Magma's advance commander looked at his right arm, which had been completely turned into minced meat, in horror. He didn't recover from the severe pain until the thick meat paste mixed with crimson blood exploded on the ground, just as the cub of light expected. Cries of terror like that of:

"My hand, my hand, my hand ahhh!!!"

"To shut up!"

There is an annoying feeling about this guy, and the Cub of Light raises his hand and is greeted by two unceremonious big pussies:

"Want to die or don't want to live?"

As if to confirm this statement——

As the cross star lights flashed, two pale light wheels flew out, swirling and sweeping across the bridge under the power of the transcendent mind.

The next moment, all the Magma crew members present felt a chill on their necks.

The blond hair that was cut off at the ears fluttered down, and the subconscious movements of the saber tyrants drawing their swords were all frozen at that moment.

"Ahhhh..." Magma's advance commander was still screaming.

Obviously, the physiological mechanism cannot be resisted by the will, at least not this guy.

"Looks like he wants to die."

To make a brief comment, the red giant slapped this guy in the face with a backhand.

Boom~, there was a splash of blood mist on the ground not far away.

The filthy thick white slurry mixed with a few broken skull fragments was sprayed on the face of the nearest Magma star crew member, and the soft and warm liquid slowly flowed down the cheeks and over the trembling lips.

The Magma crew member rolled his eyeballs dumbly, stretched out his tongue involuntarily, and licked the fishy-smelling warmth...

As if finally realizing where the smell that was running down his face and on the tip of his tongue came from, the Magma crew member suddenly knelt down, pinched his neck and let out a series of heart-piercing coughs.

The Cub of Light just felt inexplicably irritated, no, this is not normal!

"To shut up!"

The red giant's bright yellow eyes stared coldly at the crew member:

"Otherwise I'll help you shut up."

Although Zofinisan and the others have promised that they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, it is clear that these Magma people who tried to invade L77 again are not in the category of 'innocent'.

The next second, the coughing stopped abruptly.

"very good."

Lei Xu swept across the audience with a blank expression, raised his finger and pinched the Magma crew's jaw to meet him, without any intention of asking for opinions:

"I ask you to answer—

First question, what is the order you received? 】

After the horrible development just now, extreme fear has seized the heart of the Magma crew.

"...Flash, strike L77 star."

He didn't realize that the voice passing by his ears also sounded in his mind, stammering:

"Boss, His Majesty the President wants us to take a star-killing action on star L77, star mining."

[Hmph~, dogs can't change eating shit! 】

The Cub of Light sneered, and immediately lost the psychological pressure:

[The purpose is to hold the Lionheart Emperor Ars, is it or not? 】

The moment this question was blurted out, Lei Xu had already been informed of the answer by reading the words——


[Have all the Magma people left their home planet? 】

This is also a predictable development-

If Magma dared to take action against L77, the capital of the Lionheart Empire, he would definitely be fully prepared in advance!


[What is your hole card? 】

Lei Xu continued to ask.

Here are the most curious questions of Cubs of Light:

After witnessing the great power of Ars, the Lionheart Emperor, Magma still chooses to attack L77. How could they have the confidence! ?


The Magma crew member was silent for two seconds, and there was some confusion as well as fear in the feedback.

The Cub of Light's eyes froze for a while, suspicious:

Doesn't this guy know?

No, to allow these guys to carry out this kind of mission must have the confidence...otherwise mutiny is possible.

[Where did the remaining Magma people go? 】

Lei Xu thought for a while and changed the question.

"Q7 Nebula!"

This time it is a second answer.

Several rays of light passed through the bulkhead one after another, showing the posture of a giant. Zhong Ao, who came together with Leo & Astra, was shocked by the hellish scene in front of him as soon as he arrived at the scene.

"Little Resa, you..."

Killing is nothing but nodding, Leo can hardly imagine that his always amiable brother would be so cruel.

【What are you going to do? 】

The Cub of Light had no time to care about his elder brother's mood. He suddenly realized the source of his irritability just now, and asked eagerly:

【Do you guys believe in...】

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

In the next moment, a series of strange smiles that seemed like a hellish wind passed by his ears, which attracted all the Austrians to look sideways.

Lei Xu turned his eyes subconsciously, but saw that the headless corpse of the Magma star on the ground had stood up again at some point.

At the moment, a condensed mist is drifting from the broken chest and head, condensing into a concrete gesture.

This scene, this scene is so resembling...

The Cub of Light fell silent for a moment.

"Undead monster?"

Duo Liu, who has studied "Light of the Earth" the most, reacted immediately.

The dead and not dead look in front of me is basically the same as Didai's universe that once wreaked havoc... no, maybe it has not been cleaned up until now——

Undead monsters are exactly the same!

What Lei Xu didn't know was——

At the same time, the earth of Didi Universe faced the biggest challenge since he left.

A well-known villain in the Austrian universe, Mr. Zhaodu Huoqiu appointed dog food, the ultimate sixth son who has been hidden so far and has not shown a trace is finally convinced of one thing.

The Kingdom of New Light has no time to take care of Didi Universe at the moment, and that terrible guy——

The fact that Reza, the emperor of the universe, is not in this universe!

Therefore, the earth was attacked with lightning speed, and the ball was used to make the universe:

Sfia pulled out its ancestral protective shield that can break even Pancake Superman's defense...

Perhaps it was a fateful accident, an unexpected car rollover, and the full-level tuba of an ace driver was finally handed over to his son who is also a dead driver...

Finally Escaped Marriage.jpg

The injured Lei Xu had to make a special trip to find Ya and bring her back to get married afterwards.

Hmph, in my (Sister Ka) field, Otto is not allowed to escape marriage!

As for the incident of capturing Mr. Fireball, the strongest mega-degree fireball in history, to work illegally for the Kingdom of New Light...

Not worth mentioning.jpg


Seven was taken aback for a moment, he was the only one present who still didn't know about "Light of the Earth":

"The undead monster is..."


Except for Superman Seven, all Ultra fighters roared in unison.

The whole "Light of the Earth" apart from the Cub of Light itself as the protagonist, the biggest horror is those...

Existence alone is the real name evil god of all life disasters in the entire universe!

Among them, the god of death, Engel Colas, is the most eye-catching.

On the side, Leo & Astra's eyes instantly turned into a terrifying solemnity:

Now that I think about it, little Reza doesn't seem so cruel...

Lei Xu was speechless for a long time.


Now the Cub of Light understands thoroughly——

The Magmas are apparently doing a very new kind of death...


PS: When uploading, there was a problem with the wireless keyboard and I deleted a bunch of manuscripts, and I came back temporarily... Ahhh, I'm going crazy.

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