"Hawk, chirp!"


The Princess of Earth L77, Lesa Earth, raised her eyebrows when she heard the sound, she almost transformed herself on the spot and rushed to fight the Cruel Silver.

"good news."

However, the current urgent situation forcibly suppressed her anger, and the face of the L77 princess eased:

"May be able to locate the location of the Story0 universe soon."


"real or fake?"

The cruel Yin was caught off guard.

"Compared to some guys who only ask truth and falsehood..."

Princess L77 chuckled, deliberately not saying the whole thing.


For the first time Beria wanted to punch a woman in the face.

"How did you do it?"

There is no time to worry about the small grievances between the two, and while curious about the reasons behind the godmother's strength, Ocean Light pays more attention to the possible dangers:

"What's the bad news!?"

"She answered me."

L77 Princess is meaningful:

"The bad news is that the universe where Lei Lei Jiang lives may soon be in danger!"


Question marks were all over everyone's faces, and this passage was a bit jumpy.


My dream was the first to react:

"Star L77?"

"My dream sauce is so smart!"

After lovingly rubbing the hair of the light of the earth, the Princess of Reza Earth L77 went straight to the topic without delay:

"The good news is that Heatherfie once ventured into a universe——

She also found someone she likes there! "

No one noticed, the body of the cruel Yin in the communication video froze instantly.

"But also because of her, that universe was found by those bugs and has long since been destroyed."

Ressa Earth L77 Queen's brows are condensed:

"That's why she told us not to go near any of the universes before."

"So that guy is dead?"

Beria's eyes lit up when he heard the sound, and he remembered the happy things.

The universe is destroyed, that guy must die and can't die anymore.


Cruel Silver:  …


"That's the problem."

L77 The princess is unaware of the ups and downs of someone's emotions:

"She originally thought that guy was dead, but she received a signal from him not long ago——

In that universe! "

The guy who is not clean to death, the brutal silver poking and gnashing his teeth...

"L77 star can receive it, and those bugs should be able to too!"

Captain Victory finally realized the source of the danger——

That terrifying sea of ​​insects that might even drown the entire universe...

"No, the Story0 universe is in danger!!!"


Whether the universe is in danger or not, no one in the current Lionheart Empire knows.

But Leo knew that such a group of guys would soon be in danger——

"Can you say that again?"

L77 Miaoyue, Leo & Astra stared at the envoys of the Q7 Nebula civilization in front of them, and couldn't believe their ears:

"What is the name of the civilization closest to your planet?"

"Qi, Qi report to Your Highness,"

Q7 The envoy of civilization turned his eyes, and found that the two red giants in front of him were seven or eight points similar to the lion-heart emperor he had seen in the video, and his eyes suddenly panicked:

"Magma, it's a Magma star!"

Zhong Ao's eyes suddenly became strange.

Except for Superman Seven who didn't know why, Doliu and the others who are familiar with "Light of the Earth" all know the grievances between the two boxers and the Magma.

Leo & Astra:  …

The Liger brothers looked at each other, at first they were a little eager to try, but then they were a little frustrated.

The moment they heard this name, the two L77 hunks wanted to jump into the sky.

But Leo finally suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

The Kingdom of Light returns to the Kingdom of Light, and the Magma of Story0 has no enmity with them now.

Moreover, this moment and that moment.

The original Magma in "Story0" was the invader who invaded L77, that's right!

But today's "plot" has already undergone an indescribably large deflection after their arrival and the intervention of Little Ressa.

The existence of the two non-existing civilization organizations, the Lionheart Empire and the Galaxy Empire of Light, has changed the state of civilization and society in this universe from extremely chaotic to stable and positive.

It can be predicted that the Magma Stars who are on the edge of the current Lionheart Empire's territory will probably try to join them.

The Magma Stars didn't even have the chance to do evil as depicted in "Story0"!

If it is Little Reza's Lionheart Empire... no, it should be said that it is for the sake of the life of the whole universe, it is best for the two brothers to let go of their hatred.

Conversely, Leo even felt that he had to find Little Resa——

Reassure him in time not to damage the reputation of the Lionheart Empire because of the mere Magma, thus affecting other civilizations that want to join the Lionheart Empire.

Meanwhile, Leo & Astra ask themselves.

Could the two of them force things upon them that Magma hadn't done yet?

The answer, of course, is unquestionably no.


Leo sighed, raised his hand and patted his younger brother Astra on the shoulder:

"Astra, I..."


The deafening sound and the following, the terrifying movement like the earth shaking and mountain shaking interrupted the big lion's words that were about to blurt.

"L77 Stars listen, I am the commander of the Magma Advance Fleet!"

Before Leo could stand still, he heard an arrogant voice from far and near, flashing past his ears like a mighty force:

"By order of His Majesty the President of our nation, take down L77, Kiras, attack!"

Leo & Astra:  …

The Liger brothers looked at each other strangely, and they all saw the same question in the eyes of the eldest brother/younger brother:

Also, there is such a good thing! ?

Just let me do it! ! !


117 The Magmas are making a very new kind of death! Two in one

Outside L77, Leo & Astra scratched their heads in unison, finally convinced that the sky seems to be really falling.

The two brothers looked at the so-called Magma advance fleet that was descending into the atmosphere on a large scale, and stared at the falling black & red Kiras with bright eyes.

Is there really such a good thing?

Other than Superman No. [-], the others present were also silent.

In "Light of the Earth", the fateful friendship between the Lei family and the Magma family is clearly drawn.

The attitudes of the two sides are peaceful, let's watch and help each other.

At least it can be said that it is life and death with me and without you.

The Cub of Light who was on the L77 star was stunned for a long time looking at the fleet falling from the sky and the Kiras Legion——

Half a day to find this looks like...

Not an illusion! ?

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