Hey~, Lei Xu is happy.

It's true that there is a way to heaven, if you don't go, it belongs to you!

There is one thing to say, Lei, who was the emperor of the Ampera Empire at that time, almost issued a reward warrant for the Magma star in the entire multiverse in his capacity as the supreme commander of the Kingdom of New Light——

Nothing else, the main thing is to let Magma and the gang know how peaceful it feels to be scratching your head...

The Liger brothers knew the most about this matter, followed by the captain of the Kingdom of Light's guard.

However, considering the account of the Kingdom of Light, the Cubs of Light are restrained after all.

The main reason is that since the Star Alliance Peace Conference, there have been successively including but not limited to:

Dissuasion from Bighorn Bull, Sister Mary, Zuo Fei Nisan and Liger Brothers!

That's right, it was Leo and Astra who were pulling the Cub of Light, persuading them earnestly:

"No, no, little Reza really can't"

It is precisely because the Liger Brothers don't think it is appropriate to vent their anger on the Magmas from other universes that the Cubs of Light reluctantly die down.

But now...


"Don't move a single one!"

The words of the boxing master Lei surnamed were extremely deterrent, and immediately made all the Ultra fighters who followed non-stop from Miaoyue freeze in place:

"Just let me do it!"

The inexplicably heroic sound pierced through the universe, and even the Cub of Light who was about to take action squinted his eyes, watching the two red rainbow lights descending from the sky with lightning speed.

"And I!"

The roar of the Tiger of Light followed closely behind.

Boom~, rumble~! ! !

The two cooperating landing sounds brought a series of oscillating movements, instantly creating two puddles of Kiras sauce and blending them into the rising waves of earth, stone and mud hundreds of meters high.


On the bridge, the commander of the Magma advance fleet was furious.

But what made him angry was not the two stalls of freshly baked Kiras sauce, but...

From his point of view, he could clearly see the group of Ultra fighters standing in a row outside L77 as if they had eaten a fruit.

Even if there is reliable information showing that Lionheart King Ars is not in L77 at the moment, Magma also knows that there are a large number of Ultra warriors guarding here.

The core strategic purpose of the blitz on L77 was to catch Lionheart King by surprise in a short period of time, so that he could not interfere with Magma's next actions.

Therefore, the advance fleet has almost brought the Kirath Legion that can drive the limit scale.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's universe, this is already enough military power to compete for hegemony in the universe.

But now...

With so many Ultra fighters in L77, only two were dispatched?

Not only that, but the two of them also rushed to the formation alone and fell directly into the camp of Kiras Legion?

Don't they look down on us Magma! ?

The scene turned to blood, and the Magma Advance Commander felt humiliated.

But what he doesn't know is...

Cub of Light and Liger Brothers, Leo & Astra's thoughts at the moment are not much different from him——

Do the Magma Stars look down on their L77?

Just send this?

Who can beat Kiras on this point! ?

Even though they thought so, the movements of the Liger Brothers were not slow at all.

The haze spreading all over the sky was accompanied by a bang in the viscous air, breaking the bodies of the two scarlet giants into countless chaotic whistling airflows.

In the next moment, under the watchful eyes of the gods on the sky, two blurred red sparking electric traces entwined with rushing red flames shattered the atmosphere with thunderous noise.

Despise the enemy strategically, and attach importance to the opponent tactically.

With L77 on the side, Leo & Astra will never give history a chance to repeat itself.

Amidst the mighty momentum like a dragon chant, the road that has just been built and hardly used has turned into a wide and deep ravine in an instant.

Suddenly, the two Kiras exploded into blood mist and pieces of flesh scattered all over the sky.

Under the force of gravity, the filthy chunks of flesh plummeted into the scorched earth, which was magmatizing at a jaw-dropping speed.

While bursting with the aroma of barbecue, the restless blazing red light in the field of vision expanded rapidly...

All this was too late to say, but it actually happened in less than three seconds.

Well, Cubs of Light still have time to comment:


Kiras is so good, how dare you Magma Stars! ?

The twin monster Kiras of the anti-Kuniku no Kuni universe——

The brain has undergone transformation, and it is absolutely obedient. The vision and hearing are very developed, and it can clearly receive and execute instructions.

The light emitted by the horns on the top of the head can cause tsunamis and damage, and can also be used as an antenna to receive brainwave commands.

The whole body does not respond to electromagnetic waves, and the radar cannot detect it, which perfectly meets all the necessary conditions for changing jobs.

The regeneration ability is comparable to that of Wolverine, and the muscles of the whole body are stronger than the big lion, and they are hard enough to bounce the head darts of the natural armor of the Ultra family.

The boastful strange power in one hand can even make the group?

It directly caused his elder brother Lei to be unable to live safely after he came to the earth.

The whole "Leo" is basically the all-round anti-stress history of the big lion.

It's okay to be trained by Qi Ye every day in terms of physical fitness, skills, and jeep evasion skills.

At that time, the big lion was too big, so it should be practiced!

But what are the little tricks of practicing blood pressure soaring every day?

Let's put it this way, for the appearance of "Leo", the twin monsters have to bear 100% of the blame.

If Qiye hadn't lost a leg, "Leo" should have been renamed "Seven II".

That's 51 episodes, 51 episodes! ! !

Yes, compared to the twin monsters carefully trained by the Magma Stars in the Kingdom of Light universe, the Kiras Legion in the Story0 universe is obviously a stunted biological weapon.

Oh no, to be correct, all the monsters in the current Story0 universe are actually stunted——

After all, they can peck (cross out) each other with the newly born Otto clan chickens, and they fight back and forth.


The Magma advance commander uttered a half-meaningless raving.

Before his brain could react to the scene in front of him, the lightning glow that was rushing around had turned back.

Immediately afterwards, two blazing red flame thunderbolts interweaved into a shocking electric-optical net within a radius of tens of kilometers, and swept down the Kiras Legion head-to-head.

At the moment when Chiyan Benlei stagnated and manifested the iconic closing gesture of the Liger Brothers, time seemed to stand still——

In Zhongao's shocking eyes, hundreds of Kiras have become part of the land of L77 forever, and there is a burning aroma of barbecue...

Immediately afterwards, the earth boiled!

rumbling rumbling...  

The blazing magma surged into a wave of flames visible to the naked eye, and the ground within the coverage of the electric light had already sunk to the waists of several surviving Kiras.

Those twin monsters were obviously scared out of their wits, trying desperately to walk in the viscous magma lake, and break free from this fiery hell that constantly brought terrible burning pain to their bodies.

But they forgot one thing:

Ask the two boxing masters who are still not satisfied at the side if they agree.

The answer is an obvious no.

As a result, a unilateral harvest and abuse will continue...

The Cub of Light glanced at the two boxers who started the Light Riot in unison——

Unanimously committed to turning Kiras into Kiras sauce, trying to make it cover every inch of L77, the two liger brothers were speechless.

That's it?

How dare you come here! ?

Lei Xu was keenly aware that there was a problem, and subconsciously sank into his thoughts.

The Cubs of Light don't believe that the Magma Stars don't know about the Lionheart Empire. This can be seen from the guy's announcement when he came!

At the same time, it is even more impossible for Magma to be ignorant of the power of Lionheart King Ars——

Those high-definition live footages were released by Lei Xu himself!

Given the current fiery state of the Lionheart Empire, L77 hadn't received any news about the Magma Fleet beforehand.

This shows that the Magma Stars are trying to be the sixth child, stealing and cheating, and don't talk about martial arts.

Looking back, the cheap uncle is currently visiting an ally civilization of L77.

The Magma Stars obviously aimed at this point and then blitzed L77 at this time!

Then their strategic purpose...

After clarifying the basic logic in a moment, the cub of light was wrapped in a touch of silver, and stepped into the bridge of the Magma starship, which was about to be oiled.

"Advanced Fleet Commander?"

Self-Gu glanced at the yellow-haired black man who was so startled and bravely raised his sword to chop at him, Lei Xu came to catch the white blade with his bare hands and directly pinched off the guy's right arm,

Then he stared at this guy, waiting for him to let out the biggest scream in his life——

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