, the safe return of L77's princess "Mother of Life" has appeased many civilizations on L77.

Apart from being unable to leave L77 for the time being, those survivors got rid of the predicament of deliberately self-limiting the population.

"Is there anything else?"

Cruel Silver never forgets its original intention:

"What about the progress of positioning the Story0 universe?"

"Not yet."

Ocean Light shook his head:

"If the L77 star can't wake up, then we can only..."

In the middle of the conversation, Fujimiya paused, swallowing what he hadn't finished speaking.

Everyone present could understand why he didn't finish speaking.

That solution is...

Ask for help from the messenger Naia who has been following them all along!

The guy who asked for the Cub of Light had made countless preparations for this, and he didn't mind doing more when he thought about it.

In exchange for 'help persuade Lei Xu to become the king of the Outer Gods', the messenger Naia would never mind pointing out the direction to the Story0 universe for them.

Yes, it can be said that the fundamental decision on this matter rests with Lei Xu himself.

The messenger, Naiya, has probably already prepared enough conditions to persuade the former, and their persuasion may not be important.


Not to mention the two Lights of the Earth, even Cruel Yin, who has always been difficult to deal with the Cubs of Light, has been deliberately ignoring this simple option——

Whether it works is one thing, how they do it is another!

"Think of another way."

For the first time, Beria was so tired that he touched his forehead.

"Hmph~, bring that woman back!"

Mentioning the cub's mother, Cruel Silver supported his head and let out a soft snort:

"If the living planets in the Story0 universe are the earth, then let her play a role!"


It's all a fart!

Beria said so, but everyone knew it was unrealistic.

After all, even the Cubs of Light themselves did not notice this when they first arrived in the Story0 universe.

Either the speculation is wrong, or there must be something strange in it.

Earth may be subject to unprecedented constraints.

At present, through a cosmic crystal wall, Reza Earth is forced to feel the earth companions that even the light of the earth Reza has never noticed...

This is a bit of a strongman... the ball is difficult!

However, to the surprise of everyone present, the turnaround of the situation took only a moment.

"Hi, I'm back!"

A jubilant female voice suddenly flashed across the communication channel, and the brutal Yin suddenly put on a face——

This movement, even if he listened to it with his butt, he could recognize that man woman!

Sure enough, a red rainbow flashed in the communication image where the two lights of the earth were located.

Immediately afterwards, there were two crisp sounds of 'bang bang' when the head hit the hard deltoid muscle.

"Hey hey hey..."

The L77 princess with her two older children in her arms smiles and enters the video:

"I have a good news and a bad news, and a not-so-bad news--

Which one do you want to hear! ? "


"Hurry up!"

When Beria saw the cub in this state, his mother immediately became angry:

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